Bajor: We Have a Problem"
By: Clarice, Orphan , [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Lyrr , Sick Gang Leader , [NPC]
Margaret Rose MacAlister , Marine CO, [RNPC]
Sister Moira , Clinic Director , [NPC]

Stardate: 58207.07 1300

==Bajor - Kalkyra, Rakantha Province==

Wright paused to look out the front window of the clinic.  So far, it had been a pretty busy day.  Over the last couple of days more and more people were coming in with complaints of nausea and vomiting.  Wright assumed a virus and treated their symptoms so that they could have some comfort until they were over whatever it was that was making them sick.

Wright began re-assessing his medical opinion as he watched more and more people line up in line outside the clinic.  In addition to the increased business, the illness appeared to be getting worse.  The symptoms now included loss of fine motor skill and delirium, people were now requiring hospitalization.  The illness was progressing, not declining.  Deciding that he would need some help he turned and strode through the crowded waiting area, past the exam rooms, and into what he called, "His Office."  Sitting down at a desk he tried to open a communication link to the Bajorian Ministry of Medicine, but was not able to get a connection.  Wright tried to contact Doctor Kensington on QulTuq and even Dr. Dane, but to no avail.

Wright left his office and went to the main hospital where he found Clarice helping Sister Moira get a Bajorian into his bed, "Have you seen the Major?" asked Wright.

Sister Moira looked at Wright with a grim face and shook her head.

"She said something about scouting around," said Clarice, "She was concerned because she could not get in touch with her men."

"Can you go find her?" asked Wright, "We are in a spot of trouble."

Clarice nodded and headed for the door.  Sister Moira sighed, "We are running out of bed space," she said.

"Start putting them in my office," he said, "No room is off limits now.  Make them as comfortable as possible.  I need to go try to get to the bottom of this illness."  Wright turned and headed towards the clinic's lab. "Time to look deeper," he muttered under his breath as he picked up a tricorder and began scanning a sample.


Major Margaret MacAlister had been walking around in a concise pattern, pausing every now and then to attempt making contact with her men.  She had been moving in an ever-widening circle for hours now and no matter where she went, communications seemed to be simply down.  She couldn't explain it, and it was beginning to concern her more and more.  Her next step was a visit to the nearest Communications Array in an attempt to determine why.

It took Clarice, who knew the village very well, only a few minutes to locate Madge.  She appeared to be wandering.  Clarice wondered if she was starting to get sick as too.  Clarice approached her, "Are you ok?"

Madge stopped what she was doing to look up at Clarice. Her normal smile wasn't readily evident but she nodded. "Aye, lass... I cannae get the comms ta work nay matter where I go," she told the girl. "I want ta find the communications array ta see if I can fathom what the trouble is.."

"Doctor John asked me to come find you," she said. "He looks worried about something."

"Ach now... Well, lead the way, lass," Madge motioned as she put her comm. equipment away. "We best see what's worrying the doctor, hmm?"

Clarice did not hesitate, she turned around and led the way back toward the clinic.


Lyrr pulled the blanket tighter around himself to try and stop his shivering.  A coughing fit racked his lungs as blood flecked spittle dripped from his mouth.  He had been planning an attack on the good doctor's clinic now that he had some weapons, however, he had managed to get sick, so he put his plans on hold.  He could feel the frustration mounting in his whole gang. They were itching for a fight.

"You do not look so good," said Farl, one of his gang members.

Lyrr pulled himself together long enough to reply, "You don't say.  I hadn't noticed myself."  Lyrr then launched into another spell of coughing. "This is miserable!" he said between deep labored breaths.

"Maybe you should go see that doctor," suggested Varl.   Lyrr glared at the boy standing next to him, "No!" he said as he layed back down onto his bed., "It will pass."

Varl did not tell him that others were starting to talk about taking control of the gang away from Lyrr.  A sick leader, after all, was not one that could be trusted. He supposed he should warn Lyrr, however he had not decided who's side he was on yet.  He still had some time before he decided.


"Old outdated equipment!" yelled Wright as he slammed his fist down onto the countertop of the lab he was working in. So far, this was the only room that did not have a sick Bajoran in it. Wright had been in the lab trying to isolate the cause of the illness and he was not having much luck, between the mysterious nature of the pathogen, and the faulty equipment Wright had his work cut out for him.

Madge and Clarice stepped inside just in time to hear his yell and the thumping fist. Madge quirked a brow and leaned against the doorframe. "Anything I can help with, doctor?" she asked calmly.

Wright tried to hide his embarrassment as he turned to regard Madge, "I was just trying to fix this old equipment," he said. "We have a problem," he added. "The whole village is getting sick and I am not able to contact Maquis Medical or Bajorian authorities."

"That's because the comms are down," she told him as she stepped into the room and over to where he seemed to be having trouble. "I dinnae ken why yet, but it extends well past the clinic. Anything I can do?" she asks and points to the faulty equipment.

"I know this is not your area of expertise," said Wright, "But I am afraid that Sister Moira is going to collapse." Wright looked out the window of the lab they were in, "Could you help her out."

Madge followed his gaze and frowned as she watched the good sister for a few moments. "I dinnae ken what I can do," she said, still frowning. "But we Marines are adaptable if we're anything. I'll do what she'll instruct me ta..."

"Oh, one more thing," said Wright, "How do you feel? Do you feel sick?" Wright lifted his tricorder and scanned her.

Madge quirked a brow at him and lightly touched the back of his hand. "Doctor.. I feel fine. Dinnae worry about me. I have the constitution of a horse."

Wright looked at the tricorder readings, "Yes, I would have to agree with you there. It would appear that humans are not vulnerable to this illness."

"'Tis just Bajorans then?" Madge frowned and looked over at Clarice since she was half Bajoran after all.

Wright seemed to catch onto Madge's concern right away. "How about you," he said to Clarice, "How do you feel?"

"I had the sniffles yesterday, which is unusual for me," she said, "but today I feel fine." Wright scanned her with his tricorder. Wright read the readings with a certain amount of surprise, "According to this, you should be sick," he said. "I'd like to run a couple more test on you. If you would not mind."

A small amount of fear ran through her. She did not want to be sick, not after seeing what it did to the Bajorians. "Sure, whatever you need Doctor John."

"I'll be playing at being a nurse if ye need me," Madge told them and left the lab to go talk to Sister Moira.


Varl sat at a table next to Lyrr's bed, and thought about his options. The gang continued to grow restless; more and more of them were now also starting to show signs of sickness. Lyrr no longer was able to give any kind of directions. He appeared to be delirious. It was time to make a decision.

He was contemplating his next move when two of the gang member entered the abandoned old house that Lyrr has made his own. Varl tightened his grip on the Cardassian weapon that sat hidden in his lap. "Get out," he snapped.

The two of them stopped and laughed, "Lyrr is not able to help you now," said Korr, who was perhaps the oldest member of the group. "It's time for a new leader." Korr nodded at his friend, who made a move to Lyrr's bed.

Varl did not hesitate he raised the weapon from his lap and fired it at Korr, who dropped to the floor dead. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said now pointing the ugly weapon at Lyrr's would be attacker.

The Kid looked at the unexpected weapon with surprise. Not sure of what he should do next he just stood there and looked at Varl.

"Get outside and tell everyone to get ready. We are taking Lyrr to the doctor." Varl stood up and prepared to break out Lyrr's weapon cache.

Bajor: Under Seige "
By: Clarice, Orphan , [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Margaret Rose MacAlister , Marine CO, [RNPC]
Sister Moira , Clinic Director , [NPC]

Stardate: 58207.07 1500

==Bajor - Kalkyra, Rakantha Province==

Now Major Margaret MacAlister had been trained in Advanced Combat First Aide, so was no slouch around injuries. And although having five older brothers had prepared her for cranky sick people, she was easily more at home with gaping wounds. So she was very glad that Sister Moira had her doing the more mundane work which freed her up to concentrate on the patients, because by her own admission, the Major had THE WORST bedside manner possible.

