Target Practice "
By: Samantha Carter, Security Officer, [RNPC]
Melissa Jarvis, Chief Security Officer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58204.28 0830

58204.28 0830

Melissa entered the holodeck, it's familiar black and yellow grid filling the room. She had finally managed to have her first decent nights sleep since the assassination attempt that nearly took her life while she was stationed at QulTuq. That Ambrosia that Miranda gave her was something. She made a mental note to gets some of it if the Zion ever were to visit Pacifica.

Melissa called up the standard target practice program and started out at the easiest setting. The black and yellow grids shimmered and into a bland grey colour. On the floor were four coloured circles. She stood in the blue circle and waited for her first target. When the blue target came she destroyed it with ease and then patiently waited for the next one to slowly appear. She could have easily bumped up the setting to a more advanced level but did not do so. It was her believe that good Security officers were patient, especially when using a weapon.

The next target and was easily dispatched. This continued several more times as the intensity level increased. Soon there were multiple targets coming faster and faster. Melissa was concentrating so much that she did not notice that someone had entered the holodeck and took up a position in the red circle.

Sam drew her phaser and waited until the program gave her a target. There it was to the left, Sam fired, the target was destroyed. Suddenly another one appeared straight above her, again she fired, and the target dissolved.

Melissa noticed the addition of red targets now. This made the simulation even harder because it would count against her if she hit a target that was not hers. Melissa carefully anticipated where the next targets would come from. Taking aim she hit two of them and missed one. Melissa glanced to her left to see that Sam Carter had joined her.

"Hello Lieutenant," said Melissa as she took aim at 4 more targets.

"Hello Chief, Sam said. You mind if I join in?" Sam's eyes darted around the holodeck, there 4 targets, exhaling she managed to hit 3 of them, the other moved with great speed up and down. Only her eyes moved following the target and then to the right again, Sam hit the last one.

Melissa was in such a good mood today nothing, not even Sam Carter was going to ruin it. "Be my guest," replied Melissa as she took out more targets.

Quietly Sam took aim at yet another 5 targets. The speed was even more increased by the program and only by careful anticipation and aim she managed to hit them.

Then the program changed a little the circles in which they stand changed color causing them to jump and shoot a the similar target. It was great for hand and eye coordination but it racked havoc on their stamina.

Melissa rolled with the change in the program and began following her circle around the room taking out the targets as they appeared and moving onto the next mark. Her heart began pounding and her breaths came quicker as the simulation increased in intensity. She was sure she would be tired and sore later but for right now the exertion felt good.

Sam jumped to her next red circle taking out one of the targets. It barely gave her time enough to adjust as the circle moved to another position. Sweat appeared at the back of her neck, her leg muscles ached and her ands became slippery. Faster and faster the circles and targets moved, when all over sudden a target began firing back. A weak phaser blast arched Sam, narrowly missing her left ear.

" Hey a warning would be appreciated," Sam muttered as the smell of singed hair reached her nose. The speed had decreased a little but now they had to worry about not getting hit. Although the settings were low, they hurt anyway. A target appeared at the left corner if fired and only because Sam ducked it missed. Aiming she vaporized the target. The targets took random firing frequencies. It was now a matter of team work instead of individual practice.

"Duck,” Sam yelled at Melissa, as suddenly 2 targets fired simultaneously. “Perhaps it is better when we put our backs together and we cover each other," she said a bit out of breath.

Melissa managed to avoid the two shots thanks to Sam's warning, she nodded at Sam and worked her way towards her. They were now one a very advanced level of this program. Melissa dodged several blasts as she tried to reach Carter.

Sam rolled on her back as one of the targets fired, luckily Melissa counteracted by destroying the target. Slowly but surely Sam reached Melissa taking careful aim at the targets. This level of the program was something she had never reached before. Finally she managed to reach Melissa and standing together back to back they counter acted the blasts, taking out the various targets.

"Excuse me chief, Sam said out of breath. How many levels does this program have?" Sam's eyes darted back and forth trying to find out when the next phaser blast would come.

Breathing hard but still smiling Melissa said , "Not sure. I have never quite pushed it this far before." Another shot buzzed by her head. "This is insane." The two of them worked together but with multiple targets firing faster and faster it was not long before they were feeling the sting of several shots. The computer beeped and the targets faded. The room was quiet.

Melissa sat down on the floor to catch her breath. The computer rattled out efficiency percentages and offered an assessment of their abilities. Melissa did not even listen. "Well, that was fun," she said.

Sam chuckled as she leant against the wall, breathing heavily. "It surely was and I bet a plate macaroni and cheese that we both will be very sore tomorrow. "Besides nothing can beat a haircut made by phaser fire."

Melissa managed a laugh, "Ah, but it felt good. A good way to get rid of pent up aggressions. I will pass on the macaroni and cheese though."

"It surely did. That reminds me to stay out of your way if you get aggressive. Mind if I ask you something Ma ám, Sam said with a small smile. You are a pretty good shooter, where did you learn it?"

"My father was an avid collector of weapons. He was fascinated by them." Melissa smiled. "I have had a weapon of one kind or another in my hand since was a very little girl."

"Really, that sounds really interesting. Then you should talk to Ms Northrop, I believe that she has some old antique phasers in her possession. No wonder that you have a good aim. You must have practised with weapons on a daily basis then."

"I have had a fair amount."

"Have you ever thought off collecting old weapons yourself. I mean in our line of duty we do come across various types.”

Melissa chuckled, "I tend to collect weapons that I might have an occasion to need." Melissa smiled, "I have trained under a klingon while in the Academy so I am partial to Klingon weapons." Still sitting on the floor Melissa looked at Sam, "How about you? I have not met a Security or Intel officer who did not have a favorite weapon."

Sam smiled as she crossed her legs, "I have a fondness for knives, all kinds. My favorite one is a porcelain fractal edged one. Its a weapon of terror and its swift and silent. Furthermore I like the Klingon bathleth. Not that much exiting as guns though."

