By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.19 1015

=Wright's office=

Wright put the finishing touches on the crew reports and forwarded them onto the Captain. He then looked though his schedule for the day. He noticed, much to his displeasure, that the doctor had requested that he come in to have his hand checked. He would be truly grateful when he had a functioning hand again.

Not wanting to keep the good doctor waiting, he got up to go to sickbay. As an after thought, he picked up the hook that he has used in the holodeck vacation he and Miranda went on and placed it over his stump. Smiling, he made his way to sickbay.

Entering sickbay, Wright made sure to keep his hand (and hook) clasped behind his back so the doctor would not see the hook. The doctor was busy with another crew member, so Wright waited paitently for her to get to him.

" Alright Sandy, keep it clean and try to avoid any strain on it. Come back in 9 days for a check up, " Teilani said. The crewmember nodded and jumped off the bio bed. As she left Teilani noticed Wright waiting.

" Goodmorning Commander," she said with a sparkle in her voice. " I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Come, please sit down." Teilani pat on the bed.

"No problem at all Doctor," said Wright as he approached the bed.

She turned her back towards Wright to get her tricorder and asked. " How is your arm, are you still experiencing phantom pains?"

"No, no pain anymore," he said as he hopped up on the bed, " I do have a large growth though," he added with a straight face. Wright still hid his hook behind his back.

"A large growth,?!" Teilani echoed as she turned around. "Where, show me!" Teilani looked at Wright, her eyes were big and looked worried.

Suddenly Wright felt really bad, he could see that she was genuinely worried. His joke did not seem so funny anymore. Sighing, Wright showed the doctor his hooked hand.

Teilani stepped backwards as he reveiled the hook. " O my Commander this is horrible. I..........I..........don't know what to say. Carefully she looked at it, barely able to hold back a smile. " I don't think I can fix that, this requires the skills of an engineer. Then she started to laugh, a clear sparkling laughter filled sickbay. " Oh Commander, you certainly had me worried there." she said as she whiped away the tears of laughter.

Wright chuckled and removed the hook, "Actually, doctor my arm feels quite well," he said as he held up his arm for her to examine.

" I am going to get your for this Sir," she said still smiling.

"I am sure you will," said Wright with a smile.

Gently Teilani touched Wrights arm, running the tricorder alongside it. " Can you pretent to make a fist?" she asked. She could feel the muscle move under her thumb. " There is some muscle loss Sir, but after the surgery a few extra sessions with weights should restore the strenght."

"That is to be expected I suppose," said Wright.

" As for the surgery Sir," she said as she leant against the bed. "I think I am able to do this before we reach Qultuq, the cloning went quicker than we all anticipated."

"Wonderful, let's get it on the schedule. The sooner the better," said Wright. "I will need to clear the date with the captain of course."

Of course Commander," she replied. " He will not object I am sure of it and may I suggest that we do it in the early morning, if your schedule permits of course."

"I am sure he will not object, " said Wright. "Morning sounds good to me. I will get back to you." Wright got up to leave.

Teilani turned around and placed her tricorder back on the tray behind her. " Don't forget this, Captain Hook." She handed him the hook.

"Thanks, Doc."

"Your welcome Commander." Teilani looked at Wright leaving sickbay then she walked to her office. She chuckled as she sat down behind her desk. He had her fooled big time.

By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.19 1105

Commander Wright left sickbay, walked down the corridor and stopped outside Counselor Zoei's office. He was certain that she was there --she was always there-- Wright rang the chime.

Without glancing up, Patia called, "Come in, Commander." She was intensely reviewing the file of an individual still dealing with some issues related to the prisoner take over. Absent mindedly she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she finally raised her eyes to her visitor.

"Hello Counselor, how are you today," Wright asked cheerfully. He was about to have his hand restored and there was no denying his good mood. "I just thought I would stop in and see how you are doing." Wright thought his last statement was just a tad humorous.

A slight smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. She leaned back slightly in her chair and swiveled slowly from side to side. "I am well, Commander. How are you tonight? You are looking particularly happy, I have to say."