As she dried her hands and wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead with her forearm, the doors to the clinic burst open and Lyrr's gang swarmed in, armed, carrying their unconscious leader. There were 10 of them; all except Lyrr were armed.

"Where is the doctor," demanded Varl leveling his weapon at Madge. Beads of sweat rolled down his face. He felt so hot all of the sudden. "Where is he?"

Madge didn't flinch at having a weapon pointed at her and actually quirked a brow at the young man instead. Her instinctive reaction was reach for her weapon... Only at the present time, that would have been a towel and a bedpan. Neither of which she thought would do any good against a superior force, although she did keep hold of both because they each had potential.

"And what would ye boys be wantin', then? Barging in like ye are an' scarin' the poor wee ones?" she asked in her Scottish brogue, motioning to the children who were still conscious enough to be scared by the blatant show of force, and knowing full well *why* they were there since they were carrying an unconscious man and demanding to see the doctor. She was also astute enough to notice that several of them seemed to be showing early signs of the disease.

"Lyrr is sick," he said, "Get the doctor." Varl stepped closer to Madge, so that the weapon was only inches from her face. "Now!"

Madge was standing to the full extent of her six foot height and met Varl's gaze directly. "Putting that weapon in my face laddie, will nae get yer friend seen ta any the quicker," she told him quietly and for his ears only. "Take the lad over there and I'll get the doctor," she instructed in her normal tone of voice and motioned to an empty bed. Her eyes left Varl's then to search the clinic for Wright and Moira and Clarice, wanting to get a visual on their locations.

The two holding Lyrr brought him over to the bed and set him down.

Hearing the commotion Wright came into the room from the lab, followed closely by Clarice, "What is going on here."

Another Bajoran aimed his weapon at Wright, "Go slowly Doctor."

"Like I said," said Wright slowly, "what is going on?"

Varl spoke up from the other side of the room, "Lyrr is sick. You need to save him."

Wright took his tricorder out of the pocket of his lab coat and started walking over to where Lyrr was. He did not really need to scan Lyrr to know what was wrong with him, but decided to do so in order to satisfy their captors, "He is pretty sick," said Wright, "He has it worse than anyone else here."

"Fix him," demanded Varl. Varl started to cough.

Wright scanned Varl, "You are sick too."

"Shut up," snapped Varl, "Your job is to help Lyrr."

"My Job," said Wright, "is to help everyone. Look around you boy, everyone is sick. Don't you think that if I knew how to fix this I would?"

Varl looked around, his vision was starting to blur and he felt a bit dizzy. Looking at Sister Moira he issued several order in Bajoran and two more of his gang leveled their weapons at the sister. "If Lyrr dies, she does too."

"Here now and ye dinnae need ta do that, laddie," Madge frowned at Varl. "The good doctor is nae going ta let *anyone* die if he can help it," she told him. "Let him and Sister Moira do their jobs unhindered."

"Just help him," screamed Varl. Sweat now covered his face and drenched his tunic. Casting a wary look at Madge he moved himself so that he could use the wall to help support him and still keep his weapon on them. He was sick, he had tried not to admit it. "Get moving," he demanded.

Wright looked at Varl carefully, assessing his condition. He did not think that Varl would be able to stay focused on his task much longer. Wright turned to take another look at Lyrr. He gave Lyrr the same medicine and care that he had every other patient in the clinic. When he was done he stood up. Looking around he made eye contact with Madge and gave her a quick wink. Hopefully, they were on the same page. Simply wait the illness out and sooner or later their captors would either succumb to the illness or give up. They were just kids after all. He was reassured by her slight returning smile and an almost imperceptible nod of understanding. Wright started to walk back to the lab, grabbing Clarice as he went by.

"What...where do you think you are going," demanded Varl between coughing fits.

"I am going to try and figure out what is causing this sickness," said Wright.

"The half-breed stays here," he said wiping the sweat from his eyes.

"I need the girl's help," said Wright. "If you want me to help any of you, then get out of my way and let me work."

"She is probably the cause of all this," said another one of the captors. "Maybe if I killed her right now it would solve all of our problems."

"Back down young man," said Wright. "If you wish to continue breathing until tomorrow you better find another plan." The tone of Wright's voice indicated that he was serious. There had been a time in his life when that threat would have been funny; a time when "Do no harm" was his mantra, however, the war had changed him. There were times when even a doctor had to take a life, he knew that now, and would do it if he thought anyone was going to be harmed. Wright and Clarice walked into the lab.

Madge looked at each one of the boys in turn, noting their condition and their placement in the clinic. She then went quietly back to work, all the while keeping an eye on the boys and instinctively keeping herself between them and Sister Moira, and keeping herself in the most optimal position to react should she need to.

Time seemed to pass fairly slowly as first one hour went by. Wright and Clarice remained in the lab for the most part, with brief patient checks by Wright that Madge knew were to assess the condition of the boys. Sister Moira went calmly about her work, and Madge pretended to be busier than she actually was. She was waiting. Soon the illness would take its toll.

Varl stood leaning against the wall. The marine had resumed her work and Varl relaxed a little. He started shivering and it was a struggle for him to keep his eyes open. He had to fight, he told himself, for Lyrr. He felt so cold and yet he could not stop sweating. After about an hour he heard a noise. Lyrr had said something. Varl took a step toward Lyrr's bed and his world began spinning. He collapsed to the floor, dropping his weapon.

"Doctor!" MacAlister called out as she rushed to Varl's side to help the lad up and into a nearby bed. As she did, she quietly stowed his weapon out of sight. Another of the hoodlums lurched forward, brandishing his gun as if to warn Madge off Varl. But he too collapsed onto the floor, dropping his weapon in the process. The Major hurried over to him, stowing the weapon away and helping him into a bed. Several of the other hoodlums moved closer to their position, still brandishing their arms.

"You better fix them all!" One of them threatened. "Or we're going to start killing people!"

"Val Joran," said an old Bajoran as he sat up in a nearby bed. "Put that weapon down and let these people do their job." He coughed several times before continuing, "I knew your parents...good people. They would be very disappointed by this," he gestured at the boys around the room.

The young boy looked around. He could see the indecision on the faces of his remaining gang members. He dropped his weapons and slowly slid to the floor and started to cry.

Wright exited the lab and looked at the remaining captors. They were just young boys, too young for this, he thought. "Listen, please put down your weapons. I promise to do what I can, but holding us at gun point is not going to make it happen any faster."

The remaining captors looked at one another and one by one dropped their weapons to the floor.

"Thank you," said Wright. He looked at Madge, "Major secure these weapons."

"Aye, aye, sir." Although she had already begun to move, Madge responded instantly and automatically to the obvious tone of command in his voice. She was intrigued at the air of experience he projected; it seemed as if the good doctor was more than he appeared to be and she was going to have to reassess the situation. She quickly collected the weapons and secured them all in Wright's "office" where they could be locked up.

"The weapons are secured, sir," Madge reported a few minutes later when she rejoined Wright. She almost saluted him, and definitely quirked a curious brow in his direction along with a suppressed smile.

Wright looked at the Marine with a confused look, then it hit him that he has just issued a command. He had forgotten that he left his commander's hat on the Zion. "I'm sorry," he said, "I did not mean to start tossing orders around."

"Ach, 'tis a fine thing, doctor. Dinnae fuss yerself." Her smile bloomed to full force as she spoke. "Although, 'tis also a very curious thing, I must admit. I think I'll need ta fall back a wee bit, and regroup. Gather more intel and reassess the situation," she told him with a liberal does of merriment dancing in her eyes. "Aye, 'tis definitely time ta regroup," she nodded and clasped her hands behind her back as she turned and sauntered quietly off to go speak to the young men who'd held them hostage.

