Home on the Range "
By: Miranda, Lounge Manager, [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.12 0600

==Holosuite 7==

When Miranda woke up, she found a message from Wright telling her what costume she should wear for their next holodeck adventure. She wore denim blue jeans, a light blue work shirt with a leather vest, leather gloves, boots with metal spurs, leather chaps, and a white cowboy hat. To finish her costume, she strapped on a leather gun belt, complete with two six shooters; also attached tot he belt was a bull whip.

Miranda regarded herself in a mirror. She had to admit she was already starting to like this holostory. He shouldered a heave jacket and made her way to the holosuite.

Commander Wright was waiting for her; he was dreaded similar to her except his leather vest, boots, as well as his hat were black. Unlike Miranda he wore only one six shooter. On his injured hand he wore a nasty looking hook. "Howdy Ma'am," he said as he tipped his hat.

"Howdy cowboy," she replied with a smile.

Together the entered the holosuit. Just inside the found themselves standing next to two horses. Wrights horse was a large black stallion, Miranda's was a roan mare. Each horse was saddled and ready for the road. Next to Wright hors sat a large shaggy dog.

"What is the plan," asked Miranda as she looked around. They were standing on a path worn though the prairie by countless wagons and horses. All around them were the buzzing of insects and the chirping of birds. Off in the distance was a ranch. Miranda was amazed at the level of detail that was in this program.

Wright handed Miranda a piece of paper. "We are off to find a man named Dawson about a job."

Miranda read the flyer. It was an advertisement for cowboys to help take a heard to market. Miranda made note of the word cowboy, however she did not point out the flaw in Wright's plan.

Together they mounted their horses. "Come on Jake," called Wright to the dog, as the rode down the path towards the ranch ahead. The dog obediently followed.

As they arrived at the ranch a hired hand stopped them, "Mornin', " he said giving Miranda a good look. "What kin I do fer yea," he drawled.

"We're looking for a man named Dawson," said Wirght.

The man cackled and pointed to a man sitting on the front porch of the ranch house, "That'd be him over yonder, sittin on the porch." He laughed again as they rode away toward the house.

Wright and Miranda rode on past several men making preparations. A large chuck wagon was being loaded for the journey. All of the men stopped and watched them as they rode past. Miranda had the distinct feeling that she was being valued like a prized steer. When they reached the house the dismounted and approached Dawson.

"Mornin' stranger," he said, he too eyed Miranda closely.

"Hello," said Wright, "My name is Wright and this is my sister Miranda." Wright gestured toward Miranda with his hooked hand. "We heard that you had some work to be done."

Dawson laughed, "I'm not sure I have much work for a one armed man and a woman."

"I can take care of myself," said Miranda in a very serious tone.

"We have been riding trails since we was young," drawled Wright. "We will get the job done."

Dawson scratched his beard, "I reckon that I am short handed, but if either of you slows us down we will leave you behind." Dawson looked at Miranda again. "Come with me, I'll introduce you to some of the boys." Dawson let them over to a group of men.

"Listen up boys," he began, "we got us some new help this year. The man with the hook is Wright and the little lady is his sister Miss Miranda." Several oaf them men whistled and one even shouted a marriage proposal.

"This here is Tex," said Dawson pointing to a rough looking cowboy with blonde hair. "And this is Jimmy," he pointed at a young red head. "Over on the wagon is Cookie, he will be cookin' your meals."

"What does a woman know about man's work," said a very young kid.

"Ah," said Dawson, "That would be Billy, he is my son. This is his first trip." Dawson scowled at his son, "Mind your manners boy!"

Dawson shouted, "We leave in ten minutes, let's saddle up."

Everyone returned to their work.

Bruised all over "
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Melissa Jarvis, Chief Security Officer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58205.12 0730

== Sickbay ==

Melissa could not believe how much pain she was in. Her right hand was bruised and her whole body was one gigantic, throbbing pain. She walked into sickbay and was greeted by a very tired Dr Dane.

Teilani was just on her way to the replicator to replenish her mug of coffee when Melissa entered. Teilani had spend the night in her office after having treated most of the security crew. She and her crew were glad when around 23.30hrs the last of them had been treated and the usual quietness had set in.

"Goodmorning Ms Jarvis," Teilani said with a yawn. "How may I help you."

