Shakedown #134"
By: Favor, Medic / Morale Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58203.01 0700

582203.01 0700

Ensign Favor's quarters

To: All Zion Crew

From: Morale Officer

Subject: Do Not Ask For Whom The Bell Tolls...

Good evening.

So, anyway, I was sorting through the holo-book lending library here, and I came upon some disks that I thought might be of interest to some of the crew. After careful perusal, I selected three, and decided to write up a few book reviews. So that will be our subject for today----books, reading, a dash of revenge, and a maternal admonishment at the end, for topping. Doesn't that sound fine? Doesn't that sound splendid? I thought so, too.

The first book is, I believe, a children's book entitled "The Klingons Next Door," by Pila Pomadaa (a Klingon). An oldie but a goodie.

Here's an excerpt:

See Lelaf. See Lelaf run. Run, Lelaf, run!

See Dick. Watch Dick flee. Flee, Dick, flee!

See Lelaf. Lelaf can throw. Throw, Lelaf, throw!

See Lelaf throw. See rocks fly. See glass shatter with a satisfying crash. See alien graffit spray-painted around the siding of Dick's house.

See the friendly policeman chat with Dick's daddy. They are so sorry that there is nothing they can do.

"It's racial discrimination to press charges against a Klingon," say the friendly policeman. "They have a right to wage war whenever they wish. Racial compensation trumps personal safety."

See Dick's daddy bluster. Bluster, Daddy, bluster. "I will complain to your superiors. I will call my Congressman," Daddy threatens.

"So sorry!" say the friendly policemen, edging towards their cruiser. "Don't blame us! We voted for Bev Peabody."

End excerpt.

Heh heh. This one is a classic, but it's so powerfully written! It gets me every time. That madcap Lelaf! Heh heh! There are some good moral lessons here, people. We could all take a page from Lelaf's book. There are no children on the ship at the present, but if there were, I would make this a required reading disk.

We also have "The Klingons Start A Prison Riot" by the same author, if anyone's interested.

Next I have "The Illogical Vulcan," by Ilsa Jorgansen, who obviously never met a Vulcan in her entire life.


"Oh, Tiffany," cried the Illogical Vulcan. "I would crawl a thousand miles over broken glass just for a whiff of your perfume, or a single glance at your lovely face!"

Tiffany eyed the Illogical Vulcan. "Why not just buy a bottle from the perfume counter? Why not just gaze upon my photograph?" she asked. "Really, Charlie, there's no call for self mutilation." Tiffany rolled her eyes.

End excerpt.

This book is absurd. Dare I read more? Not without a bottle of Dramamine and a bucket at the ready just in case the need to vomit arises. However, if you're looking for some mindless fluff to read while you're in the bathtub, you're certainly welcome to borrow this disk. I wouldn't even mind if you "accidentally" dropped it in the bubbles (wink wink).

Lastly, I have "Love Medicine", by Louise Erdrich. Now I must tell you the history behind this particular disk.

I purchased this holo-book disk at a bazaar during a four-hour layover on the planet Rigel 65, from a greasy merchant with bad skin and yellow teeth. He proudly displayed his expired certificate proclaiming his membership in the Intergalactic Fraternal Order of Honest Merchants, outside his tent.

I looked over his goods, and picked up the disk and asked, "How much?"

"You can't have that one," he said. "It's my last one."

He would get another copy and ship it to me, he said. Trust him, he said.

I paid extra for express data transmission pod service. After all, if you pay the low-priority rate, sure, it might save you a few fengo, but my God it takes light years to get to you, doesn't it?

Well, I didn't get it and I didn't get it, and whenever I tried to send a hailing signal, the message bounced back to me, indicating that his receiver wasn't working. And when the thing finally arrived, I saw the big red "LOW PRIORITY" stamps all over it.

"That thieving BEEP!" I shrieked! "I paid extra for the express!"

But then I ripped apart the camel gut that held the package together, and out fell my disk, and I was so happy that I forgot momentarily about the BEEP's rip-off on the shipping charge.

Here's an excerpt, Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich:

Marie Lazarre, 1934

I was ignorant. I was near age fourteen. The length of the sky is just about the size of my ignorance. Pure and wide.

So when I went there, I knew the dark fish must rise. Plumes of radiance had soldered on me. No reservation girl had ever prayed so hard. There was no use trying to ignore me any more.

I was going up the hill with the black robe women. They were not any lighter than me. I was going up there to pray as good as they could. Because I don't have that much Indian blood.

And they never thought they'd have a girl from this reservation they'd have to kneel to. But they'd have me. And I'd be carved in pure gold, with ruby lips. And my toenails would be little pink ocean shells, which they would have stoop down off their high horse to kiss.