Wright watched her go. So much for just being a doctor, he thought. It was a foolish notion anyway, he decided, he could not just stop being a commander any more than he could stop being a doctor.

"Here now, and let's be getting ye up on a chair, laddie," Madge bent down to the first youth to help him up off the floor. Her smile was both genuine and warm. "I'm Major MacAlister," she told him.

The boy got up off the floor and sat in the chair. "Thank you...Major."

"I'll have the doctor come take a wee peek at ye, hmm?" She crouched down so she was on eyelevel with him. "Ye can call me Mac if ye like," she told him, still with the warm smile. "Can ye tell me where ye got the weapons, laddie?" she asked quietly. She'd taken a look at them when she'd gathered them up and had been surprised to find they were old style Cardassian arms. Something she thought had long ago been confiscated.

The boy shrugged, "Lyrr found em some where," he said. "He would not tell us where...said it was a secret."

"Alright then. Ye rest and I'll send the doctor over," she told him as she stood and left him.

Madge repeated the same scenario with all the boys, asking each of them the same question and eventually appearing before Wright to give him a small update.

"The weapons were all old style Cardassian arms," she told him. "I've spoken ta the lads and they all said the same thing. 'Lyrr found them somewhere and wouldnae say where he got them. T'was a secret..." she quirked a brow at him as if to say 'what do you think of *that*?.

"Do you suppose that Lyrr found a old Cardassian armory?" asked Wright.

"Aye, doctor, that I do," the major nodded. "Maybe nae if they had one or two. But they had *ten* of them," Madge responded.

"I can't help but wonder if Lyrr did not stumble onto more than Cardassian arms." Wright paused. "Let me tell you what I have got," said Wright. "You will notice that this illness has not affected You, the Sister, or Myself."

"’Tis most peculiar," Madge frowned. "Why would it only be affecting the Bajorans and nae us? And what aboot Clarice?"

"That is because we are dealing with a nanophage that is attacking a specific cellular protein that is present in Bajorans but not humans," he said. "Now, Clarice is infected," he said looking at Clarice, "however, she is not getting sick because she has a specific genetic marker found in Cardassians. This marker causes the nanopahge to self destruct."

"’Tis a biological weapon then…" Madge rubbed the back of her neck. This was serious.

"This is a biological weapon programmed to assault Bajorans, specifically designed to go out of its way to avoid Cardassian genetics." Wright looked at Clarice, "You my dear, are the key to saving all these people."

Clarice swallowed hard, "I am?"

Wright nodded, "I need to synthesize an agent to mimic the genetic factor that you have naturally. We need to trick the nanophage into self destructing."

"Ok..let's get started then," she said, "These people have not been very nice to me, but I do not want them to die."

Wright smiled at her, "I am very proud of you."

Clarice smiled brightly at Wright's compliment. For some reason she could not put her finger on, it meant a lot to her.

Madge smiled over at Clarice, pleased with her obvious happiness at being able to do something tangible to help. "I think yer right, doctor. I think Lyrr found something much bigger than just an armory," she agreed with his hunch. "Ye said he was sicker than all the rest?" she looked at him for confirmation. "Is that because he’s more susceptible? Or because he was the *first* ta be exposed and the disease is more advanced in him…" She was giving him some very pointed looks as if to say ‘see where I’m heading with this?’. "An old armory ‘tis not a place ye store biological weapons," she pointed out.

"Lyrr is exhibiting the most advanced stages of illness," said Wright. "It follows that he was the earliest Bajoran exposed." Wright called up a map of the area on his lab terminal. "When this started to look like an epidemic I started updating this map." The map had several dots, some darker than others. "The darkest dots represent the homes of the earliest patients. As you can see they are concentrated around here," he said pointing at a section of the map.

"There are lots of caves around there," said Clarice, "I used to go there to hide." Clarice frowned, "But Lyrr's gang hangs out there," she said pointing at a different spot on the map. "That is pretty far away from the dark dots."

"Aye, but that doesnae mean Lyrr couldnae have found something there," Madge observed and tapped the screen where the large concentration of dots was. " ’Tis being much easier ta keep a place secret from yer chums if it’s nae in yer backyard," she referenced the information she’d gotten from Lyrr’s gang. "I think ‘tis time for a wee bit of spelunking," she nodded decisively and looked over at Wright with a smile. "Doctor?"

It was clear to Wright from the look on her face and in the depths of her eyes that she wasn’t officially asking his permission because she wasn’t under his command, but she was respectfully acknowledging the apparent “command-authority” air he’d exhibited and wasn’t going to do anything until she got his thoughts and opinion. It was also clear that she was more than willing to defer to his suggestions if she found them sound and reasonable. After all, this *was* basically a medical situation, but if their hunches were right, it was also a terrorist one, however unintentional.

"I agree," said Wright, "we need to find the source. Maybe there is some information there that will help us counter the nanophage."

"’Tis settled then," Madge nodded. "I’ll gear up and get ready ta leave. Would ye care ta be me guide when the doctor is finished with ye, Clarice?" she looked to the young girl, and then in almost perfect unison, they both turned to direct their clear gazes on Wright. It was rather comical in a way, even given the severity of the situation. One pair of startling blue eyes, older and wiser gazed at the doctor, along with rather penetrating brown ones, not so old but also holding a wisdom that belied the owner’s youth.

"Go ahead, I have enough samples to work with," he said. "Be careful," he looked from Clarice to Madge, "Both of you."

"Dinnae worry yerself, doctor," Madge patted his hand. "I’ll take good care of the lass…." She smiled at him and winked at Clarice. "Or maybe she’ll take good care of me, hmm?" That said, she touched the girl on the tip of her nose and turned to go change clothes and get her things, leaving the doctor and the orphan alone.

When Pixies Fly"
By: Maxine Lucinda Tapert, Computer Specialist, [PC]
Mihkat , pilot , [NPC]

Stardate: 58207.07 1800

Blitzer rang the door of Max's temporary quarters.

When she opened the door she saw Blitzer, he was dressed in native Caitian clothing which was essentially a large circular piece of cloth fashioned into a long tunic.

Maxine blinked as she looked him up and down. "You look.... Wow... all dressed up..." she told him with a smile. "Lemme see.." she made a 'do-a-circle' motion with her fingers.

He held his arms out and turned around in a slow circle. It was a mottled white color, but edges were embroidered with flowing designs.

"Very nice..." she grinned. "Have anything on underneath it?" she asked curiously and almost tried to peek, but totally refrained from doing *that*. Although she *looked* like she was thinking about it.

"Of course not," said Blitzer, "beings without tails invented undergarments," he said matter of factly.

Maxine blinked and stared at him for several heartbeats. "They did? You don't? I mean... *really*?" she squeaks. He was naked under there....... "Wow.."

Blitzer put his arms down and cocked his head slightly to the side, "and you look all dressed up too!"

Blitzer did the 'do-a-circle' motion to her.

Maxine was wearing a sleeveless leather dress held on by straps and buckles. The skirt was fairly short, just barely reaching to mid-thigh. Her feet are tucked into a pair of matching leather knee-high boots with small heels.

Like he did, she held her arms out and turned in a slow circle, coming to a stop when she was facing him again.

He turned his head slightly sideways again as if to peek, "You wearing anything underneath it?"

She blinked and sputtered and broke out laughing. "I'm not telling."

Blitzer smiled. Now it was a mystery to be solved.

Blitzer reached down and lifted up his pack, "I got Harry to requisition us a Bajoran shuttle to be discrete," he said, "shuttle bay 16, we're ready to go."

"I'm ready," she grinned at him as she grabbed her backpack and slung it over one shoulder.