"The XO scheduled drills all day yesterday and I just hurt, thought I would stop in for a checkup."

"I see, would you please follow me to the main sickbay please." Main sickbay was a mess. Disgarded vials and hyposprays were scattered over the bio beds and the various tables.

"Sorry for the mess Ma'am," Teilani said. "It was a bit hectic last night." Please sit down."

Melissa sat down and looked at the doctor. "You look tired.", she said.

"Not anymore than you Ms Jarvis," Teilani replied. "Only my tiredness is from a different nature." She took a tricorder from the table. "I treated lots of you crew last night. From what i heard Sam Carter's replacement made you all work hard. Repeating a training session over and over?"

Melissa laughed, "Korg? No, he stood side by side with us and worked the drills. Our new XO Max decided he was unhappy with our performance and ordered the drills." Melissa sat quietly for a moment as the doctor worked. "It was a lot of hard work, however, I think it did some good things for the team. They were working and thinking together."

"That is very good to hear, that's what its all about right, Teamwork." Teilani said with a little smile. "You know a good team must run like clockwork, in fact if a team works together a lot, they start to get to know eachother and anticpates ones moves and actions thus coming to a better performance."

Melissa nodded wearily.

Teilani rubbed her temples and frowned a little. If only this headache would go away. She laughed, "I must say Ms Jarvis, you indeed worked your crew very good, those who came in here were exhausted just like you."

Melissa sighed, "I went back to my quarters afterwards and fell asleep as soon as I sat down."

"I will give you something for your fatique and something for your bruises. Teilani looked at her tricorder, "then I order you to take it a little slow today. You have torn a little muscle in your triceps. So no heavy lifting."

Melissa thought of her sparing appointment. She was not going to let a little torn muscle stop that. She nodded and said, "Yes doctor."

Pressing the hypospray to Melissa's neck she said. "There that will make you feel better in a few minutes."

"Thank you doctor." Melissa smiled.

"My pleasure, Ms Jarvis," Teilani said with a little smile as she placed the hypospray away. "You are free to return to your duty now."

Learning a lesson "
By: Samantha Carter, Security Officer, [RNPC]
Gorak , teacher , [NPC]

Stardate: 58205.12 1015

After Sam had spoken with Zarg she had returned to her quarters and without getting undressed she had fallen on her bunk. The last thing she remembered was never to touch bloodwine again.

Somewhere in the back of her mind Sam heard an annoying beep. Slowly she opend one eye only to close it again. She moaned, her head was feeling like an overripe melon and the taste in her mouth was like something a Klingon targ might have dropped.

She dragged herself out of bed and looked at her sleeping roommate, who had a very content smile around her lips. Sam shook her head as she walked towards the bathroom, she avoided looking in the mirror. Removing her cloths she stood under the shower and even the noise of the sonic rays hurted her head.

As she changed into a clean uniform she glanced at the chronometer. " Shees she was late, hopping on one leg she managed to get her boots on and ran out the door.

Her head trobbed as she ran through the corridors towards the Security office. As she was running she rethought what Zarg had said. Someone was out to kill her and Durg and it was up to them to find out who it was. Sam wondered why Zarg had been so insistent not to tell the Captain about it.

Finally she reached the security office and barged through the door.

"You," said Krek. "Are late." He scowled at her. "I see that you think that you are above the rules we have on this ship."

"I'm sorry Sir," Sam replied. "It will not happen again."

The Klingon regarded her with cruel eyes. "You are responsible for these men." He gestured around the room at the Klingons who has assembled to watch. "Look at the example you set for them." He paused as several of the Klingons chuckled. "I think training is in order. You and your team will report to the training room. You will learn stronger work habits."

Sam looked at the assembled group. They looked mean and some of them were smiling viciously. Sam felt her head trobb again. This was not going to be a good day.

"Yes Sir," she said.

== training room==

Sam looked at the training room it was barren exept for some banners hanging off the wall and a standard with all the various Klingon weapons. Then she looked at the floor, there were some dark spots, blood maybe? She wondered how they would start.

The Klingons entered the training room and began readying themselves for practise. Two of them started fighting, which meant they began bashing on each other. It did not look like a practive. The rest of the Klingons followed suit. If it were not for the smiles on their faces a casual observer would have thought it was a real brawl.