"The batleth is truly a warriors weapon," Melissa agreed as she stood up. "Well I better get ready for my shift. Can you possible cover bridge duty for me this morning. I need to have a discussion with a certain Ferengi."

"Sure, Chief." Sam said as she too got up.

"Thank you Sam."

Sam tilted her head a little. She was surprised this was the first time Melissa called her by her first name. Things were looking up.

Maximum Warp "
By: Jeff Westfall, Tactical Officer, [PST]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.28 0900

Commander Wright sat on the bridge watching the ships status reports. He ran through the list

Engineering was putting the finishing touches on the system and would be ready to go on schedule.

Operations had almost finished cleaning up the aftermath of the fighting. All ships crew had been accounted for with the exception of Crewman Johnson. All auxiliary craft had been recovered with the exception of one shuttle.

Security reported that all prisoners have been accounted for with the exception of Birkoff. All prisoners were now secured.

Sickbay reported that all injured crew had been released. Lieutenant Silvio has been released but has not yet been authorized to return to duty. The Prisoner called Mason was still unconscious in sickbay. A security guard was posted in the event that he awoke.

Wright pondered the recent events as the continual stream of status reports continued scroll past his terminal. It had been a stressful time. He hoped that the introduction of a full time Morale Officer would help to ease the stress on the ship. It was a long way to Rura Penthe.

"Sir," said the helm officer, "Engineering reports all systems are ready."

Wright was about to reply when the Captain enter the bridge from his ready room. Wright stood up and said, "All systems are ready Captain."

Hunter nodded as he energetically took the command chair. "Alright Number One, Tactical, what is your status?

Our warp core power output is at Maximum, weapons and defensive systems are all online and fully operational, all ship's departments report ready.

"Sensor report?"

"There are no ships within maximum sensor range." came Westfall's reply.

Helm, set a course for Rura Penthe, maximum warp. The helmsman looked back at Hunter, "Sir, course laid in, ...maximum warp" He said arching his brow.

Hunter settled back into the command chair. "Engage."

*** The Captain of the Laborieux watched on his monitor as the familiar blue and red glow of the Zion's warp nacelles grew brighter as the ship came about. It accelerated into a flashing streak and vanished into a distant glimmer of light.


Westfall, Engage the cloak.

A moment later the the Zion shimmered and faded away.

"Captain Hunter, the Cloak is engaged and functioning at optimum levels, the power output is smooth, no anomalies reported that could render us visible.

"Hopefully the crew will put this distraction behind them." said Hunter.

"I am sure they will bounce back. I think making Ensign Favor a full time Morale Officer will help." Wright frowned, "I am more concernd about what we might run into on our journey," repleid Wright

"Are you concerned our route could be compromised?" inquired Hunter.

"Two of them escaped, They might have called for reinforcements. I feel much better now that we are moving again. We were sitting ducks there for a while."

Hunter stared at the star fields streaking by for several moments, it did feel good to be moving again.

"Yep." said Hunter softly.

Hunter used his console and changed the forward display. It now displayed a stellar cartography map.

Hunter studied the map, then looked at Wright, "How fast do we want to get there?"

"At warp 6 it will take us over a month to get there." Wright paused as if thinking about it, then smiled, "How about continuing at maximum warp?" Wright held no stong desire to vacation on Rura Penthe. He wanted to get this mission over with and get back to QulTuq to have his hand fixed.

Hunter smiled, "I agree Number One, but I think Silvio might have something to say about running the engines at maximum for 15 days.

Hunter looked over to Westfall, "Sensors?"

Westfall rechecked his console and reported: "Nothing within maximum sensor range, and nothing on any of the communication bands. We are running silent."

"Thank-you Mr. Westfall."

"You're welcome Sir."

Hunter turned over to Wright, "Maximum warp it is, Helm, maintain course and speed."

"Aye-Aye Sir."

Hunter settled back into his seat and resumed reading reports and logs.

A Simple request "
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.28 1000

58204.28 1000

"Computer located Capt. Hunter." Teilani asked. "Capt. Hunter is in his ready room, "the reply came.

Good, Teilani thought better ask him now. Cleaning some minor things from her desk, she left sick bay and took the turbolift to deck 1. She did not encounter many people only the soft vibration of the ship made her realise that they were still flying, judging from the vibration it was at high speed.

Putting some unwilling strands of hair behind her ear, and tugging her uniform she hit the chime.

"Goodmorning Captain. Sorry to disturb you."

Hunter smiled, "not a problem Doctor." said Hunter reassuringly, gesturing to a chair.

"Thank you Sir, she said, sitting down in the chair. "Hello Chester," Teilani said as the little cat rubbed alongside her ankles.

Hunter shook his head in amusement.

"Sir," I never ask very much but ....... ehm this time I have a small personal favor to ask from you."

Hunter straightened up, "what can I do for you Teilani?" he asked, risking the informality.

Teilani smiled. This was the first time he mentioned her by her first name.

"Well Captain, we are getting closer to Rura Penthe right... " Teilani found it hard to talk about her request, she was tought that the needs of the many outweight the needs of the few. "I was wondering if you could ask the Head warden of the penal facility if he......ehm if he could check his records to see if my baby brother is there.?

A look of grave concern crossed Hunter's face. "You have a brother imprisoned there?"

"I think so Sir, that is what I am trying to find out. I don't have that much contact with my family but I made a promise once, that no matter what I would do my best to find him."

"What happend?" inquired Hunter.

'He got lost during the war. He was working on a communication array when his shuttle was attacked by raiders and the only clue the investigators came up with was some reference to Rura Penthe. But according to the evidence it was not enough to pursue that lead at the time."

"Raiders? I don't understand, is he a Federation officer?"

Teilani shook her head. "No Sir," she said. "I learned from the records he made some wrong friends and appearently he was dealing in contraband. Life on Mars is harsh." Teilani paused for a moment.