Blitzer smiled at her, as they walked down the corridor, "this is probably the only get-away we'll get. But I can't think of a better way to spend it....chasing down a drunk wingman," he said with a wink.

"Roight," she grinned up at him. "I'm going t' take your word for that because I've never chased down a drunken wingman before," she told him. "I'm just glad t' be going with you."

===Shuttle Bay 16===

The bay was deserted except for the shuttle. It was different to Blitzer from when they launched military crafts. There were always crews around triple checking systems.

"Here we go," said Blitzer opening the door, "..after you."

Maxine smiled as she stepped inside because this felt like something very familiar; stuck on a craft with him. She was going to enjoy herself.

The shuttle was small, essentially one compartment. Blitzer stowed his pack in an overhead bin and gestured for Max to hand him hers, which she promptly did after first tugging out her computer.

"Ever been on a Bajoran shuttle before," asked Blitzer.

"No, I don't think so..." she told him as she looked around and slipped into the co-pilot's seat. "It's... cozy."

"The head is behind that hatch," he said pointing to the small door.

He opened a storage compartment, "No replicator, rations are in here," he said as he inspected a package of instant andorean tea.

Sitting down he started up the pilot's console. Everything was written in Bajoran.

"Its Bajoran alright," muttered Blitzer. He checked the fuel indicators. It was the only basic system he could get a reading on.

"Flight control, we're ready for take off," said Blitzer into the comlink.

"You are cleared for take off," came the prompt reply

Blitzer activated the the flight system and the shuttle levitated and accelerated directly to one-quarter impulse.

"Setting a course to 'Burner's Favorite Bar #3,'" said Blitzer, "I think."

"Why #3?" Maxine asked as she watched what he did intently. "Can you read Bajoran?"

"Number 3 because I think #1 and #2 would hide their alcohol when they see him coming." Blitzer made some gestures with his paw-finger extended as if he were making some sort of sophisticated mental calculation.

"Yep, Number three."

"Uhm. Bajoran? I can speak Bajoran, but I can't read it very well."

Max had to laugh at his actions. "If I didn't trust you so much, I'd be nervous," she grinned at him and motioned to the Bajoran words. "Want me to redisplay it in Federation Standard? Or Caitian?" she asked him.

"Federation standard would be fine," he answered.

"Federation standard it is," she nodded and fired up her computer to link to the shuttle's so she could change the console's display. Pretty soon the Bajoran words blinked an were replaced with Federation standard. "There y'go," she smiled over at Blitzer. "So.. 'ow long's our flight?"

"First Stop," said Blitzer, "Dreon VII" We'll be there in 1 hour 29 minutes.

"Can we get something t' eat when we get there?" she asked. "M'not eating rations if I can 'elp it."

Blitzer thoughtfully scratched his whiskers, "Yeah, Mott's Dagger has food. But they don't have Italian."

Maxine blinked and then laughed softly. "Dang.. No spaghetti-sucking for us," she teased him with a silly grin. "But... do they have dancing?" She was still teasing although the prospect was more than appealing.

Blitzer gave her a peculiar look, "well, yeah," said Blitzer remembering the last time he was out with Burner, "they have have dancing."

"Oh good. Maybe we can try again then..." she grinned at him, totally clueless as to just what *kind* of dancing that peculiar look was hinting at.

Blitzer checked his settings.

"Can I come too?" Krystal popped into view and Maxine frowned at her.

"I thought I left you to baby sit the new AI..." Max said.

"I'm multi-tasking!" Krystal announced, all proud of herself and stuff. And she wiggled her fingers at Blitzer.

A little bit later, Blitzer announced, "we're here."

Everyone watched as the atmosphere started getting thicker, dragging the shuttle and causing it to lurch and bump. Several minutes later it was on the ground.

Blitzer stood up and smoothed his clothes. "this is it."

"You," Maxine pointed at the Pixie, "stop multi-tasking," she told the small sprite as she stood and smoothed down her dress. "Ready," she smiled up at Blitzer. "Let's go find your wingman."

Blitzer turned and pushed the button on the door which hissed as the pressure equalized.

"Be careful," reminded Blitzer, "this is a hive of villainy and scum."

"Villainy and scum?" Maxine looked up at him. "Well... Don't y'dare lose me then," she straightened her dress again even though it didn't need it. "Can't be any worse than those crabby bug things... Can it?"

As they entered, Blitzer's nose went into overload. The smell of booze, food and the sweaty scent of dozens of different alien species. They worked their way toward the bar. Before they arrived several females appeared on a stage, they began to strip to the rhythmic beat of music. Blitzer stopped and stared a moment, "dancing..." he said.

Maxine stood next to him and her eyes widened as she watched the stage. "That's not dancing... That's just.. live porn... M'glad Krystal isn't here..."

"How come?" he asked as he tried to continue through the crowd.

"Because she'd never stop asking questions," Maxine explained as she kept close to him. "And she'd 'ave a field day with erotic strippers. We'd never hear the end of 'pert breasts'."

Blitzer rolled his eyes as he shook his head.

"I don't see him in here," he said continuing, "let's ask at the bar."

"Have you seen this man?" asked Blitzer handing a holopic to the bartender.

The man only stared at Blitzer and replied, "I don't talk to Kzinti."

"Oh, that's okay Sir, I don't either, I'm Caitian."

The bartender turned around and continued doing busywork, organizing bottles and things.

Blitzer turned to Max, "..of all the..."

Max frowned deeply and held out her hand. "Lemme try.."

Blitzer nodded and handed her the holopic, and stepped back.

"S'cuse me, sir," she called out to the bartender, raising up on tiptoe a bit so she could lean slightly over the bar top and smile at him.

The bartender turned. "Well, well fine lady, what can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for this man... Could y'tell me if 'e's 'ere?" She held the holopic up for him to see.

The man took picture, "Who wants to know..?"

"Me," she pointed to herself. "'e's my brother," she confided.

The bartender eyed the Caitian suspiciously. "Well buy a drink for you and your furbag friend, and maybe I'll tell you what you want to know."

"Sure," she turned to Blitzer and quirked a brow. "What do y'want t' drink?" she asked as she searched around for her credit stick.

"Blitzer leaned forward, "do you have any Irish Cream?"

The bartender ignored Blitzer and set two bottles of ale on the bar and took Max's credit slip while muttering the whole time.

Maxine quirked a brow and glanced from Blitzer to the bartender, her gaze remaining on him. "Well?"

"Well what?" chorted the bartender.

"My brother?" she prompted him.

"Hmm.. yes, your 'brother,' yes, he was here."

The computer suddenly made a large beep as he tried to process her credit stick. He scowled and punched in some more stuff, grumbling he pulled the card out and handed it back to her.

"Thanks. How long ago did he leave?" she asked after re-pocketing her credit stick and taking a drink of ale.

The bartender had a angry look on his face. "Your brother left with a huge bar tab, if you pay it, I will tell you where he went."

"'ey now..." Max frowned. "'ow much is it?"

"Its 1,024 Dregaks, more than you have on your credit," said the Bartender spreading his palms on the bartop and leaning toward Max in a menacing way.

Max blinked and straightened up, pulling back a bit from him.

It occurred to Blitzer that the bartender had already tried to charge Max for Burner's bar tab. Tapped Max's shoulder with his credit chip.

"We'll take care of it..." she assured him as she took Blitzer's chip and offered it to the angry man.

The bartender charged Blitzer's credit chip and handed it back to her. He handed them another round of Ale which apparently they also 'bought.'

"Uhh.. thanks.." Max offered automatically. "My brother?"

The bartender scowled and nodded to the screen behind him.

It showed security video of Burner slipping on to a transport vessel.

"Hmm.. Do y'know where it went?" Maxine asked.

The bartender put down another round of ale and held his hand out.

Blitzer set his credit chip on the bar.

"That transport left for the Ferengi dabo barge near Starbase 375," said the bartender.