"Indeed I am," he said enthusiatically, "Who wouldn't be after a nice vacation." Wirght chuckled as he held up his hooked hand. "Even better, my new hand is ready. I will have my hand back soon. Yes counselor I am happy." Wright paused, "How about you? It would seem that you have worked through that problem we were discussing not to olong ago."

"How would you know that?" Patia tipped her quizzically. "Don't tell me the rumors are spreading faster here than they did at boarding school?

Wright laughed, "It's a small ship and a relationship between the Chief Counselor and the Chief Engineer is big news, especially, after all that we went though recently."

Slowly Patia lowered her head to her desk. The groan sounded more like a soft rumble. Gently she rolled her forehead from side to side. So much for living a circumspect life.

She stood up. "I need something to drink and a more comfortable seat. Do you want something?" Patia gestured toward the replicator and then the sofas with the brightly colored cushions.

"No, thank you," said Wright as he walked over to the sofa and took a seat.

"Lemonade, hot," Patia said softly as she paused by the replicator. She picked up the steaming mug and gingerly carried it to the sitting area. She slid her feet from her stiff, regulation shoes and tucked them under her as she settled into her chair. Wanly, she smiled over the top of her mug at Commander Wright.

"Are you bothered by the rumors." asked Wright.

"Yes, actually, I am. Not so much what the rumors are about, but the simple fact there are rumors at all. Part of the very tenet of my position is to keep a low profile. For people to feel confident and comfortable coming into my office, my reputation needs to be above board, with no hint of scandal." Patia drew her knees up to her chest and rested the mug gently on her between her raised knees. She tilted her head back so it rested against the top of her chair and stared at the ceiling. "You know, Commander, that isn't an easy way to live all the time. Sometimes it feels like I am not even allowed to be a person of my own self." A soft sigh escaped her lips as she quickly blinked.

"And this above all else, to thine own self be true," quoted Wright. "You need to live life for yourself too Counselor. Your job is very important on this ship, however, you must not deny yourself the things that are important to you." Wright smiled, "Do you feel that spending time with Silvio is a scandal?"

She rolled her head slightly to glance at Wright. "No, but it doesn't mean I want to be part of the rumor mill either. I am a very private individual, Commander."

"It will all work out Counselor, "said Wirght. "Pretty soon, the crew will have different rumors to occupy them."

"Very true, Commander. Not to change the subject, but when will you have your hand reattached?" Patia nodded toward Commander Wright's arm.

Wright smiled as it this was his most favorite topic, "Soon, I need to speak with the Captain first."

"Ah," Patia nodded sagely. "More time off, I can see it now," Patia chuckled, the notes tinkled like crystal bells.

"Indeed," said Wright as he stood up, "Well, I should get going. I just wanted to stop in and see how you were. I have been reading your crew reports, you have been very busy."

"It has been a troubled time, Commander. We are not that far separated from the prisoner insurgence. A number of the crew are struggling with guilt issues. Then, there are the normal day to day issues which face most of us. Speaking of the insurgence, though, how was Mason doing when you stopped in Sick Bay?"

"I am afraid that there has been no change," said Wright.

"I was afraid of that. It is too bad, really. I think he had a life altering experience. It is unfortunate he isn't recovering to a point where he could show some positive growth from that experience." Patia said.

"He might still come around, you never know," said Wright, "Well, it has been nice talking to you counselor but I need to get back to those reports."

"Have a good day, Commander," Patia smiled. She watched him leave her office. Her head dropped slowly to the back of her chair and she lost herself in memories of a little girl at boarding school whom everyone talked about because she had lost her bonded mate.

Aaaaaay "
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58205.19 1200

== Patia's Office ==

The gentle whoosh of the door, as it slid closed behind Commander Wright, echoed in Patia's ears. Rumors were a fact of life. To have avoided them as much as she had was practically unheard of, she should be grateful.

It was her day off and she had spent the morning in reports. There were probably other rumors out there about her, anyway. Most of them probably revolved around her workaholic tendencies.

With a sigh, she stood up and brushed her pant legs to smooth out the creases. Rumors be damned, her lunch date was on his way. Miranda's sounded like just the place to lay the rumors to rest, or prove them true, as the case might be.