"Are there any rules," She asked in general as she looked at the various weapons.

The klingons ignored her.

If there was something Sam did not liked was being ignored. She sqeezed her eyes as she looked at the sparring Klingons. Obviously it was the intention to jump right in, Sam arched her back and tilted her head to the left and the right, stretching her arms above her head. Then she noticed that one of the Klingons was being attacked by 2 of his mates. Now that was not fair.

Sam rushed over and jumped on the Klingon's back, her left arm wrapped around his neck trying to use her weight to bring him out of balance.

The big Klingon was surprised by the attack. He staggard backwards and then recovered enought to use his backward momentum to slam his attacker into the wall. The Klingon shrugged the stunned Carter off his back and then punched her square in the face. He then laughed at her and said, "There is less on number one. Only cowards attack from behind."

Sam shook her head and tasted the blood in her mouth where the klingon had hit her. She used the wall to push herself up. "Well I aint a coward ," she snarled as she lunged herself forwards. Her little fists pounded at the Klingon's face. The Klingon still hadn't caught her yet but her forearms where she had been blocking were beginning to hurt. It was then that Sam changed her tactics. Sam realized that she was smaller, and thus faster, she had to make use of that, otherwise she would be crushed. She ducked under another powerhouse straight right and lashed her left foot straight out into the taller opponent midriff. The Klingon grunted and took a step back.

"Stop hopping around like a frightened rabbit and fight!" he growled. He moved in again. Sam attempted to move away from his charge, but the Klingon anticipated her move, and caught her around the upper body. He slammed her hard onto the floor, knocking the wind from her lungs. "Do you yield?"

"NO," she said as she tried to get her legs under his body. She tried to push but he was too heavy. She moaned.

The big Klingon laughed, and pulled Sam to her feet. Using the first two fingers on his right hand he pointed and his eyes. "You are telling me your moves with your eyes." He looked around the room at the rest of the Klingons who had stopped fighting to watch them. "What are you looking at. Get back to work!" he shouted. The rest of them resumed their practice.

He faced Sam again, "You must control yourself and not give yourself away."

Sam blinked a few times, every muscles in her body ached. She had done some fair boxing and wresling in the academy but compared to this, the Academy was a childrens playground.

She nodded. "O.k." she said. Sam concentrated, trying not to give away her moves. Infact she tried to look behind him, finding a spot on the wall.

"No no, you still must look me in the eye," he instructed. "Focus your attention right here." He pointed at his eyes. "Look for a weakness in me."

Sam fixed her eyes on the big Klingons face, and then.... then she realized what he ment, it was just a small flicker but it was there.

"Lets try it again." With a feigned attack she pretented to lunge forward but she managed to trick the big Klingon by using her left leg to swipe the Klingons right left from under him, causing him to trip on one knee. Sam brought up her right foot and kicked him hard under his chin. "Is that what you mean?" she said breathing heavily.

"That is better." He smiled. "I am Gorak."

"Sam Carter," she said, having her hand nearly crused in the strong grip of Gorak.

"Enough practice," he shouted. "Let's get to work." The rest of the Klingons and Sam left the training room.

"Thank for pointing out to me what I did wrong Gorak." Sam said. She felt her lip and her eye swell up. Boy it would make a good shiner.

"Don't mention it." He laughed a deep laugh and looked at her. "It was a costly lesson for you, but it might just save your life someday."

"That it will Gorak," she said. "That it will.

Traditional Betazed Dinner, Take Two "
By: Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]
Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.12 1900

==holodeck 4 -- Childhood Home of Patia Zoei==

Silvio looked out at the activity on the bay. Patia had invited him back to the holodeck to treat him to that betazed dinner she had promised him. Silvio was feeling much better about Patia; he felt that perhaps there might be hope for a relationship with her, he had even managed to finally get some sleep the night before.

Looking over at her he said, "So, here we are again."

Patia chuckled. "I feel like we are back in school, in the theater. 'Traditional Betazid Dinner, Take Two'. Do you see the boat over there, the small trawler?" Patia pointed to a boat just coming into the bay.

Silvio's eyes followed the direction Patia was pointing. "Yes, I see it."