Blitzer drank down the 3rd bottle, his eyes tried to focus on the writing on the bottle, "roo-mu-l..." he mouthed quietly.

"Thanks," Maxine smiled at the bartender and cast a quick glance to Blitzer. "Uhh.. Next stop Starbase 375?" she asked the squinting Cait.


"Wait!" commanded the Bartender. "no one leaves Mott's without having at least three drinks," he said pointing to the drinks she left on the bar.

Maxine looked from the bartender to Blitzer and then back. "Is that a rule?" she asked as she stepped up to the bar and took hold of one of the bottles, tipping the neck towards the man. "Y'know... I used t' be pretty good at this..." she warned him, lying through her teeth before placing her lips on the bottle and drinking the ale down.

"A'course..." she slapped the empty bottle back onto the bar. "What I drank was 'omemade," she grinned at him and curled her fingers around the second bottle, casting a 'don't-let-me-fall-over' glance back to Blitzer.

Blitzer had a dumbfound expression on his face.

After drinking down the other two bottles of ale, the third going down s bit more slowly than the first two, Max tried to wink at the bartender and failed in a grand comedic try. Then she looked over at Blitzer, squinting to get him into focus.

"M'ready now.." she told him and belched. "Whoops..." she giggled and pressed her fingers to her lips.

Blitzer and Max wobbled out of the establishment. The planet's sun had set. It was a hot dry and dusty planet.

The bar had been almost frigid inside. Blitzer stopped and took in the hot dry air, looking up at the stars.

The Romulan ale had given him the munchies. "Hungry?" he asked.

"Uhmm..." she squinted at the stars and then at him. "Starved," she nodded with a hiccup and hung onto him to keep from falling over. "I don't think I have m'planet-legs, cap'n," she told him with a grin.

Nearby was what appeared to be a small cardassian transport ship which had been converted it into a diner.

As they entered it the atmosphere fell silent. Blitzer's sensitive ears could here the murmurings, "khizinti..khiziniti.."

"I'm not a Kzin! I'm a Caitian!" announced Blitzer.

Almost immediately a bajoran waitress appeared, "Follow me..."

She led them to a secluded booth around the corner from the main area.

"Sorry," she said, "order something and make it quick. The locals don't like...felinoids." she said studying the caitian.

"'e's a *good* fee-felinoid," she sounded the word out carefully. "Uhmm.. I'll have a burger and some fries and a milkshake," she told the woman. She was all about the junk food.

Comfortable with the terran cuisine menu Blitzer stammered, "I'll haff the same."

"Better give him *three* burgers," Maxine told the waitress as she held up four fingers and then five and then two and finally pulled another finger up with her other hand to make three. "'e's a big guy."

In almost no time the waitress brought the food, "now hurry."

Blitzer snarfed his food. He was starving and it sounded like a good idea to hurry up.

Maxine did pretty much the same thing because let's face it.. Romulan Ale on an empty stomach is a really *bad* idea, and her stomach wanted something to help neutralize the holes it was trying to eat in its tender membrane walls.

When they were finished Blitzer stood up and helped Max to her feet too, catching her when she stumbled against him.

Blitzer peered around the corner there were a lot of people out there, it might have been the 2nd bottle of romulan ale starting to kick in too, he wasn't sure.

"Ahm going to the bathroom before we leave." said Blitzer. He turned and entered the head down the hallway.

As Max waited she heard the door open.

Three large aliens entered. They looked around The first one opened his mouth. He had crusty green teeth. "Who owns this Bajoran shuttle with the Kziniti?"

Someone from the crowed pointed in Max's direction.

Max saw the guys, heard the question and even her fuzzy brain said... 'Oh shit.." She hurried down the hall, only stumbling into the wall once and pounded on the door of the head, rattling the knob at the same time. "Bliz.. Lemme in!" she said through the door in a semi-slurred whisper and looked back over her shoulder. "Hurry!! Hurry!!"

"I'm not done yet!" said Blitzer.

"Hurry!! Hurry!!" she rattled the knob again.

Blitzer opened the door a crack "Whaz the ..." as she pushed her way through and slammed the door.

"The girl's room is on the other side, you shouldn't be in ..."

"Shhh!" she stumbled against him and started whispering," There's some really gross looking guys with crusty green teeth looking for whoever owned the Bajoran shuttle with the Kziniti," she told him as she looked around for another exit and spotted a window. "I think they're coming this way! We gotta get out of 'ere!"

Blitzer could hear some commotion coming down the hall. They were talking to the bajoran waitress. She seemed to be stalling them.

Blitzer looked up at the window Max was trying to unfasten. He pushed it out.

"Quick," he whispered motioning to her. "I'll help you up."

"Okay," she gripped the sill with her hands and nodded to him. "Ready," she said started to pull herself up along with using her toes against the wall to help.

Blitzer put his paws squarely on the bottom of her tush and gave her a boost.

"Weeee!" she giggled and managed to get the toes of one foot up on the sill, but she was pretty uncoordinated by this time and tipped forward enough to tumble head first out the window. "OW!" was all Blitzer heard.

Blitzer smirked, a mystery was solved.

He Jumped up to the the window with cat-like grace and pulled himself up.

He looked out, it was a long way down. He grabbed the window ledge and climbed down to where he could jump.

"you alright?" he asked Max.

"No... Yes... Uhmmm... I dunno," she giggled and hadn't moved from where she'd landed, sprawled on the ground.

Blitzer let go of the side and tumbled to the ground. "uft!"

Maxine lifted her head to look over at him. "You alright?"

Blitzer got up and dusted himself off, "I think so, let's get out of here!"

"Roight..." she managed to struggle to her feet without falling over.

Blitzer grabbed Max's hand as if that would help her keep up as they dashed across the tarmac toward the landing area.

As they got to the shuttle, they saw the aliens emerge from the diner and started yelling as they ran toward them.

Blitzer jumped into the pilot's seat and fired up the impulse drive.

"Uhhh... Can you fly this thing now?" Max asked as she squinted at the panel in front of them. "Whoa... starry.."

As the systems came to life, Blitzer felt much more relaxed. Certainly the ale was starting to take maximum effect.

"Shur," he said, "My friend Burner taught me how to fly like this." his paws swiped at the attenuation controls. "you know your perspective is messed up, you have to trust your hands to do the work," he said with a nod of assurance.

"Your hands still work when you're drunk?" she asked with a giggle.

Blitzer held up his paws, 'Oh, right..."

The shuttle levitated and bumped another shuttle parked near by. Blitzer make a wincing expression on his face and then proceeded to fly forward. "She'lds shup," slurred the Caitain pilot.

"Oh, that's me!" Maxine straightened and squinted at the panel. "Sheields up!" she repeated as she poked at the control panel.

As he accelerated he realized he didn't have enough height as he ascended toward Mott's "whoa!"

The shuttle veered up, and headed directly towards the huge building.

"Uhh... Bliz..." Maxine blinked and covered her eyes as the the large building loomed in the view window, peeking out through her fingers.

Blitzer closed his eyes as he attempted evasive maneuvers. The shuttle began to turn sideways and veered starboard but now headed directly toward the sign which glowed near the establishment. It was made to look like a ferengi dagger and had the word MOTT's written on it.

Now trying to avoid the sign Blitzer turned the shuttle again.

But the wing contacted the sign and then lit up in a glow of energy as the shields kicked in on contact. The wing sheared off the point of the 'dagger', sending it crashing to the ground in a shower of sparks and plasma.

"Whoops..." Maxine giggled as she watched the tip of the dagger crash to the ground. "That was uh.. pretty damn impressive," she told Blitzer. "Can we do it again?"

"That did *not* happen!" he said running his paw through his mane, trying to convince himself, "bad kitty, bad kitty."

Maxine blinked and started giggling even more. "Baaaadddd kitty..." she repeated.