As we made his way to Patia's office, Silvio had passed Commander Wright. He was smiling ear to ear and carrying a hook. Silvio decided he did not want to know about the hook and kept going.

Silvio had just reached out to ring Patia's door chime when her office doors slid open. He found himself standing face to face with her. "Hi," he said, trying to hide his surprise.

"Hello, yourself," Patia smiled broadly. She shifted her position slightly and leaned one hip against the door frame. "Are you having a good day?"

"I am now," he returned her smile. "How about you, are you finished working on your day off?"

She nodded deeply and wiggled her eyebrows slightly. "Uh huh. There is always more to do, but for today, I am calling it good." She pushed away from the wall and slipped her hand lightly through the crook of his arm. "Ready for lunch?" She tilted her head slightly to look up at him and arched her eyebrow.

"Yes," said Silvio, "Let's go." The two fo them made their way to the turbolift. "Deck 10," said Silvio as the turbolift doors closed.

Patia leaned against the wall of the turbolift. "So, I hear we are the current topic for the rumor mill."

"Really," Silvio chuckled, "I am always the last to hear the good rumors." Silvio smiled, "Have they set our wedding date yet?" The turbolift arrived on Deck 10 and they walked towards Miranda's.

"Not that I have heard yet, but Commander Wright was my source. Generally speaking, men are not as interested in weddings as women. Miranda might be better able to fill us in on that," Patia nodded slightly.

Silvio paused just inside the door and took Patia by the hand, "Oh well, let's go in and give them more to talk about then." Silvio looked Patia in the eyes and smiled.

Patia laced her fingers in his and inclined her head slightly. She didn't smile, but there was a twinkle in her eyes.

Silvio was cleary captivated by the sparkle in her eye. He leaned over and gave her a short kiss and then led her to an open table with a good view of space.

"It is a beautiful view, isn't it?" Patia gazed out the window.

"Indeed it is, almost as beautiful as you are," said Silvio.

Patia winked at him. "You seem to be in a fine mood today."

"I am! I decided to take the rest of the day off and I am sitting here with my favorite chief counselor." Silvio looked at Patia, "What about you? You seem to be in a good mood as well."

"I have decided to take the advice of someone much older and wiser than I," Patia smiled, "and I am sitting here with my favorite chief engineer. What are you going to do with the rest of your day off?"

"I have not decided yet," replied Silvio, "Perhaps spend it with you?"

Patia propped her chin on the palm of her hand. "I am going to the holodeck. It has been awhile since I have strolled through the Smithsonian museums and I thought I would spend the afternoon puttering around there. Would you like to join me?"

Silvio, who had sent much of his early life studying history did not really relish the idea of spending time in a museum, however, it did mean spending more time with Patia and to Silvio that was most important, "Certainly, I would love to join you."

Patia chuckled softly. "I can tell the idea thrills you to no end. You are more than welcome to pass on the excitement, Guiseppe. You are not obligated to torture yourself with unpleasantness. If you would prefer, you could join me in my quarters for some pleasant conversation later in the evening instead."

Silvio smiled, "Who said anything about torture," he asked. "I thought I said that I would love to join you."

"You may not have said anything, but sometimes you don't have to say a word." Patia winked. "I want to tour the American History building. I love the Presidential displays, Dorothy's ruby slippers and the Fonz's leather jacket. I am not up for the nitty gritty Natural History museum today."

Silvio wondered if Patia was reading his mind. She is a Betazed, so she could probably could do it. He wondered how long she has been listening to his thoughts. "Great, I am glad you are not up for natural history." he paused. He wondered who the heck this Fonz character was.

Patia chuckled. She held her arms to her sides and gave him a thumbs up sign with both hands. "Ay!" She could hardly contain her giggles. "Did you want to eat before we strolled through the great halls of American History or would you rather just get on with our tour?"

*Ay? What does Ay mean*, thought silvio. Not to be outdone, he mimiced her thumbs up gesture and said "Bee." Silvio smiled.

Slowly, Patia lowered her head to the table. Her whole body shook with laughter, tears streamed from her eyes. "Ay is what Fonzie used to say." She gasped for breath. "I am sorry, I know you didn't mean it to be funny," she broke off with another round of the giggles, "but it was just so darn cute."