"The man who worked on that ship used to deliver fresh fish to our home. He worked in the old style. It certainly wasn't the most effective or efficient method he could have used, but he loved what he did. He was the most joy filled person I have ever met."

"My mother always told me that there is nothing wrong with the 'old ways' of doing things if they make you happy to do them." Silvio smiled.

"Sounds like something my mother would say," Patia chuckled. "Are you ready to eat?"

"Yes, I am looking forward to it."

Patia turned back toward the house. The table was spread with a red and white checked cloth. On top of it rested a basket. The blended scents of the foods wafted on the light breeze.

"Mmm... That smells good. What is it?"

"You will see. One must not rush a traditional meal with such questions," Patia winked.

Silvio smiled, "Yes, Ma'am. I would not dream of rushing through this."

Patia looked back over her shoulder, shook her head slightly and chuckled. Slowly, she opened the basket. First, she pulled out a platter of chicken. Next, traditional potato salad came out of the basket. Biscuits and fresh fruit followed. Efficiently, she laid out place settings. Gently, she grasped a wine bottle by the neck and handed it to Silvio. "Would you do the honors?"

Silvio carefully took the bottle from her while studying the food she had brought. "Interesting," said SIlvio has he worked a corkscrew into the wine bottle, "a traditional Betazed dinner looks a lot like a old fasioned earth dinner." SIlvio pulled the cork out of the bottle with a soft pop. He filled two glasses and handed one to Patia.

She shrugged slight, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lip, "I am a Betazid. This was a traditional dinner. What can you expect when you transplant a Betazid to Earth?"

Silvio smiled warmly at her. "Shall we," he asked gesturing towards the picnic on the ground.

Patia nodded. She sank gently to the ground. She sat, her back straight and her legs folded. The coarse fabric of the picnic blanket abraded her fingers slightly as she rubbed her hand against it. She held her wine glass up to eye level. The sun sparkled through the bubbly liquid.

Silvio sat down next to Zoei and stretched his legs out in front of him. "So, what are you thinking, right now?"

"I am thinking this is one beautiful day. The sun is gorgeous, the food smells delicious, and the company is good. What are you thinking?"

Silvio smiled at Patia, "I am also thinking that the weather is wonderful, the food smells great and the company is beautiful." Silvio actually blushed slightly.

She smiled slightly in return, "Thank you." She tipped her glass slightly toward him in acknowledgement of his compliment.

Silvio smiled as he took a drink of the wine. "This is very good. It cannot be replicated."

"Actually, Lio and Trina gave it to me for my birthday close to ten years ago. It is the last of a case my parents had while we lived on Earth. You are very astute. Tell me what it was like for you growing up."

"I had a happy but abnormal childhood," said Silvio chuckling. He picked up a plate and began putting food on it. "My parents were both teachers; so my life too, revolved around education." He handed the first plate to Patia and then started one for himself.

Patia plucked a strawberry from her plate. She popped the stem off and bit deeply into the juicy berry. "Are you an only child?"

Silvio watched as she ate her strawberry and then said, "Yes, I guess one was enough for my parents. I never asked them who I had not siblings." Silvio ate some of his potato salad.

"Did you enjoy that it was just you? Or did you wish you had a brother or sister?" Patia asked.

"I liked having my parents all to myself," admitted Silvio. "How about you? What is it like to have siblings?"

"I had the best of both worlds. Lio is 15 years older than I am. I had our parents all to myself. It is different, though, knowing I am not alone. I know I can always count on him. No matter where he goes or what he does, I will always be his little sister, the one he has to protect," Patia chuckled lightly.

"I can see where that might be an advantage." Silvio wondered what it would have been like to have an older brother.

"Most of the time, it is. I did find, though, that occasionally, it was like having a third parent. It is a good thing he was benevolent," Patia grinned.

Silvio chuckled and then finished his wine. Picking up the bottle, "Would you like some more," he asked.

"A little more would be wonderful," Patia said, reaching out to hand him her glass. "I am also very fortunate to have a wonderful sister-in-law. She is just as much family as Lio is. They have provided me with two nephews and a niece. They are the lights of my lift."

"Do you want to have kids of your own someday," Silvio asked, as he poured her more wine.