As the shuttle accelerated into the darkness of space Blitzer started giggling. It was only now that the Romulan Ale was really starting to take effect.

It was about that time that Krystal popped back into view. "WE CRASHED!" she squealed and looked like she plastered herself to the glass. "Ooohhh... Pretty..." she said as she watched the sparks. Then she fluttered around to stand on the console and look between the giggling pair. She blinked.. Several times. She'd NEVER seen Max giggle... and then there was Warrior Toes, who was giggling too.

"You... You're both.... giggling," she announced and looked at them suspiciously before brightening. "Are we having a party??"

Blitzer leaned back and toward Max in an drunken exaggerated motion, "there are two pixies here," he said as if Krystal couldn't hear.

"Really? Lemme see.." Maxie grins and leans closer to him as if she'd be able to see better from his perspective. She puts her head close to his and looks in the same direction. "Ooohhh... You're roight," she nodded.

Krystal blinked and eyed the pair of drunks. "I'm not two pixies. I'm ONE pixie. ME, Krystal!" she stamped a little foot and sparkle of pixie dust poofed up.

"There's one for each of us," Max turned her head to grin at Blitzer, totally ignoring the pixie's antics. "Which one do y'want?"

"That one's cuter, I'll take that one..."

"Okay," she nodded. "On three we both grab, 'kay?" She waited for his nod and then started the countdown. "One... Two... Uh... Wait... I lost track.."

Blitzer reached for the pixie but missed and ended up on the floor. He laughed hysterically.

Maxine squeaked when he reached unexpectedly and then lunged too, winding up on the floor on top of him, and laughing just as much. "We missed."

Blitzer tried to get up but found himself stuck. Stuck between the two flight seats and entangled with a human.

The shuttle felt like it was spinning out of control. "Krystal!? are you flying this thing?"

The pixie walked to the edge of the console and peered down at the entangled pair. "No.. I'm watching you and Maxie wrestle on the floor.."

"Oh...Okay," said Blitzer humbly, "Uhm... can you fly this thing?"

"I'm programmed with rudimentary flight data. I can keep it on course if you tell me where we're going. I can even engage the auto-pilot," the pixie told him.

"Are we wrestling?" Maxine asked as she looked down at Blitzer. "If y'are, y'better stop turning me around.."

"I'm not turning... can you take your foot off of....ouch!"

"Uh... sorry..." Maxine struggled to sit up. "Oooof! Uh... I'm stuck."

"Ow, my tail!"

Krystal giggled as she sat down on the edge of the console to watch them.

Finally Blitzer managed to free his leg which had gotten stuck under the seat and lifted off so Max could get her hands on the chair's arm and pull herself off him. He then crawled out between the chairs and plopped down on the deck. "I'm free," he sang out, "free at last!" He laid his had on the deck and laughed. "fu-freeee!"

Maxine plopped down beside him and started to sing along. "Fuu-reeee..." she giggled and poked him in the arm. "How long before we get there?"

Blitzer lifted his arm up and pointed toward Krystal, "ask the pixie, she's flying."

Maxine looked up at Krystal and before she could ask, the pixie said, "Seven hours, twenty-three minutes, and thirty-five seconds.. Approximately."

Max blinked and looked at Blitzer. "Naptime?"

Blitzer reached out and pulled on a long drawer next. It caused a sleeping mat to glide out. Blitzer rolled himself onto it. "Its been a long day," noted Blitzer.

"Oohh.. Nice..." Max grinned and crawled onto the mat, curling on her side next to him. "It has..." she hiccupped and then promptly yawned.

"Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall..." Pixie started to sing as she turned around to sit on the console cross-legged as she watched the direction they were headed. "Ninety-nine bottles of beer..."

"Is that a lullaby?" Maxine asked Blitzer with another yawn.

"None like I've ever heard, will she do that all night?"

"I 'ope not... sush, Pixie," she called out and Krystal dutifully stopped singing and started humming. But it wasn't 99 bottles of beer on the wall any longer.

Blitzer instructed the computer to turn the lights off. The shuttle was completely dark except for the slight glow of the pixie, looking out the window.

It was quiet except for the drone of the engine, a humming hologram and an occasional giggle.

Bajor: The Secret Base "
By: Clarice, Orphan , [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Margaret Rose MacAlister , Marine CO, [RNPC]
Sister Moira , Clinic Director , [NPC]

Stardate: 58207.07 1800

==Bajor - Kalkyra, Rakantha Province==

Major Margaret MacAlister wasn't dressed in a Maquis Marine Uniform, but she might as well have been. Her civilian dress, although slightly different in color and design, was every bit as functional and utilitarian. Green cargo pants were tucked into high top boots and a complimenting green long sleeved shirt was tucked into the belted waistband. On top of that she wore a slightly different colored green vest. There were pockets everywhere, and she not only had a pack belted around her waist, she also sported a small backpack with coiled lengths of rope and climbing hardware attached to it. She had a knife attached to her belt along with a holstered pistol.

She wore her red hair braided tightly and tucked in on itself so it didn't get in the way, and there was a hat perched on top of her head. She looked like an explorer who was getting ready to go mountain climbing; and indeed climbing and spelunking had both been on her To Do list when she came to Bajor. She carried a telescoping walking stick tucked under one arm, and she was holding something in her hand as she approached Wright.

"Doctor," she smiled as she strode up and stopped before him. "I have a PCU I'm going ta leave with ye. If I could get ye ta wear it?" she asked, holding it out to him in one hand. It was a small, functionally designed, state-of-the-art communication unit. It clipped onto the ear with a small ear bud speaker and a slender transparent boom mic. She indicated the one she wore. "I want ta be able ta keep in touch with ye," she announced.

Wright looked at the marine with a confused expression, "I thought communications were blocked?"

"Communications *are* blocked," she agreed with a smile. "Normal communications.. The subspace frequencies are all being blocked. But this uses strictly old radio frequencies. No processors, no power modulation enhancers or boosters, no antenna arrays, and no transmission relay systems," she explained. "'Tis strictly LOS and if we get out of range from each other, we lose contact. This type of technology hasn't been used as a stand alone system for..... eons," she smirked a little because that was bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. "We can talk ta each other, but ye cannae contact the station, or a ship, or anyone who doesn't have another one of these units using these specific frequencies," she told him. "'Tis what the Boys and I use when we're on maneuvers. Or... doing things we dinnae want anyone ta know about..."

"Ok," said Wright taking the device and putting it on. "How does this thing work?"

"Here, let me..." she spoke softly as she stepped in beside him to make some fine adjustments with the unit. The fingers that touched his ear were warm and slightly calloused, but quite, and perhaps surprisingly gentle. Her voice was quiet as she explained how to operate it, ending with a smiling, "'Tis very user-friendly, as she stepped back.

Wright touched his hand to his ear. The device felt awkward and a little uncomfortable. "Clarice went to change clothes. She said she would meet you out in front."

"Well, and then I better get cracking, hmm?" she smiled.

"Good luck Mac," said Wright

"Aye. And dinnae be getting in trouble while I'm gone, doctor," she told him with a wink and a two fingered saluting gesture before turning on a heel and striding purposefully from the clinic to meet Clarice.

Wright watched her as she left and then turned his attention back to his work. He was getting closer to isolating the mysterious Cardassian gene that would end this while nightmare.


It was dark now, the sun of Bajor having set a good hour ago. Clarice and MacAlister had already searched five caves, with no results and were just finishing the sixth.

"How many more are there, lass?" Madge asked as they crawled out of the cave and stood besides its opening. The major tucked the flashlight under her arm and pulled out a couple bottles of water to offer one to Clarice along with an energy bar. It was late and the tall redhead, for one, was hungry.