*Way to go Guiseppe, now she is laughing at you*, thought Silvio. He tried to hide his embarrassment and said, "How about we go see this Funzie's leather coat, then when we are finished we can have that pleasant conversation in your quarters you mentioned." Silvio was not very hungry anymore.

Patia leaned back in her seat. Gently, she reached her hand out and laid it on his arm. "I am sorry. It wasn't right of me to laugh the way I did. Let's have a sandwich, then stroll, then pleasant conversation."

Silvio placed his hand over hers and held it for a moment, he did not know what had come over him. Silvio had never in his life been embarrased by a little laughter. What was it about Patia Zoei that made his feel so different? He was not at all sure, but he knew two things for certain; first that he was going to enjoy these new feelings and second he was going to learn more about this Funzie guy. "Ok, sounds like a plan," said Silvio.

"What are you in the mood for? I was thinking shaved rare roast beef." Patia said.

"I'm going to go with a pastrami on rye," said Silvio, motioning to get the attention of a waitress.

"I have never had pastrami," Patia said. She shifted slightly toward the waitress as she approached. "What does it taste like?"

Silvio did not know how to answer that, "It tastes, Good," he said with a smile as the waitress took their orders. After the waitress left Silvio gave Patia's hand a gentle squeeze, "So, how long have you been listening to my thoughts," he asked.

"You make it sound so," Patia paused, "devious, Silvio. Normally, I don't. Today was so nice and relaxed, it just happened."

Silvio wondered if she knew all his secrets now. "What is it like being able to do that," he asked, "I would think that with so many people on the ship it would be pretty loud in your pretty little head."

"I can tune it in and tune it out when I am thinking about it. If I am one on one with someone, I can just focus on them. Even if I am in a crowd, I can do that. Sometimes it is convenient, other times it can be embarassing. Since I look human, most people don't realize I have this ability. I don't like to draw attention to it." Patia shrugged.

"I see," said Silvio, "Remind me never to play poker with you," he said with a chuckle as their food arrived. "I hope you do not think that I am angry that you peeked into my mind, becasue, I am not." Silvio made a mental note to make sure he was no where near Patia on those occasions when he thought about his ordeal on the USS Kittyhawk. He would not want her to have to see those memories and thoughts. Silvio pushed the Kittyhawke out of his mind and continued, "I was just curious, that's all."

"I don't play poker, ever. I wouldn't want someone to think I cheat," Patia teased. "I also don't see as much with you as I do with others. I have seen nothing related to me, only general things, like your enthuisiasm for the museum."

"That is interesting,"said Silvio, "Why would I be any different?"

"Not sure, and haven't really thought about it too hard, to be frank. I don't need to see what you are thinking, you will tell me on your own, eventually, anyway." Patia shrugged.

Silvio chuckled, "I have nothing to hide. I would go with you to any boring museum you wanted to see, becasue the important thing is that I get to spend time with you. That is what it important to me."

"Well, I wouldn't consider any museum which featured Fonzie's leather jacket as boring," Patia winked, "but I think you make a lovely point. I am looking forward to this afternoon."

"Me too. I am all yours." Silvio wondered if she knew just how true his last statement was.

Leather "
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58205.19 1500

Silvio and Patia finished their lunch and then he went back to his quarters to get our of his uniform. He quickly changed into more casual clothing and sat down at a computer. "Computer, display known information on the name Fonz in reference to the Smithsonian Museum of American History."

Silvio turned on his console and scanned through the data. "This is a fictional character," he said out loud.

"Affirmative," replied the computer. "Arthur Fonzarelli was a character on the situation comedy Happy Days. He was played by actor Henry Winkler--"

"Computer, display all information about Arthur Fonzarelli and the fictional show called Happy Days at this station."

The computer complied with Silvio's request. Silvio skimmed the data and then saved it fir further study. He then left for the holodeck

Patia rested on the bench on the Washington Mall, watching the people walk by. Fathers carrying small children, mothers pushing strollers, couples walking hand in hand walked by. The warmth of the sun gradually seeped through her shirt and warmed her skin.