"Maybe. I am getting older. My career is important to me. Right now, I am not in a position to have children. I am not sure I would be the proper nurturer to children, if you understand what I mean? I guess what I am saying is, I would love to have them, but I am not sure it will happen. How about you?"

"I have not given children much thought. Some day, yes," said Silvio

"How many?"

Silvio gave it some thought, "More than one. I think our child should have a sibling." He smiled, then realizing the slip he just made his eyes got wide. "Oh dear, I'm sorry, I should not have... I didn't mean..." Silvio was very flustered and his face was a dark shade of red.

Patia's eyes opened very wide. "I can see where you would make that mistake, considering the conversation we were having. Do not worry about it." She settled her glass on the blanket next to her and shifted slightly.

Silvio took another drink from his glass. He did not know what to say, "I am sorry."

"I told you, don't worry about it. You have many years before children to decide who, when and how many," Patia smiled slightly. "The next time you go home, whenever that will be, what do you want to do first?"

My mother makes the best baked mostacholi," Silvio sighed, "I will eat it until I can't eat anymore." Silvio chuckled. "How about you, your home was Earth too, what would you do?"

"If I ever get back to Earth, I would go back to Washington DC. I would walk along the Potomac when the cherry trees were in bloom. If I went home to Betazed, I would sit in my mother's kitchen, drink tea and talk until the wee hours of the morning. It has been a long time since I have seen my mother face to face." Patia said.

Silvio held up his glass, "To home."

"To home," Patia clinked her glass against his.

Passion, Klingon Style "
By: Melissa Jarvis, Chief Security Officer, [RNPC]
Korg , Security Officer , [NPC]

Stardate: 58205.12 2000

==holodeck 1==

Melissa sat in the center of the Klingon style gym. Korg noticed that she appeared to be in deep meditation as he arrived. He waited in silence for her to finish. He was surprised at how he had become so attracted to this Human female. He would have never expected such a thing to happen. She was a true warrior, he was impressed with they way she handled herself during the training drills. Finally, deciding that he should let her know he was here he said, "Defend yourself."

Wasting no time and not needing to be warned twice Melissa spun herself around and lashed out at his legs bringing him to the matted floor. In an instant she was hack on her feet and standing in a defensive posture. "Defend *yourself*", she said with a smug smile on her face.

"You are quick," said Korg, with what could only be described as a sneer on his face. He launched a flurry of attacks. Melissa blocked or dodged most of the blows and countered with several punched of her own. "How is it that you have become so well trained in the Klingon fighting style," Korg asked as he probed her defenses for a weakness.

"During the academy, I had a opportunity to spend a good deal of time with the Klingon people." Melissa landed a blow to Korg's head and quickly followed it up with a stinging kick to his head. Korg growled and stepped back. He shook his head and then moved back into the fight. "How about you Korg, tell me about Korg."

"There is not much to tell," said Korg as he launched a furious attack sending Melissa falling backwards. She quickly got back to her feet and fended several more blows. "I have no family. I have dedicated my life to fighting for the Empire."

Melissa noticed that Korg's intensity had increased. "That is lonely. Have you no mate?" Melissa took a hard shot from Korg to the ribs and fought to get air back into her lungs.

Korg smiled and pressed his attack. "I have no mate." He was gaining the momentum in this fight. "Have you a mate?"

Melissa aimed a kick for Korg’s head, which he ducked with ease. “No mate.” Melissa recovered from her missed kick and landed a strong punch to Korg’s stomach. Korg did not even appear to feel it. He pressed forward with another attack.

Melissa sensed that this was no longer just a sparring session. She was off balanced and moving backwards to stay away from Korg’s attack.

Korg was in control, his opponent was off guard and had now been backed into a corner. He could resist no longer. Korg grabbed Melissa by the hair and bought their lips together.

Melissa was, at first, surprised, then she gave in to the kiss. It was full of passion, which she eagerly returned. Without warning, however, she took Korg’s lower lip in her teeth and bit down will all the force she could muster. Korg howled in pain and took a step back. Melissa pounded Korg along side the head with all her strength. The big klingon fell to the ground. “You did not think I would be that easy did you Korg,” Melissa challenged. “You are going to have to do better that.”

“I had hoped you would say that,” he growled as they squared off for a fight of another kind.

The sparring was over, the ritual had begun.

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