Riaan Discusses Her Nightmare "
By: Riaan, Operations Manager, [PST]
Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.07 0845

=Riaan’s Quarters=

After a week of the same nightmare over and over Riaan was feeling the strain and stress. She noticed she was more irritable then normal and looked some what haggard with heavy bags under her eyes from not sleeping properly. Things seemed to get to her that once never did. She took all this into account and decided to discuss this nightmare with Patia hoping she could make sense of the nightmare.

Riaan slowly and groggily crawled out of bed. She felt so exhausted and wondered when the nightmares would end. Someone or something from her past she felt was trying to haunt her and tell her something but Riaan wasn’t sure what.

Slowly Riaan made her way to the sonic shower. She quickly hopped in and got cleaned up. After toweling down she wrapped the towel around her and headed to her room and pulled out a clean uniform and got dressed.

An hour later after slowly getting herself together Riaan left and headed off to the mess hall to grab something to eat.

As Riaan neared the computer lift the doors opened and Riaan entered. Several crewmembers were already on the lift off to various destinations.

Riaan: "Computer, deck ten she replied."

A few minutes later the turbo lift stopped and Riaan exited and headed to the mess hall.

A few seconds later she arrived and entered the mess hall.

=Mess Hall=

It was fairly busy she noticed as she walked up to the replicator, "computer, coffee extra strong black, apple fritter and a toasted western." A few minutes later she picked up her steaming mug of coffee and her plate and walked over to a vacant table, she wasn't much up to company this morning after that nightmare. After wolfing her breakfast she slowly drank her coffee and let herself relax and give her breakfast a chance to digest before she would start her day. At least she felt some what better but still felt some what nauseated eating didn't cure that problem she noticed.

Riaan slowly got up from the table stretching her legs as she picked up her cup and two plates. After a few seconds of stretching her legs she headed over to the replicator. She placed the dishes into the replicator to have them recycled.

After Riaan left the mess hall she headed off to see Patia.

As Riaan approached the turbo lift the doors opened and Riaan entered, “computer, deck eight,” as the doors closed behind her.

A few seconds later the lift stopped and the doors opened and Riaan proceeded to the counselor’s office.

Riaan stopped in front of Patia’s office and rang the chime making sure first her uniform was on straight.

=Patia’s Office=

Patia paused as she straightened the throw pillows on the couch. The last person in her office had brushed several off onto the floor when he had walked out. She had no appointments scheduled for the remainder of the morning and the sound of the door chime startled her. Slowly, she straightened herself. "Enter," she called.

Riaan slowly entered Paita’s office. "Hello Lt. Zoei how are you," as she smiled at her. "Is this a good time to discuss something with you? I'll try not to take too much of your time."

"Now is fine. I don't have any appointments scheduled for a couple of hours. Have a seat." Patia moved out of the way of the couch and swept her hand toward it." She smiled slightly as she took her seat.

“I have been having the same nightmare for a week feeling as if someone from the past is trying to tell me something, but not sure what or why the same nightmare over and over, and I was hoping that maybe you might be able to help makes sense of this nightmare,” as Riaan looked at Patia.

Patia leaned against the arm of her chair. "Tell me about your dream."

“It was so vivid I can hear the screams from the crewmembers as the ship is torn apart by the pounding of the torpedos one after another as it rips the ship apart. The bulk heads bulking, loud sounds of explosions, shields down, fires throughout, the scorch of human bodies; people being sucked out into space as the bulk heads give in, cries of plea looking for help with no one in sight to assist. One never forgets the smell of scorched bodies as Riaan remembered the days of by-gone while serving on the USS Panther. Body parts and bodies strewn every where, some completely unrecognizable.

Each time Riaan would wake up she felt as if she was suffocating and couldn’ t breathe and felt as if she was falling and before she landed she awoke in a pool of sweat. She felt as if she was pinned and couldn’t move as she drifted in and out of the nightmare. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t help but fall back into that trap being played over and over the same thing. It was never ending and each time she awoke it was always the same.

"Who do you think would be telling you something? And what type of warning signal is it usually? Can you tell me about what has happened before?" This was the first time Patia had heard anything like this in many years.

“Usually these dreams occurred on the Panther before going on a dangerous mission or when for some unforeseen danger was imminent or something was close that was about to happen and then all her senses kicked into survival mode. A couple of times prior here on the Zion this occurred yet this does not make any sense,” as Riaan looked puzzled and baffled at Patia unclear of anything. Riaan looks at Paita, "do you believe that this mission will be extremely dangerous as we approach Rura Penthe and that we need to be extremely alert, and not to trust these Klingons.

"That is always a possibility. Do you think you are anxious about our arrival on Rura Penthe?" Patia asked.

Riaan stopped to think for a few minutes then chose her words carefully trying to not tell Patia how she truly felt about the prisoners especially after what occurred on the Zion and the prisoners taking over the ship. "Actually not at all, I don't felt anxious or anything but feel that the sooner we arrive and transfer the prisoners it will be best for this ship and the crew," as Riaan looked at Patia.

Riaan had no use for the prisoners and just wished that she could just kill the prisoners and be done with it and save the space on the penal colony as they were only criminals in her books and some not worthy to be kept alive.

As Patia watched Riaan, she felt there was something that was left unsaid in Riaan's statements. "I can understand your feeling on that," Patia smiled slightly. "Is there anything happening, specifically, that you think could be causing this nightmare? It could be something subtle, something you hadn't even noticed. Maybe it was a person that reminded you of something that happened in the past, or a particular smell you haven't smelled in years."

Riaan tried to think what could have started the nightmares but nothing came to mind. "Actually nothing comes to mind as to what triggered the nightmare," as Riaan looked at Patia with a some what puzzled look on her face.

Riaan felt that she had used Patia's assistance long enough and was holding her up and stated, "should get going and not waste anymore of your valuable time; thanks for trying to help anyways," as Riaan stood up.

"It was not a waste of my time in the least. You are welcome to stop by anytime, Lieutenant." Patia smiled slightly. "I wish I could help you with your question a little more."

"Maybe I'll drop by in a few more days to discuss this further," as Riaan headed to the door. "Have a good day and thanks for trying."

Zoei watched Riaan leave her office. She shook her head slightly. She would check in with Riaan in a few days. If the nightmare was continuing, she would recommend some positive meditation techniques to aid her sleep.

Riaan left Patia's office feeling more perturbed by the nightmare and completely uncertain what to think. This dream Riaan knew had to mean something but what she wasn't quite sure what.

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