Silvio entered the holodeck and looked around. Several people walked around enjoying the sights and sounds of Washington D.C. He noticed Patia sitting on a bench and headed in her direction. "Hi there," he said, when he reached her.

"Hello there," Patia patted the bench next to her. "Have a seat, I am people watching before I go looking for Fonzie's jacket," she smiled.

Silvio smiled, "I did some quick research, this Fonzie, he is a fictional character from a comedy show." Silvio sat down on the bench next to Patia.

Patia nodded. "He was an icon back then. I can't believe they have been able to preserve an article of his clothing this long without it completely disintegrating."

Silvio nodded, "Have you seen anything interesting yet?"

"Just people. Sometimes they can be more interesting than anything else. Ready to go?" Patia stood up slowly and brushed her faded denim jeans as she straightened. She scuffed the toe of one white sneaker against the asphalt path and she hugged her arms around herself. She cocked her eyebrow and tilted her head slightly as an unspoken question mark.

Silvio paused to silently admire the counselor before getting up himself. “Sure thing, let’s go.” Silvio put his arm around Patia’s waist as they walked into the American History Museum.

Patia nestled herself against Silvio’s side. The steady rhythm of his heart could be felt thrumming against her arm. His body heat contrasted sharply with the environmentally controlled atmosphere of the old building. She tilted her head slightly backwards and raised her eyes as she asked, “Is there a particular area you would like to avoid first.”

Silvio laughed. He looked around and noticed an exhibit of dresses. This would be a good one to avoid, he thought. “Why don’t we avoid those dresses over there first,” he said gesturing towards the exhibit.

Patia’s eyes followed the direction of Silvio’s hand. The long line of life sized mannequins garbed in elaborate ball gowns snaked out of sight. “That is a wonderful choice,” Patia said as she turned slightly on her heal toward the display. Her upper arm brushed lightly against his chest as she tuned toward him. Together they walked to the display. “look at the craftsmanship. Can you imagine the countless hours someone must have put into sewing, by hand, the seed pearls on this gown.” Patia flicked her hand, gesturing from the top to the bottom of the gown.

Silvio looked at the dress, “Yeah, it is very pretty.” There were sure a lot of dresses, thought Silvio. He let his hand slip from around Patia’s waist, choosing instead to hold her hand as they walked along the exhibit. Silvio read the names of various women who had worn them. “Seems rather extravagant to me.”

Patia’s laugh tinkled softly, “For such a ladies’ man, you have a lot to learn about women Giuseppe. In almost all animal species on earth, males have bold flashy colors. They draw attention to themselves with beautiful feathers and bright colored markings,” Patia swept her hand to take in the display from one end to the other. “This is the human female equivalent.”

It was Silvio’s turn to laugh, “Patia, male animals are flashy and ornate in order to attract a female for the purpose of mating,” Silvio gestured to the dress worn by Nancy Reagan, “Is the purpose of this dress to tempt her husband to mate?” Silvio flashed her a grin.

Patia rolled her eyes, “Men, it’s all about mating rituals for you guys.”

Silvio spun Patia around by the hand he held and then dipped her. “But of course,” he said before bringing her back to her feet, their faces almost touching.

Patia took a breathless step back; her eyes locked on his. Gently, she shook her head and smiled. The silence between them stretched like silken treads. Their intangible connection was apparent to anyone who saw them. One museum visitor, a white haired lady with slightly stooped shoulders clasped the hand of the equally white haired man beside her. She nudged him slightly with her elbow and nodded at the couple before them, “Oh to be young and in love again David.”

The old man twirled her by their clasped hand and drew her close to his chest, dropping a soft kiss on her hair, he said, “Is it so bad to be old and in love.” Gently, he touched her chin and raised her face so he could look into her beautiful brown eyes.

Slowly Patia turned her head and saw the adoring couple mere feet from them, “Oh Silvio, to have an enduring love like theirs.” She sighed slightly, wistfully.

As they resumed their walk Patia paused next to the older couple and said, “I hope you two enjoy your visit today.” Patia flashed them a brilliant smile just before she continued on.