"But I know that he got framed for it," Teilani said passionate.

Hunter sympathized with her. "Alright, I know it is important to you. I'll see what we can do."

"I appreciate that Captian," Teilani said while she got up to the door. "Thank you." Hunter nodded and went back reading a pile of padds.

Ferengi Security Officers. What were they thinking?? "
By: Melissa Jarvis, Chief Security Officer, [RNPC]
Highwaij, Crewman, [PST]

Stardate: 58204.28 1000

58204.28 1000 =Security=

Melissa read thought the security logs again. It appeared that after the conflict with the prisoners Ensign Highwaji took it upon himself to destroy several weapons. This seemed a bit odd because the weapons belonged to this ship. Normally, they would just be checked back into the armory. She could find not reason for their destruction.

Jarvis to Highwaji, please report to my office.

Highwaij to Jarvis I'm on my way always ready to assist you Highwaij," he replayed to Jarvis He heard something in her voice that made him move even faster He knew her bad temper, he had seen it only once and that was enough.

A few moments later he entered Melissa's office, he looked at her as her blond hair fall on her shoulders "You wanted to see me" he said "I must say I saw you're Martial Arts records in the training hall and I must say I was very impressed I hope to be as good as you one day myself.

"Ensign, according to the security logs you destroyed several weapons belonging to this ship. I would like to know why?"

Highwaij smiled he was relieved they hadn't found his stacks around the ship yet. "Ah those weapons, I see you read my report" Highwaij said smiling showing his teeth. "Of course I'll tell you, after our last weapon fight I collected all the weapons and put them back in the armory at their place before I'll put them back I'll checked them first of course, as you told me the last time, I'll always follow you're orders to the detail.

After checking and cleaning them I found out that a few weapons where damaged beyond repair, to make sure these weapons didn't fall in the wrong hands I'll destroyed them myself, so I was sure they where destroyed."Highwaij replayed "As you can see it's all in my report, but you probably have read that already."

Highwaij waited for an answer but before Melissa could say anything Highwaij started again "Perhaps I can interest our great Chief Security Officer in a Klingon Martial Arts Holodeck program, I can give you a great program for a small price with great discount of course."

"Ensign, you were assigned to process prisoners not to destroy weapons. Furthermore, you failed to follow correct destruction procedure." Melissa took a breath she did not trust this Ferengi, "When weapons are destroyed two people are required to carry out the destruction in order to assure that the weapons are actually destroyed." She fixed the Ferengi with a icy stare, "Mister Highwaij, if I so much as find that one of those weapons that you say you destroyed still exists I will leave you on Rura Penthe with the rest of the criminals, is that understood."

"Of course Lt. you can trust me, if you ever need my help just let me know I'm always willing to help" said smiling "What ever you need me for"

"Dismissed Ensign."

Highwaij left the office should he change the weapons he thought about it or destroy them but he decided to leave them where they where, he was a Ferengi and there was profit to be made in this. Even the risks where high, but without the risks the profits would be low. Then he went back to the brig, guarding the prisoners again

Rura Penthe #50"
By: Ensign Letan, Engineer, [NPC]
Craig Witmore, Engineer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58204.28 1100

58204.28 1100

Location: Messhall

Craig ate his usual morning meal slowly today. All the main repairs were done and Craig felt it was time to relax. His idea of relaxation was to time how fast he could dismantle a warpcore. As this was of course not allowed he had to settle for the holodeck.

A few days ago browsing through the ships database he found a repair competition. The rules were simple

1) Get your ship off the ground as quickly as possible. 2) Don't let the raiders overwhelm you. 3) 2 people per team.

He would have preferred to have more information about the competition (what kind of ship would he have? how many raiders would be attacking, and how often? did he choose the right person to join him for the game?). Too many question, too few answers.

'Oh well,' Craig thought, 'I shall know in good time.'

He got up to go to the holodeck.


Holodeck 1

As Craig approached the holodeck doors he heard a voice behind him.

“Hey Whitdog, where you going?”

Craig turned to see Ensign Letan walk towards him.

“Well I have some holodeck time left and I wanted to get my hands on this engineering competition. Care to join me?”

Craig had checked the rules of this game and it was allowed to bring a 2nd player. He hoped that he was right to bring a second engineer. Of course they would be faster, but would they be beaten by the raiders first?

Still, Craig was pleased to see Ensign Letan, for in the few interactions they had had, Craig had developed a deep respect for the young bolian male.

“A competition, now that sounds interesting, Letan answered. “Don’t mind if I do”.

Craig clapped Letan on the back, saying, "Well, do not tell anyone...but that makes two of us." Without waiting for a response, Craig entered the holo-suite, after having activated the program, leaving an bewildered Ensign Letan to follow.

Waiting for them was a tech. He was a native of Kyzar, although he was of a slightly smaller build than the average of his peoples. He had an air of intelligence about him, though, which seemed to make up for his small stature. He smiled at them as they entered, and, rubbing his hands together, said, "Ah trying out the competition, excellent, alright, I'm ready when you are."

Craig glanced at Ensign Letan, who looked resolute, and smiled inwardly. 'Win or lose,' Craig thought, 'I brought the right partner.'

Craig nodded to the tech, and everything disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by a beautiful meadow. The scene was so nice, Craig almost forgot why he was there in the first place. Almost, but not quite. Turning around, Craig saw the ship he was to repair.

He would have been seized by laughter, were it not for his self-control. What he now faced was not a bohemoth of a foreign vessel, but a standard Starfleet least, sort of. The shuttle was scarred by disruptor fire, probably from a battle. It also sported a .3 meter-diameter hole in it's port hull, and a certain nonsymmetrical quality to it, due to a missing nacelle.

'At least I will have no problem understanding it's controls or operations,' Craig thought.

Together the two entered the shuttle and began to check it over. The shuttle would never see space travel until she'd had her hull patched, and she wouldn't go as fast as she had until she received a new nacelle, but she would fly again. The ensigns would make sure of that.