"Thank you Major MacAlister," said Clarice wiping her dirty hands off on the legs of her pants and taking the bar. "There are a lot of caves around here," she replied. "I am skipping the ones that I have already been in. If there had been a secret Cardassian base in them, I think I would have seen it."

"Aye, I'm sure ye'd have noticed," Madge chuckled a bit. "And call me Mac, lass," she added with a smile. "Now. And how far ta the next cave?" She finished off the energy bar and took a drink of water.

Clarice beamed a smile at Madge. "It's not too far," she said also finishing of her water and leading Madge out of the cave into the cool Bajoran night. "Over there," she pointed with her right hand at yet another cave complex.

Madge pulled a pair of binoculars from her pack and raised them up to her eyes, switching them into night mode as she scanned the area Clarice pointed to. "Aye, I see them..." she told her as she continued to scan the surrounding area. She had done the same thing at every cave complex the young girl had led her to, quietly explaining in the beginning that she was looking for anything unusual or anything that might indicate a defense system was in play.

Clarice watched as Madge scanned the cave complex. She had never ventured near those caves so she felt a small bout of excitement.

"Here now.. and what is this...." MacAlister adjusted the glasses a little and peered closer at an area that was quite a bit further south than where Clarice had indicated. "Do ye ken what is over there, lass?" Madge took the glasses down and pointed to where she'd been looking.

Clarice looked into he binoculars, which to her surprise showed the Complex as if it were bright daylight out there. "Wow," she exclaimed, taking the binoculars away from her eyes as if making sure that it really was dark out, "This is amazing," she said.

"Night Vision," Madge smiled at the girl's excitement. "Now look again, lass..." she urged her. "And pay attention ta the lay of the land and ta the growth pattern of the foliage..."

Clarice looked again. It looked as if there was a rock slide a while ago. New plants had grown over the rocks, however, there was something wrong. In the middle of this large vegetation incrusted rock was a pristine rock face. There was no new plant growth at all. "It doesn't look very natural does it?"

"Nae, 'tis not," Madge agreed. "We need ta investigate it. If my suspicions are correct, 'tis a holographic camouflage covering the verra thing we're looking for. 'Tis standard operating procedure when ye are wanting ta hide something in plain view," she added.

"I don't recall seeing anything like it when I have been out here before," she said as they started moving towards the caves.

"'Tis the glasses, lass. Ye see things with a different perspective," Madge explained as she tucked them back into her pack. "Ye probably cannae see it with the naked eye during the daylight. Unless ye are looking for it."

Clarice shook her head, "No, I mean that I do not think that new rock face was there before. It's new."

When they got to the hologram, Madge scanned the area with her tricorder. "Let's make sure 'tis not being booby trapped," she smiled over at Clarice before finally passing her hand through the hologram when she found it to be safe. "Now then, shall we see what's behind it?" She motioned for Clarice to let her go first and stepped through the hologram with her tricorder still taking readings.

Clarice reached out and tried to touch the rock face. Her hand slipped through the illusion. Feeling somewhat reassured she stepped though.

What they found behind the camouflage was the vegetation covered rocks missing from the original hologram. "There should be an opening here somewhere," Madge told the young girl as she scanned the area with her tricorder and pushed around some of the foliage.

Clarice began looking over the rocks but could not see anything that looked like an opening. Looking at the ground, however, she started to laugh, "Mac, look at this," she said pointing at the ground. It looks like someone was here and tried to hide their tracks." She laughed again, "Lyrr is such a loser."

Madge crouched down and examined the ground, chuckling along with Clarice. "Aye, and wasn't it nice of the lad ta show us right where the door is." She stood in Lyrr's tracks and moved the foliage away to show a small cave opening. "We'll have ta thank the lad when we get back," she grinned and scanned the opening before slipping through. "'Tis safe, lass.." she called back and waited for Clarice to enter the cave before the two began exploring it.

Clarice looked around , "What's next?"

"We find where Lyrr discovered the weapons," Madge answered. "Then we see if we cannae find the culprit for what's making everyone sick." Madge used her tricorder to scan the inside of the cave, looking for any signs of an entrance or any security. She pointed to the ground and Lyrr's footprints. "Let's follow the lad then."

"After you," said Clarice. She followed Madge very closely. She did not know what was going to happen next and felt safest with the Major.

"Off we go...." Madge led the way, shining her light on the cave floor as the two followed Lyrr's tracks.

Clarice stuck close to Madge as they approached the doorway leading into the facility. It stood open, apparently having been damaged as some point while the base was dormant. Entering the facility, the first thing Clarice noticed was a large computer display mounted on the wall. It displayed what appeared to be a map with writing she could not understand. The room also contained several workstations, also with computer consoles.

"I think we found it Mac," said Clarice.

"Aye, t'would seem so," Madge agreed as she looked around and then stood quietly as she studied the largest computer display.

Clarice walked around the workstations in the room. She could not read anything displayed on them, "It's all gibberish," she said.

"Nae lass, 'tis Cardassian," Madge corrected.

"You can read this?" asked Clarice. "What does it say?"

"Aye, I can," the Major nodded. "'Tis a map of their hidden bases on Bajor," Madge pointed to the display as she talked. "This is where we are, and these other bases are marked as 'unable ta communicate'," she explained and then frowned deeply. "Here now, and what's this..." the Marine turned her attention to a chart that showed the progression of the infection. "'Tis monitoring the spread of the infection. And right now it covers the entire village." Madge automatically pointed, showing Clarice what she was talking about.

"Dr. Wright, do ye copy?" the Major activated her comm. unit and called to the doctor.

Wright nearly jumped out of his skin when the communication device that Madge had given him earlier came to life in his ear. Pulling himself together he replied, "Yes Major, I am here?"

"Good, Good. But I need ye *here*, Doctor," the Major told him. "Clarice and I have found an abandoned Cardassian base. We're looking at a screen now that is monitoring the spread of the infection," she went on to explain as she moved about the room and checked the other workstations, pausing to read the displays. "I dinnae want ta proceed without ye, doctor." Then she went on to explain how the display also showed several other hidden bases and their error messages.

"Excellent Major, I'll be right there," said Wright. "Umm, where are you?"

"We're located underground about three clicks from yer position," she told him and gave him the map coordinates. "If ye like I'll send Clarice ta fetch ye," she offered. "I'm going ta check out the rest of the compound," she told him and headed for one of the other doors off the main room.

Wright chuckled at her use of the word "clicks" and took note of the map coordinates she had given him. He activated the comm unit she had given him again, "I'll be right there Major." He placed the samples and work that he had already completed into his case.

Wright ran thought the clinic, pausing only to tell the sister where he was going. He needed to hurry because several of his patients were in very bad shape, including the young Lyrr.

While Wright was packing his bag up and heading out of the clinic, Madge and Clarice activated one of the doors off the main room to find a storage area. "I think 'tis safe ta say we know where Lyrr got his weapons," Madge indicated some of the opened cases and discarded weapons. "Let's check out these other cases and see if there's anything salvageable, hmm?" she smiled over at the young girl.

Clarice poked around in several off the storage cases. She found mostly weapons. Lyrr had a whole arsenal to himself here, she thought as she opened another box. Inside this box was what looked a lot like the things doctors used to give medicine. Clarice held one up for Madge to see, "There is a whole box of these doctor tools."

Madge went over to check out what Clarice had found. "'Tis a good find," she nodded. "The clinic can surely be using these. Let's move them all into a separate pile so we can retrieve them more easily later."

When they'd accomplished that small task, Madge and Clarice moved back through the main room and proceeded to check out the other room off it. Madge let out a soft, low whistle when the door opened to expose a science lab with three large storage tanks. "Saints be praised..." she murmured as her blue eyes took in the room and settled on an active computer terminal display that seemed to be going through some form of counting process.

"Doctor, how close are ye?" Madge activated her comm to contact Wright.