Silvio and Patia continued along in silence, until recently he had never given much thought to having someone to love and grow old with. He looked at Patia, he had fought the idea that he was falling in love with her, because, he never thought something like that would happen to him. Miranda had all but beaten him over the head with that fact but still he denied it. He finally had to admit it to himself, he was in love with the counselor. "So, where to next," he asked.

"Ayyyyyyyyy, where else?" she winked. "Time for you to meet the man you wish you had never heard of, or at least his jacket," she giggled.

Silvio smiled, "Ok then, let's go meet Fonzie's leather coat."

Pleasant Conversation? Try Foot in Mouth... "
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58205.19 1800

==Holodeck 1== "That was an interesting visit," said Silvio as they exited the museum. They were once again standing in the Mall. All around them people were having a good time.

"Yes, it was," Patia smiled softly. The sun was dipping below the architectural marvel that was the Smithsonian. Long shadows stretched their stately fingers across the luxurious grass. She sighed gently as she drank in her surroundings.

"Is there anyting else you would like to do while we are here," asked Silvio.

"Do you see that food stand there? Corn dogs, cotton candy, caramel apples? How do you feel about the worst possible food choices for your health for dinner tonight?" Patia asked.

"I'm game if you are," said Silvio, he happy to keep their afternoon going.

"Uh huh," Patia nodded. "It isn't often I have blatent disregard for healthy eating habits, but today I will. Come on!" Patia slipped her arm through the crook of his elbow and tugged him after her as she briskly walked down the path toward the vendor.

Togehter they looked over the menu, "What are you going to have," asked Silvio, "I think I am going to have a chili dog and some fries."

"That's it?" Patia asked, incredulous. "I want, hmmmmmmmmmm. I want a corn dog and a funnel cake, a pickle on a stick, and a caramel apple. Oh, and most importantly, I want a very large glass of fresh squeezed lemonade. On second thought, it is good you just want that. I might need your help to carry things!" Patia winked.

Silvio laughed, "You are going to be sick if you eat all that." They got their food and moved to a bench. Silvio did help her carry some of it.

Patia spread out several napkins between them. She carefully cut the funnel cake in half and slid one portion to Silvio's side of the bench. Then, she bit into the juicy dill pickle. The sharp bite of the crisp flesh flooded her senses with the mouth puckering which only comes with high quality pickles. She held out the pickle. "Want a taste?"

Silvio took a bite from the pickle, "That is good he said."

Patia arched her eyebrows and smiled broadly. "Food on a stick is always good." Her even, white teeth cripsly bit into the pickle again. A smattering of pickle juice ran down her chin. Unselfconsciously, her tongue darted out to capture the tiny droplet of liquid. "It is messy, though," she giggled.

"I think this is the most relaxed I have ever seen you," said Silvio, taking a bite of his chili dog.

"Really?" Patia pulled her feet up so she sat cross legged. She propped her elbow on her knee and took a bite of her corn dog.

"Yes, does it have something to do with that old couple we saw in the museum," asked Silvio.

"I hadn't thought about it. It could be. They were such a sweet pair, weren't they?" Patia asked.

"They seemed to be very much in love," repleid Silvio. "I had never thought about having someone to grow old with, someone to love like that."

"That they did. I had long ago given up that dream, but seeing them like that almost makes me think it could happen." Patia smiled slightly.

"It can happen," Silvio blurted out.

"Think so?" Patia cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Absolutly, look at today, you are happy, vibrant, and fun to be with. On top of that, you are a very beautiful person, and I love you." Silvio held his breath, he could not believe he had added that last statement. Silvio closed his eyes and counted the beats of his heart which was suddenly beating very hard.

Patia's lips drew together in a small, "Oh." Her eyes widened and she leaned back against the support of the bench.

After several hearbeats Silvio opened his eyes. *At least she is still there," he thought. "I'm sorry," he said, "That did not come out right... I mean... well, it came out right, but perhaps not the right way." Silvio was flustered, so far as he could remember he had never uttered those words before; except to his parents, but that was different.

"Don't be sorry, I was just surprised. And, I am not going anywhere," she softly smiled.

Silvio did not know what to say, he at Patia, "I am glad you are no running for the door." He smiled.