“Letan,” Craig said. “See if you can power up the shuttle.” Letan nodded and slided in the pilot chair when all over sudden a shocking explosion rocked the shuttle.

Peeking out through the "window", Craig saw four Raiders running across the meadow, now about 400 yards off. He glanced at Ensign Letan, "Keep working. If we can get her going, the raiders will not make a difference."

Craig moved to the back of the shuttle and opened the weapons locker hoping for some firepower. He was both relieved and disappointed to find two Maqui Type II Phasers waiting for him. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'they will have to do.' He grabbed one and headed back to the open shuttle door.

The Raiders were now 200 yards off. Craig's poor aim made firing pointless, so he waited.

The shuttle shook from another disruptor blast, as the raiders continued to advance, not afraid to make their presence known. "Ensign Letan," stated Craig, "now would be an excellent time to get this ship off the ground."

As the Raiders hit the 100-yard mark, Ensign Letan exclaimed,

“Alright, we have power now.!!! Letans’ fingers ran over the console, bypassing circuits, getting power from non essential systems.

The ship began to power up. The sound of a freshly started shuttlecraft was music to Craig's ears. And then, it stopped, leaving two confused ensigns on a shuttle with no power.

However, neither of the ensigns wasted words on the situation. Ensign Letan went back to working on the shuttle, while Craig went to try fighting off the Raiders.

The Raiders had crossed the 50-meter mark, so that Craig felt comfortable shooting at them. However, he missed three times before stunning one of them . He mentally cursed his inaccuracy and vowed to spend the rest of the day practicing in the holodeck on the Zion

“Craig, Letan called. “I can’t get the power online. We need an energy boost from somewhere.”

Craig gulped, "No problem, Ensign. Grab the other phaser from the weapons locker, then get back here and cover me."

Ensign Letan wasted no time and as soon as he returned, Craig sprinted out of the shuttle, firing at the Raiders as he ran. Ensign Letan began firing from the door opening, stunning the second of the Raiders.

Frustrated with his poor aim, Craig threw down his phaser, and charged straight towards the third Romulan. His sudden change in tactics momentarily surprised one of the Raiders, allowing Craig to tackle him and knock him down.

The sounds of phaser fire and a body dropping told Craig that Ensign Letan had taken down the fourth Raider. Craig was not done with #3, though. He punched him in the face repeatedly, until the raiders nose was bleeding profusely, and Craig's hand was aching. Then he gathered up his phaser and the four disruptor rifles, and returned to the shuttle.

“Where are the weapons for Craig, Letan asked has he moved back in the shuttle. We need power and not extra weapons.”

“Don’t you see it Letan,” Craig said eagerly trying to catch his breath. “We can use the powerpacks from the rifles to give us that bit of extra power we need to get off the ground.”

“Shit your right, I hadn’t thought of that,” Letain said a bit sheepishly. Craig chuckled. “There is no harm done, lets get to work.”

Two and a half minutes later, they had the weapons connected and attached to the shuttle power conduits. Craig hoped they hadn't used up too much of the energy from them, however he knew the rifles held a lot of power, so he didn't think it would matter.

The shuttle shook from another disruptor blast coming from another raiding party, but this time Craig paid it no mind. Instead, he said, "Ensign Letan, you may restore power to the shuttlecraft and get us out of here."

Ensign Letan did not need to be told twice. He powered up the shuttle and, slowly, the shuttle began to ascend.

Still, it was fast enough to escape the raiders, and they hobbled their lopsided shuttle away from the Raiding party…...when suddenly the program was ended, changing back to its familiar black and yellow grid again..

Both Craig and Letan found themselves back in the holo-suite with the tech.

"Well," said the tech, "you wasted more time in the beginning than you should have, but you're definitely advancing to the next round, no doubt about that."

“Great,” Letan said looking towards Craig. “What you say shall we give round 2 a try?”

Craig laughed. “Your on, Letan. Computer initiate round 2.”

Rura Penthe #7"
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Riaan, Operations Manager, [PST]

Stardate: 58204.28 1315


Riaan was on the grave yard shift and was enjoying what time she had before reporting to duty. She hadn’t seen the counselor and decided it was time to have a short chat with her and get some things off her chest, especially with the events not long ago.

As she entered sickbay she proceeded over to the office of Lt. JG Zoei. She made sure her uniform was straight before pressing the chime to her office.

"Enter," Patia stood up from where she has just straightened the cushions on one of the sofas.

Riaan entered Patia’s office trying to play it calm, cool and collective and was hoping that she could control her anger better then prior besides she wanted to apologize for her behavior on her last visit here.

"Hello Patia I just wanted to drop by and to apologize for my out burst and the damage I had caused with my last visit here," as Riaan responded in a more positive tone.

"Hello, Lieutenant. Come in and have a seat. I appreciate your apology." Patia crossed to the replicator. "Did you want anything?"

“Mocha would be nice thank you? So how are you doing Patia," as Riaan tried to be polite.

"One Mocha, and Raspberry Iced Tea," Patia stated to the replicator. She picked up both mugs. As she crossed to her chair, she handed the mug of Mocha to Riaan. Slowly, she settled herself into her seat and tucked her feet up below her. "I am doing well. How have you been?"

“I have been doing pretty good, I am just glad we have the prisoners back in the brig where they belong,� responded Riaan. Things were chaotic yet I loved the thrill of the hunt which may sound odd to you,� looking at Patia trying to get some sort of read from her.

"No it’s not odd at all. I imagine your area has been very busy with repairs and getting everything back to normal." Patia raised an eyebrow as she reached for her glass.

“Extremely busy but most of the repairs are done. Everyone seems to have pulled together as a team in such a crisis’s we are extremely lucky the causalities weren’t any higher then they were. I am assuming you have had your hands full dealing with some of the crew that aren’t used to what occurred with the prisoners over taking the Zion, the violence, the blood, and the loss of certain crewmembers that they have come accustomed to working with or started to build a friendship with,� as Riaan responded in a soft mellow tone as took a sip of mocha.

