Those were the days my friend "
By: Samantha Carter, Security Officer, [RNPC]
Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.18 1330

It was a few days since Sam had been on the D-kuul and she had gladly picked up her duties again. Yet somehow she missed something. Was it the constant vigilance she had had on the klingon ship. She didnot know.

She sighed again as she signed of the last of the padds. Luckily there were no further mishaps when the prisoners were transported to RP. Feeling a rumble in her stomach, Sam decided to go and get someting to eat and then take a quick workout in the gym

Patia pushed away her report. The Captain wanted to meet with her upon his return. The topic of discussion would be morale and current staff issues. The thought of this meeting made her head hurt. Of course, she had skipped breakfast, so that might have something to do with the pain, too. A glance at her chronometer told her she was late for lunch as well. A little lunch might make it all seem much better.

Upon entering the crew lounge Sam noticed it was quiet. Which was a bit unusual cause normaly the place was filled. As she walked over to the replicator she ordered a chees and ham sandwich, a glass of milk and a bowl of appelsauce.

Having collected her place she walked to a far table in the corner and sat down. She pulled up her legs and placed them ont he opposit seat, and stared outside.

Patia glanced around as she walked through the door into the Mess. Sam Carter sat in the corner. Other than that, there wasn't a familiar face in the sparsely populated place. She stopped at the replicator. An exotic fruit salad, egg salad sandwich, and tea appeared momentarily.

Patia crossed swiftly to Sam's table. "Care for company?" she asked.

Sam gave a sly smile. "Hello Ms Zoei." she said. "Please." She took a sip from her milk. Other then that her meal remained untouched.

"Hello, Lieutenant. Thank you." She nodded at the plate on the table. "Your dinner wasn't to your satisfaction?"

"Oh no its fine. There is nothing wrong with it. It's me I am a bit down but it will pass." Sam smiled and took a bite of her sandwich. "So how are things in the counseling department?" she asked.

"Busy as always, but good," Patia shifted her plate and speared a juicy piece of papaya.

"Did you hear the latest news? Crewman Jurgen is expecting a baby. Isn't that nice.

"No, I hadn't heard that. Is she doing well? And what has you down?" Patia asked. The burst of fruit flavor rippled over her tongue. The zesty bite of grapefruit almost made her lips pucker with its tang.

Sam smiled. "I dont know what has me down Ms Zoei. Ever since I came back from the D-Kuul I seem to be missing something. I dont know what it is. Perhaps the exitement, the rush of constantly being alert."

"How was your time on D-Kuul?" Patia asked.

"It was exiting and different at the same time. Although they have the same protocols as us, their regime is much more stricter. But I must say I am glad I went there. I would not have missed it for the world"

Sam spoke with passion as she remembered the time. She briefly glanced at her chronometer. "OMG I did it again. I have to dash Miss Jarvis will be furious" She jumped up and headed for the door.

"Again?" Patia called out.

"I will explain later Ms Zoei, gotta run now." and with a quick jump Sam was gone.

Rura Penthe #128"
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58204.18 2355


Teilani sat on the edge of her bed, legs crossed and the padd she and Hunter had found lay on her lap.

She stroke the padd, although she did not know if it had belonged to her brother at least it had been in his vicinity and perhaps it would shed some clues as to his current whereabouts.

“Computer, open personal log Teilani Dane, stardate 58204.18.”

“I managed to convince Captain Hunter that he and I went down to Rura Penthe together with the prisoner transport. Rura Penthe is a harsh planet and despite the crimes the prisoners have committed I do feel sorry for them.”

“But never mind about them. According to the warden Eric had been on Rura Penthe but managed to escape. According to the warden this could only have been done with outside help. I wonder who would have come to his aide. I also wonder if Eric had deserved the punishment. Come to realise that due to our absence what do I know of my little brother?”

“Anyway Hunter persuaded the warden to lent us an ice speeder and the last coordinates where Eric had been located. Despite the cold and the ancient speeder he and I managed to get there in good time.”

“The location was nothing more than a cave. Upon entering we could clearly see that there had been activity. In the back of the cave we discovered a padd. Unfortunately we could not get it to work and I hope that it contains some information about my brother.”

“That reminds me I must get hold of Chief Silvio to see if he can get it to work for me. That is if he can get his mind to his work. Judging from the Crew he and Patia are now an item.”

Teilani paused and got up. Her legs were tingling from sitting in the same position for some time. As she paced her room she continued.

“Anyway unfortunately a storm was heading our way and we were force to spend several hours in the cavern. I can tell you I was freezing my butt off. Luckily there was a thermo sleeping bag and Hunter and I had to share it. If the crew only knew I had to hug him tightly they will tease me until we are back at QulTuq.”

“Come to think of it the Captain is a very nice man, I knew he was worried about us missing our ride back, but he was very good in concealing it. Anyway we started talking and he is a great story teller, it seems that he likes hiking a lot and he even just to search for gold the ancient way apparently he has been brought up by an uncle. Not unlike my own.

“O yeah I have to coordinates to contact uncle Brexen. Patia had been so friendly as to obtain them for me. It has been ages since I have spoken to him.”

“Computer pause recording and set reminder in my daily roster to contact Brexen Rafellian,” Teilani requested. A small beep indicated the registration.

“Computer resume recording.”

“I also found out that he is not very fond of chocolate. Anyway we had to sit tied for a couple of hours and finally when we peeked out the storm had subsided”

“I must admit I was glad about it, the company was o.k. but the surrounding sucked,” Teilani said with a chuckle. “Unfortunately as we wanted to leave it appeared that the storm had blocked the entrance with a big boulder of ice. It took the Captain ages to melt it down with the equipment we had on board the speeder.

You can say a lot about Hunter but I have to say he knows not to quit and he was very confident that we were going to get out of here. Personally I doubted it.”

“Anyway to make a long story short we managed to leave the cave and our way back to the rendezvous point was not that eventful. We were still in time for our way back to the Zion.

It goes without saying that we both had to be treated for hypothermia and frostbite but thankfully I have an awesome crew. Also I had recommended the Captain to take at least a few hours of R&R on the holodeck on a weekly basis. Just to set his mind at ease, he has been working a lot lately and the constant strain might suddenly blow up in his face. I can only hope he will follow my advise.”

“Computer end recording and save.”

Teilani yawned and took a last sip of her coffee. As she check the chronometer it was already 0030 hours. Slowly she undressed and after having brushed her teeth she slid between the cold sheets. Folding her arms behind her head she looked at the sealing. Thoughts raced through her mind. What would be on the padd? Where was Eric? Was he save or in trouble.? So many questions and so little answers. Slowly Teilani’s eyes closed.

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