Patia glanced around, "No doors on the Mall, Guiseppe, so you are safe for now. What made you decide this?"

Silvio paused a moment before answering, "Looking back on things now, I believe I have been feeling it for quite some time," Silvio thought back to the time he and Patia had spent the night watching the stars from the Captain's Yaght.

"I have never thoguht myself to be the type of man who would ever fall in love, so I tried to deny it --that can not happen to me," Silvio paused and focused his attention on Patia. "That old couple in the museum, they sort of opened my mind to it, I had to admit it, at least to myself, I had not planned on telling you so quickly though." Silvio was on awkward ground now, he was no longer the confident engineer.

"How did they do that?" Patia tugged her leg up and rested her chin on her knee.

"They looked to be very much in love, and had been for a good time. You noticed it too. You commented about their enduring love," Silvio smiled, "I found myself wanting to volunteer for the job of providing you with a life time of love," he chuckled, "It was hard to continue to deny it at that point."

"I can see where that would make it a challenge," she smiled wryly. "They were a sweet couple, I have to agree. Their communication with each other was the kind that doesn't just happen in a day or a week."

"True," agreed Silvio, "It is something they worked at I am sure, but they had to start somewhere."

"Of course, they had to start somewhere," Patia smiled. "I was referring more to the bonds they had developed than anything else. Can you see yourself acting that way thirty or forty years from now?"

"I can. Can you?"

"Hard to say, actually. At one time, yes, that is how I saw myself at that stage of my life. It has been a long time since I have even tried to picture myself that far into the future." Patia answered

It was clear to Silvio that Patia did not, or at least not yet, share his feelings about their relationship, he would respect that, however, he did not know what to do now. "What shall we do next," he asked.

Patia shook her head lightly. "It isn't about sharing or not sharing feelings, Silvio. Just as you have a past to assimilate into your current feelings, so do I. What I feel is far different than I have ever felt in my life. As you know, that isn't an easy, one day, process to work through. What would you like to do next?"

Silvio was startled that she had again pulled the thoughts form his head. He was surprised becasue earlier she had said she could not read those kinds of thoughts from him. "I guess we could just take is a day at a time."

"I think that might be for the best," Patia smiled.

"So, shall we call it a night, or are there more sights you want to see while we are in Washington DC," asked Silvio.

"There is one last sight I wanted to show you, but you can see it from here." Patia swept the remnants of dinner from her lap and stood up. She brushed her hands along the denim. The material was well loved and faded. It felt as smooth as velvet against her sweaty palms. She grasped Silvio's hand and tugged him to his feet. She leaned against him as she stood on tiptoe and pointed to a building with a tall spire poking up from behind the American History building. "Do you see that?"

"Yes," said Silvio, "I can see it." Silvio, was relieved, he did not really want the evening to end, expecially with his foot in his mouth. "What is it?"

"That was my boarding school. Can you imagine? An entire school of telepathic girls all confined to several building, our poor teachers!" Patia slipped her arm around his waist and settled back to her flat feet.

"Telepaths... on Earth," Silvio was confused.

"A bunch of hoity, toity diplomats' daughters," Patia slid her other arm around his waist and tilted her head back to look up at him. "Aren't you glad you missed out on it?"

"I never knew there had been a bording school for telepaths in DC," he replied.

"Might have been before your time, Guiseppe. It hasn't been in existence for quite some time. There probably isn't anyone left on Earth from Betazed." Patia stood on tiptoe again, and placed a gentle kiss at the corner of his mouth. She rocked back to her flat footed position. "The school went away ten or fifteen years ago. You weren't old enough to care," Patia winked.

"I was also a half a world away," he said. Silvio turned to look her in the face, "Has my revelation tonight harmed our relationship?"

Patia shook her head. "I will be honest and say we are not in the exact place as each other, but we are probably closer than either of us realize. I also feel we will wind up in the same place as we work through this portion of our life. Does what I say offend you?"

"No," said Silvio. Inf fact, Silvio thought it gave him something to work towards. He smiled and gave her a kiss. "We will get there," he said.

"I have no doubt," Patia said, as she laid her head against his chest. The beat of his heart throbbed steadily against her ear.

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