"Counseling is always busy, but I have seen a wider variety of people in the past month than I had seen in my entire time here before that. Did you have anything else on your mind when you decided to stop by?" Patia picked up a large, purple pillow. The material was rich brocade and the edges were a silky satin. She ran her fingers along the smooth edges of the material.

Riaan contemplated for a few minutes not sure what to say as she looked at Patia. She noticed that Patia seemed nervous or something and wondered if it had to do with her last visit due to her outburst of anger or something. She watched Patia quietly not saying a word. After a few seconds Riaan replied, “no there is nothing more,� as she placed her mug on Patia’s desk and got up and left and proceeded on with her day before her shift was to start.

Clearing the Mind "
By: Riaan, Operations Manager, [PST]

Stardate: 58204.28 1500

=Holodeck Three=

Riaan thought things went rather well with Patia but wondered if she some how made her nervous. After leaving her office she proceeded to holodeck three.

She stopped and checked to make sure it was not in use and she was glad no one booked this holodeck. She programmed her favorite program from back home then entered.

As she entered the holodeck was turned into a lush meadow. Riaan wondered out towards the brook and had stretched out in the deep grass as the sun shone down upon her. She loved the fresh smell of the air, the soft breeze and the trickling of the water from the brook, the rustling of the grass and the animals scampering off in the distance and the chattering back and forth; the rustling of the leaves from the trees off in the distances from the warm summer breeze. Just what one needed to relax to once in a while in order to feel rejuvenated and being so full of life? Being close to nature and letting one's mind and body go blending into one's surroundings. Riaan picked a bland of grass and starting chewing on the end.

Riaan thought about her session with Patia and the other sessions; this one seemed to have gone rather well other then Patia seeming nervous something Riaan never noticed prior. Patia always seemed self-assured and self-confident and always in control of her emotions and Riaan wondered what made her feel nervous or was her mind playing tricks on her as she rolled onto her stomach.

As she reflected back she remembered Patia saying to her, "we all need friends in our life." Riaan never truly had a chance to make friends and had made friends with Teilani and she was the first she had taken out to dinner on her home planet even though it was in the holodeck.

She even remembered Patia stating, "It's okay to show your emotions and not to be ashamed how you feel."

Riaan started to understand what Patia meant when she stated, "It was okay to show how you feel." Riaan knew first she had to learn how to control that out burst of anger as Patia seemed to know which buttons to press and get her blood boiling inside before she blew a cork.

Toady was a good day to reflect over the prior sessions as this one had ended well in her opinion; she just hoped that due to her out burst of anger that Patia didn't trust her or felt threatened by her. She felt somewhat disheartened thinking about it and hoped that she could some how mend those old wounds and make Patia feel comfortable and safe around her again. She even wondered did something happen when the prisoners over threw the ship and took over. Did she hit a nerve bringing that up during her visit to her, so many ifs and Riaan knew that she would really never know for sure how Patia felt about her.

It was going to take time to build some sort of trust with her and Riaan knew that she could prove to Patia that she wasn't a threat to her or anyone onboard the Zion for that matter and that she would put her life on the line to save another crewmember if it came to that.

Riaan was beginning to miss home some what and wondered how her parents were fairing. She could see both her parents face clear as a bell and could imagine what the two would be saying after learning about her chooses she had made for herself and hoped that they would one day understand that she needed to find her own path not one that they choose. She cared deeply for her parents' and respected them highly and knew that they only wanted the best for her and to keep her out of harm's way, but Riaan knew that she couldn't stand being a doctor nor a scientist and it took her time to find her way and be her own person, someone who showed respect and dignity for herself. She knew if she didn't have either then who would show the same back to her.

Riaan realized over the short span of her years she had grown strong and very independent and that her parents should be proud of her accomplishment and not condone her for her actions. She knew one day she would have to confront the two and sit down and have a long talk over her choices that she made for herself and she knew more then likely her parents would not be happy, but Riaan hoped they could accept her for who she was.

Slowly as Riaan came back from day dreaming she noticed her stomach was grumbling and she realized that she skipped breakfast and lunch. It was time to head off and get something to eat and then she could relax and give her stomach a chance to digest her dinner properly before starting her shift.

Slowly Riaan got up and stretched her legs she noticed that the sun was just going down over the horizon tomorrow was going to be a good day thought Riaan to herself.

Riaan: "Computer, save this program "Meadow" and end program."

Computer: "Computer, program saved."

Everything turned back to black with yellow lines and Riaan exited the holodeck and proceeded onto the mess hall. She felt so much alive and felt so good inside and this was the best she felt for sometime which was odd for her as she thought to herself.

Rura Penthe #42"
By: Riaan, Operations Manager, [PST]

Stardate: 58204.28 1500

=Holodeck Three=

Riaan thought things went rather well with Patia but wondered if she some how made her nervous. After leaving her office she proceeded to holodeck three.

She stopped and checked to make sure it was not in use and she was glad no one booked this holodeck. She programmed her favorite program from back home then entered.

As she entered the holodeck was turned into a lush meadow. Riaan wondered out towards the brook and had stretched out in the deep grass as the sun shone down upon her. She loved the fresh smell of the air, the soft breeze and the trickling of the water from the brook, the rustling of the grass and the animals scampering off in the distance and the chattering back and forth; the rustling of the leaves from the trees off in the distances from the warm summer breeze. Just what one needed to relax to once in a while in order to feel rejuvenated and being so full of life? Being close to nature and letting one’s mind and body go blending into one’s surroundings. Riaan picked a bland of grass and starting chewing on the end.

Riaan thought about her session with Patia and the other sessions; this one seemed to have gone rather well other then Patia seeming nervous something Riaan never noticed prior. Patia always seemed self-assured and self-confident and always in control of her emotions and Riaan wondered what made her feel nervous or was her mind playing tricks on her as she rolled onto her stomach.