Wright half ran and half walked towards the map coordinates that Madge had given him. "I'm here... I think, where is the entrance?"

"Ach, hang on a wee second and I'll have the lass show ye," Madge comm'd back and motioned to Clarice to go show the good doctor the way inside.

Wright smiled as he saw Clarice's head pop out of the rock wall in front of him. He moved quickly toward her.

Soon her hand popped out of the rock as well and waved at him, "Hello Doctor John," said Clarice's head.

"Hello," said Wright. He stopped in front of the holographic wall. "Do you have any idea of distressing it is to see our head and arm stuck in a rock wall?"

"Never mind that," she said, "come in here and look at what we found." She waved again and then disappeared behind the wall.

Wright pushed his way thought the hologram and found himself inside a small cave. At the back of the cave was another entrance. Wright followed Clarice through the entrance and into a large control room.

"Come on Doc, it's got a lab," she said leaving the control room and entering another room.

Wright followed her into what appeared to be a fully equipped lab. In the center of the lab were three cylindrically shaped containers. The equipment in the lab looked to be slightly outdated but it would help him get the job done. In front of the containers was a long work table. The work table was divided into three work areas, each with a computer station. "Wow," said Wright, walking over to one of the work stations.

Wright could make out a graphical representation of the three containers on the display. There were Cardassian symbols next to it that Wright was not able to read. "Can either of you read Cardassian?" asked Wright pointing to the display.

"Aye," Madge nodded and moved over next to Wright. "Glad ye made it doctor," she smiled at him. "This.." she pointed to the symbols next to the graphical representation of the containers, "Is a running rate of nanophage production," she explained, telling him what the level was at now.

"I was just looking through the last files accessed on the system," she motion to another terminal. "And I found some that look like someone tried ta delete them," she told him.

Wright looked at the logs, "We will have to let the Bajoran authorities deal with that." He returned to the other station. "First, we need to stop this from making more nanophages." Wright looked at Madge, "Any way that you can see to shut it down?"

"Looks like it requires some clearance ta get into the control program," Madge told him as she sat at one of the work stations and began operating the controls. "Let me see what I can find. There are project notes...." she mused and began rifling through the computer files, reading Wright anything she found that even mentioned the nanophage and trying to hack into the system.

While Madge worked Wright opened his medical bag and removed the tools and samples that he had brought with him. Even if they got the system to shut down they still needed to find a way to stop the infection.

"T'was engineered by Cardassian military scientists," Madge read out loud from some of the project notes she'd found. "Meant ta be a final solution for dealing with the Bajorans when the Cardassian's left Bajor," she continued. "Or if there was some sort of civil uprising..." There was a pause and when she spoke again a frown in her voice. "They built the wee buggy and tested it in this lab using real Bajoran test subjects."

Clarice frowned. A sadness filling her inside.

Wright sighed and shook his head.

Madge continued to relay what she was finding. "Once the nanophage was perfected they built several smaller satellite stations ta help distribute the nasty thing. The Cardassians protected themselves though. They built a self destruct into the bug that triggers when it encounters a cellular structure that is found in Cardassians but not in Bajorans."

Wright looked from Madge to Clarice, "It is a good thing they did that," he said. "We can use that to help destroy it." Wright moved over to another piece of equipment, one that he recognized as a medical replicator.

"The system in this lab created, programmed and distributed the nonophages," Madge continued to relay the information she was finding to Wright. "Oh here now... I found the technical information on the nanophages in the database," she grinned over at him and before she could relate any of the data to him, she let out a soft 'hoorah'. "I'm inta the main control program," she told him. "Give me a minute ta see if I can get this nasty bug shut down."

Wright looked up from the medical replicator that he was trying to program with the sample he had made back at the clinic. "See if you can find a way to reset or sanitize the nanophage production equipment. We might need to use it to distribute our cure."

"I'll see what I ken do for ye, doctor," Madge nodded.

Wright placed the medicine sample he had been developing into the replicator and activated the unit. The machine engaged and after a few moments a door opened and Wright took out a container of 50 copies of what he hoped would trigger the self destruct in these nanophages. Wright picked up his tricorder and tested them to make sure they matched his original exactly. "Great, these are ready for an initial trial."

Wright frowned. All of the replicated doses had been made in Cardassian vials. He could plainly see that they were not going to work in any hypospray that he had. "We are going to need to find some Cardassian style hyposprays," he said.

Clarice looked at Madge, a smile spreading across her face. She dashed from the room and came back a few moments later holding three Cardassian hyposprays. "We already found a whole bunch of them."

"Very nice," he said. Wright filled each hypospray and placed them back into his bag. He then put the rest of the medicine into the bag as well along with his tricorder. "Take this back to the Sister," he said. "Have her give Lyrr a dose."

Clarice nodded.

Wright handed her the bag. "Have her monitor the level of nanophages in his system. If this works, they should start dropping right away. It won't cure the damage already done but it will stop new damage from happening."

Clarice nodded again and then left.

Wright turned to Madge, "Maquis Medical is not going to approve of my testing methods, but Lyrr is almost dead."

"Ye did what ye had ta, doctor," Madge smiled a little in understanding. "They'd probably like it less if ye just let the lad die," she added. "I think I found a way to shut down the equipment," she announced after a moment. "Although I have ta tell ye that it could be booby trapped if I dinnae shut it down correctly. The Cardassian's are sly little buggers," she added the warning.

"Please be careful then," said Wright. "Can you see anything that would open up communications again?"

"Aye. Once I've infiltrated the system I'll be able ta access security and communications," she told him as her fingers moved lightly and carefully over the controls. Her face was contorted in deep concentration as she broke through the computer's security and accessed the system's control panel. She finally looked over at Wright. "Keep yer fingers crossed, Doctor," she told him with a small wry smile.

Wright kept his eye on the monitor, hoping the nanophage level would begin to decrease. He could not read the numbers, but he knew this type of display well enough to interpret what was going on. So far, nothing had changed.

Then after several tense moments the indicator started to drop. Wright heaved a sigh of relief. The people of this small village now had a fighting chance.

"Now let me see what I ken do about commun---." she started and then let out a low whistle. "Here now, and what's this?" she peered at the screen.

"What do ya got?" asked Wright.

"M'in the security logs," she explained and began reading a few passages. "There's an old entry that says they caught and were holding one of their own, a Cardassian, and a traitor. They suspected him of trying to sabotage the experiment. M'nae seeing a name though," she told him. "The last entry is the command being given to start the infection. 'Tis the end of the log. And that's when the whole station suddenly lost power."

"It appears that there is at least one Cardassian with a moral compass," observed Wright.

"Aye and with some success. I'll see if I can get the comms up now," she nodded and accessed the communications grid. "It should be coming back up any moment now, Doctor," she told him.

"Very good Mac," said Wright, "I hope that they are having the same good fortune back at the clinic."


"Come on," snapped Clarice as she watched the tricorder readings over Sister Moira's shoulder. They had administered the first dose of Doctor John's medicine to Lyrr and were now watching the nanophage levels, looking for a decrease. So far it had not budged.

"Have patience," said Moira.

"Maybe he needs another dose," suggested Clarice.

The nun shook her head. "That was not part of the doctor's instructions was it?"

Clarice shook her head.

"We must stick to his instructions. Have faith child," said Moira.

Clarice let out a frustrated sigh just at the tricorder beeped. Her eyes locked on the display. "The nanophage levels are dropping," she almost shouted. Clarice was surprised at her level of excitement. She wondered if Dr John felt this way every time he saved a life. It was a good feeling. The readings had dropped, slowly at first but soon they began to plummet. "Lyrr is going to be ok."

The old woman nodded, "I think you are right," she said with a smile. "Come one child. Let's get things ready. When the doctor gets back I am sure he is going to treat everyone."

"Just tell me what you need me to do," said Clarice smiling.

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