As she reflected back she remembered Patia saying to her, “we all need friends in our life.� Riaan never truly had a chance to make friends and had made friends with Teilani and she was the first she had taken out to dinner on her home planet even though it was in the holodeck.

She even remembered Patia stating, “It’s okay to show your emotions and not to be ashamed how you feel.�

Riaan started to understand what Patia meant when she stated, “It was okay to show how you feel.� Riaan knew first she had to learn how to control that out burst of anger as Patia seemed to know which buttons to press and get her blood boiling inside before she blew a cork.

Toady was a good day to reflect over the prior sessions as this one had ended well in her opinion; she just hoped that due to her out burst of anger that Patia didn’t trust her or felt threatened by her. She felt somewhat disheartened thinking about it and hoped that she could some how mend those old wounds and make Patia feel comfortable and safe around her again. She even wondered did something happen when the prisoners over threw the ship and took over. Did she hit a nerve bringing that up during her visit to her, so many ifs and Riaan knew that she would really never know for sure how Patia felt about her.

It was going to take time to build some sort of trust with her and Riaan knew that she could prove to Patia that she wasn’t a threat to her or anyone onboard the Zion for that matter and that she would put her life on the line to save another crewmember if it came to that.

Riaan was beginning to miss home some what and wondered how her parents were fairing. She could see both her parents face clear as a bell and could imagine what the two would be saying after learning about her chooses she had made for herself and hoped that they would one day understand that she needed to find her own path not one that they choose. She cared deeply for her parents’ and respected them highly and knew that they only wanted the best for her and to keep her out of harm’s way, but Riaan knew that she couldn’t stand being a doctor nor a scientist and it took her time to find her way and be her own person, someone who showed respect and dignity for herself. She knew if she didn’t have either then who would show the same back to her.

Riaan realized over the short span of her years she had grown strong and very independent and that her parents should be proud of her accomplishment and not condone her for her actions. She knew one day she would have to confront the two and sit down and have a long talk over her choices that she made for herself and she knew more then likely her parents would not be happy, but Riaan hoped they could accept her for who she was.

Slowly as Riaan came back from day dreaming she noticed her stomach was grumbling and she realized that she skipped breakfast and lunch. It was time to head off and get something to eat and then she could relax and give her stomach a chance to digest her dinner properly before starting her shift.

Slowly Riaan got up and stretched her legs she noticed that the sun was just going down over the horizon tomorrow was going to be a good day thought Riaan to herself.

Riaan: “Computer, save this program “Meadow� and end program.�

Computer: “Computer, program saved.�

Everything turned back to black with yellow lines and Riaan exited the holodeck and proceeded onto the mess hall. She felt so much alive and felt so good inside and this was the best she felt for sometime which was odd for her as she thought to herself.

Rura Penthe #34"
By: Thaddeus Baxter, Marine NPC, [NPC]
Laila Wisniewski, Marine NPC, [NPC]

Stardate: 58204.28 1600

== holodeck 1==

Laila had stopped the boxing program several times, getting a bit annoyed that she could not get this particular combination right. As she wanted to start over again she noticed Thad watching her with interest, wearing his exercise clothing- black shorts and a gray t-shirt underneath a light gray sweatsuit- and carrying a water bottle and stopwatch.

"Thad, I did not hear you come in,”she said her green eyes fixed at this face. "Sorry if I have extended my holotime, I will end immediately".

"No, no, You're just fine." Thad answered, "I was expecting somebody else to be in here- several other people, in fact. You seem to have a penchant for fighting opponents significantly larger than you. Someday that might not work out very well for you."

"You might be right Thad, but if I do not try I will never know, will I?".

"Whatever suits you. You don't seem to give up easily- you tried the thing twice in a row, it didn't work either time, but you set up to try a third time. Why?" Thad asked.

"I am very tenacious Thad, I will learn this combination someway or another", Laila replied.

"I see." Thad answered.

"Maybe you would like to join me for a round or 2", Laila asked.

"Hmm," Thad said, "You seem to have a penchant for fighting me as well. How long have you been doing this?"

"Boxing you mean?, Not so very long, Sir, but if you care to join me, maybe you can show me what I am doin' wrong".

"Aight, I'll do it with you- got an extra set of gloves?" Thad asked.

"As a matter of fact I do, Laila said as she pulled a pair of blue gloves from her bag and handed them to him.

=Computer reset training program 52, remove holographic opponent.

Thad took off his sweat suit, revealing his not quite bulging arms and legs, then put on the gloves, and stepped into the ring

They circled for a little while, Thad still wondering why the hell he was doing this- he still didn't like the idea of hitting a female, unless it was a Klingon one or something.

Laila noticed that Thad was reluctant to hit her. Interesting Laila thought, I have to ask him why sometime. As they kept circling around each other Laila saw an opening and threw in a hard right jap.

Thad's head snapped back. "Well, that sucked," he thought to himself,then returned with a right hook, landing it on Laila's cheek, and immediately followed with a left to her chin.

This punch managed to split her lip but Laila did not feel any pain, she ducked under another powerhouse straight left and lashed her right to Thad left cheek who frantically tried to protect his head. Laila blocked his right which was going for her head when a left punch hit her in the stomach.

Laila buckled, she had not seen this one coming, it nearly knocked the wind out of her. She was determined to maintain the upper hand and managed to force Thad back into the ropes.

Laila incurred a tough upper cut which made her teeth cling together. She was dazed for a moment, Thad took the opportunity of throwing in a few more punches to her head and stomach.

Laila immediately countered with a viscous left hook that Thad didn't quite avoid. She wouldnt holding nothing back, she let him have it all. Laila noticed that he looked a little groggy, she took the advantage of attacking him again, when suddenly the bell rang, ending the round.

Both Laila and Thad returned to their corners. Thad drank some water, then poured some on his head to cool off some. He had a bit of a headache starting, what he suspected was a cut on his cheek, and he had bit his tongue pretty hard sometime in the preceding round. This was almost as tiring as...

"You have one h** of a punch That. Care for another round?" Laila said from her corner.

Thad was quiet for a moment, then said, "You're pretty good. Let's try changing things a little bit. Computer, load program..." he hesitated as he tried to recall the program number, "742."

The room changed to a group of people in BDUs standing in a circle, all standing perfectly still. A helmet, pugil stick (one of those giant q-tips they use on American Gladiators) crotch-pad, and chest pad like baseball catchers wear appeared on the ground in front of them.

"Pugil sticks is easily the most physically demanding thing I have ever done in my life." Thad said, "And we won't cut each other doing this. We'll probably have to answer questions about black eyes and scabs if we keep up with the boxing. You up for this?"

Laila nodded.

"Glad to hear it." Thad said as he put on the padding and helmet, "I guarantee you'll barely be able to move in less than a minute. The longest I've ever been able to go is two minutes, and that was fifteen years ago."

He finished putting on the gear, and picked up his pugil stick. It weighed a good 25 lbs. It was a little heavier than Thad remembered them being. He looked over at Laila, who had finished gearing up as well. Both stepped into the center of the circle, Thad raised his stick until it ran horizontally across his chest.

"You ready?" Thad asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be", Laila responded

"Aight. Computer, begin program." Thad said.

The group of soldiers began yelling and cheering loudly.

"Why are they yelling and cheering so loudly, Laila asked.

"The noise is to help you get used to fighting in noisy places, where you can't concentrate. I haven't seen a battlefield yet that was quiet. Let's go." Thad yelled, and swung the right side of his stick, hitting Laila on the head, causing the soldiers to yell in support. He immediately reversed direction, and tried to hit her side with the left, but she blocked it with her stick. Thad moved in close to Laila, so their sticks were less than a foot away from each other, as the surrounding audience cheered and yelled "come on!"

Laila rotated the stick then swung it to the left side of Thad, he blocked, she swung it to his right side, he block again.

The soldiers continued cheering,

Thad stopped each of Laila's attacks, then tried some of his own. The fact that they were so close prevented either one from gaining enough momentum on a strike to really do anything. The soldiers continued cheering, as Thad was hoping Laila was tiring out faster than he was.

Laila's arms began to hurt, trying to block each move Thad made, she was becoming exhausted.

They locked sticks, Thad had one end of Laila's stick between his body and his stick. He took advantage of this and hit his head against Laila's as hard as he could, then released her stick and staggered backward.

Laila let her arms hung down, unable to defend her self momentarily, and breathing heavily, her muscles ached but she noticed that Thad had the same problem.

Laila managed to raise her stick and charged at Thad and managed to get him off balance, staggering backwards.

He barely regained balance, and charged at Laila, running into her as hard as he could. He kept pushing as she staggered backwards, eventually losing her balance and falling on her back. Thad tripped over her, and fell on his stomach. The soldiers yelled at both to get up.

Laila managed to sit up as Thad turned around and pushed her onto her back again.

He got on his feet as quick as he could, raised his stick over her head, then let it drop on her head, scoring a point- the first of the match. Then he fell down next to her.

"Freeze program." the soldiers froze.

"Laila brushed the sweat from her forehead when she said, " I give up Thad"

Thad gasped, "I told you it was hard."

"Yes Thad, you are absolutely right"!.

"You done for the day?" Thad asked next.

Laila nodded, unable to speak any further trying to get her breathing back to normal..

"Good, 'cause I can't do much more either." Thad answered as he let go of his pugil stick, and slowly stood up. "Are you gonna be ok?"

I will be after a long and hot shower, Laila replied.

"Aight, I'll see you later." Thad said, "Computer, end program." the holodeck reverted to its black and yellow checkerboard. Thad grabbed his stuff, and slowly walked out the door to his quarters.

Dinner Break "
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Riaan, Operations Manager, [PST]
Favor, Medic / Morale Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58204.28 1810

=Mess Hall=

As Riaan entered the mess hall for dinner she spotted Dr. Dane sitting at a table by herself.

Riaan walked up to the replicator, "Computer hot roast beef sandwich, roast potatoes and peas with a coffee."

A few seconds later Riaan picked up her plate and headed over to the table where Dr. Dane was sitting.

"Excuse me doctor do you mind if I join you," asked Riaan?

"No Riaan, please sit down. Teilani said softly. "How are you?"

"I am not bad," as Riaan sat down and placed her tray on the table.

"I do not feel to well," which was the truth, Teilani felt awfully sick. She had given herself a shot of inaprovaline but nothing helped. She knew she looked like being hit by a freight train. She felt cold and her stomach was upset. She was shaking as she took her mug from the table.

Before Dr. Dane could say anything Riaan tapped her combadge This is Lt. JG Riaan to Ensign Favor can you please come to the mess hall medical emergency, something is wrong with Dr. Dane.

Favor turned from Mason's bio bed. Her thoughts drifted to the dagger lilies she'd received, and she wondered again about the origin of the recipient.

It could have been Dan, she supposed. Only Dan would have sent her such a gift. Only Dan would have known the significance of the Risan dagger lily. There relationship had been ripe with passion and betrayal. "Which did you intend to signify, Dan?" Favor wondered aloud.

She remembered that day at the Forty Woods open-air market, when he'd bought the shaving kit. She'd never even known what a shaving kit was, for crying out loud! He'd looked askance at her when she'd questioned him almost puzzled in fact. `"Well, it's's a SHAVING kit," he'd finally said, and selected one from the shelf.

The closest she could envision to a "shaving kit" was the plastic "doctor kit" that one of her mother's Earth boyfriends had given her, complete with candy pills and a box of bandaids.

What on earth would be in a SHAVING kit?

She'd found out that day, and had found out much more, too. "Being raised by a pack of wolves doesn't do much for your social skills," Favor mused aloud, remembering with a faint smile all the things she'd learned that day.

The machines surrounding Mason hummed and whirred, plumping him with life. "Did Dan send me those lilies, Mason?" Favor asked.

Mason didn't reply.

"You know, Mason," Favor said, "you aren't nearly as good a conversationalist as Silvio is."

The communicator buzzed like a crying baby, demanding to be fed. It was Riaan, summoning Favor to the dining hall. She sighed, and punched the send button, speaking directly to Riaan. "I can't leave Mason right now we're in the middle of a procedure. I'll send two medics with a stretcher."

Understood I'll t transport Teilani and myself straight to sickbay this way I know that Teilani arrived okay and I'll know personally whether she is fine or not, out.

Favor paused. How strange that Riaan would personally escort Dr. Dane to the Sick Bay, she thought.

"OK, I'll stand by here," she said.

Riaan: "Computer, medical emergency lock onto Lt. JG Dane and my combadge and beam straight to sickbay."

A few minutes later Riaan and Teilani arrive in sick bay.

Bad smells "
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.28 1910


It was around seven when Teilani came back in sickbay. She had been to the science lab to check on the cloning project. After the insertion of the altered DNA, the growth was still progressing rapidly. If her calculations were right the arm would be ready even before they were back at Qultuq.

Cleaning some minor equipments, she checked on Mason. “Hey Mason,” she said. “How are we feeling today?” Teilani increased some of the nutrience and turned her attention back to Mase. “You know Mase, I have asked Captain Hunter to check if my baby brother is on Rura Penthe. I have not seen him in ages. You would like my brother, him and you are similar.

Ofcourse there was no answer from Mason but Teilani enjoyed talking to him. People who came into sickbay unannounced often looked at her as if she was bonkers. But she did not care.

You feel like some reading? O.k. Mase, lets continue with the book. Now let me see were where we.?”

“Ah yes, what you think Mase, should I sent a copy of it to Chief Silvio. He might appreciate it.”

“Right here we go.” +++++

The Chief of Engineers, looking up briefly from the paper he has been busy scribbling in, clears his throat. "Thank you, Your Majesty. Eh, we can't put a screw through the hammerhead because it will cease to be moveable and we can't compromise that. Adding more steel will totally destroy the design function of the hammerhead. A vice just won't work; we already tried. I should add that the hammerhead is strong enough so that isn't the problem. Finally, removing the spring as I have already explained is not an option."

"Thank you Chief of Engineers," His Majesty says. "Now we will hear more suggestions. We urge you to be orderly and respectful."

Chastened by the king's words, the people are momentarily shy. But they are not known for being able to keep mum.

"Perhaps we should redesign the Great Bell."

"I disagree. A bracket is what's needed."

"What bracket is he talking about?"

"Search me; I have no idea!"

"Perhaps we should use another spring to counter the action of the first spring."

"I wanted to say that!"

"Spare us please! You always wanted to say that."

"A spring might work."

"But it would have to be a stronger spring."

"A more taut spring!"

"Yes! Make for us another spring!"

"Indeed! Set a spring to tame a spring!"

Up goes the king's hand again. He motions to the Chief of Engineers to comment on the spring issue.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," the Chief of Engineers begins, scratching his eagle head. "I must confess that we did think of another spring initially. But we discarded the idea because it's a likely two-edged sword. It may work, but it may also fail, causing a design non-performance and possible malfunction that could lead to the destruction of the Great Bell. In fact the original design called for a reversing spring. But we abandoned it because of the inherent danger."

"But there's a good chance it might work, not so?" someone queries from the front ranks.

"Yes," says the Chief of Engineers. "There is a good chance. Indeed, synchronising the clock flywheel with the hammerhead and bell mechanism will be much easier with a second spring. But it will involve very extensive calculations to establish a reasonable margin of safety. This is because the addition of a second spring will automatically draw us closer to the threshold of unacceptable uncertainty. What that means is that we may succeed in activating the bell mechanism to function as per its original design concept, but we would also unwittingly trigger a disparity in the displacement caused by centrifugal forces that can only be corrected, as I said earlier, by extensive calculations. The slightest error could be very dangerous. Empirical equations to aid the safety factor must be deduced through elaborate configurations aimed at establishing the right degree of tautness and the spring's potential displacement under the prevalent centrifugal forces acting on--"


Wright had entered and noticed the doctor was reading to the prisoner. He listened to the doctor for a while, until a sharp stabing pain coursed up his arm, reminsing him why he had come by. "Excuse me Doctor,"

"Yes Commander, Teilani said turning towards him.

Wright held up his arm, "I think I might have the start of an infection."

Teilani removed the bandages and stepped a bit back as a dirty smell became eminent.

"Yes it seems you are right," she said. "Please sit down, I have to clean it up and redress it. She walked over to a table and prepared another vial for the hypospray, then she went to the replicator. "Water, warm, 25 degrees,"

Before taking the bowl to Wright Teilani also added a antiseptic solution in to it. "This might sting a little Sir," she said. Gently she used some gazes to remove the puss and the crusts from the stump. It began to bleed again, which was agood sign at least the tissue was still alive.

Teilani did not say much as she tended Wrights arm. She was already glad that some one had taken the liberty to come to sickbay even though it was a patient.

Covering the stump with an antibiotic cream Teilani redressed it. She took the hypo and pressed it against Wright's neck.

"This is a long working antibiotic and some painkiller. You should be alright now Sir," she said softly. "Try to keep it dry if you take a shower and get back here in 3 days for re-dressing. If it is wet or starts to smell again, I want you back sooner."

"Thank you doctor. I will see you again in three days." Wright smiled. "How is my new hand coming?"

"It is progressing nicely, according to our shedule it will be finished by the time we reach QT, Sir."

"Excellent, I am looking forward to getting it back."

Teilani shot him a small smile, "Anyting to please you, Sir."

Wright arched a eyebrow as the rather odd comments but said nothing. "Thank you and have a good night Doctor," said Wright.

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