End excerpt.

Isn't that fabulous? Isn't that a wonder? Can't you just see into the marrow of this girl's life? Doesn't it lift the hem of her thoughts? I thought so, too.

So you can imagine my disappointment when I popped it into my holo-book reader, only to discover that some bored teenagers, who obviously weren't paying attention in English class, had deleted portions of the disk and rewritten love notes to one another, thus rendering the disk unreadable! Yes, love notes!

"Seth loves Jill," it says. Among other things.

I am quietly plotting revenge against this BEEPING merchant. I filed a complaint with the Bazaar manager, and in return, got the typical canned reply: "We regret that we do not assume responsibility for the actions of the vendors who buy space in our venue to market their goods."

But I will get him, yes. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

On a side note, I would like to take this opportunity to admonish you to consume your vitamins. Also, just because your mother isn't here aboard the ship, is no excuse to live off of junk food out of the simulator (or road kill, if you're a Klingon).

I'm not naming names, but I was reviewing the log files, and someone here has eaten ice cream for breakfast the past three mornings. People, do you have any idea the kind of havoc this wreaks on your cholesterol levels? I'm not saying that you can't have treats. I'm not saying that we all don't, at times, indulge in something tasty but nutritionless for breakfast. I'm as guilty as the next person. I'm just saying, all things in moderation, OK? OK!

I nag you because I love you. I nag you because I care. I nag you because this is what they are paying me to do. At least until the new doctor takes over.

Shakedown #102"
By: Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Favor, Medic / Morale Officer, [PST]
Teilani Dane, Doctor Teilani Dane, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 0730

58203.01 0730 Teilani Dane’s quarters.

For some reason Teilani awoke from a deep sleep. It took her while to realize Where she was, she realized she was safe onboard the USS Zion. Teilani quickly took a shower, ignoring the black circles under her eyes. She ordered a new uniform from the replicator, and decided for her self that the bestway to forget the horrors she had seen, was to report for duty.

She left her quarters and headed towards the turbo lift.

"Deck Three."

While in the lift she thought that it might be a good idea that, after she had received her orders, she might make an appointment with the ship’s counsellor. Just to evaluate the events from the Kittyhawk. After she had reached her destination she walked through the door of the office of Commander Wright.

"Goodmorning Commander, Teilani Dane reporting for duty."

Wright was surprised to se the Doctor reporting so soon after the accident. He smiled at her and gestured to a chair indicating that she could sit down. "Good morning Doctor. I see that you are up early." said Wright.

Yes sir, the sooner I can start the better, work is always been the best medicine for me she replied.

"Well, things have calmed down in sickbay. There are really only two serious cases there. Lt. Silvio and Ensign Wilkes." said Wright He looked Teilani over carefully. Wright thought that perhaps she might be triyng to go back to work to soon After the destruction of the Kittyhawk. He was tempted to order her to take a few Days off but decided against it figuring that everyone deals with tragedy in their Own way and maybe the Doctor needed to work.

I see, teilani replied then we must make sure that they survive.

"Ensign Favor is the Medic that has been doing a great deal of the work while we were short a doctor. She is a skilled Medic, however you will find that she usesold fashioned terminology sometimes. I am sure she will get you caught up to speed."

I am sure we will get along fine.

"Welcome aboard Doctor. If you need anything just ask." said Wright.

After she had received her assignments she went to Sickbay where she met Ensign Favor. "Goodmorning Ensign Favor. I wonder if you are in need of some help.", Teilani said.

Favor whipped around in her chair. Every territorial nerve in her body stood on end. They'd warned her she'd be getting a new boss, but that didn't mean she had to be happy about. "Help in what way, Doctor?" she asked. "Are you offering to take a shift here in Sick Bay? My understanding is that you're still working on a light duty shift."

She jerked her head towards the jumble of damaged tissue in the corner. "You Can check Silvio's stats if you want. I think he's finally improving. I had him in A hyperbaric oxygen chamber this morning for a couple of hours, and I think that shaved several days off of his recovery time. He should be ready to come out of his coma any moment now."

She stood up and punched a few buttons, trying to look as busy and industrious aspossible. "I need to get caught up on chart updates," she said. "So if you'll excuse me, Doctor..." She brushed past the astonished Doctor and stalked out of the room.

Shakedown #125"
By: Ensign Wert, NightWatch, [NPC]
Charles Atwood, Chief Intelligence Officer, [PST]
Melissa Jarvis, Chief Security Officer, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58203.01 0730

582023.01 0730

=Uss Zion, Charles Atwood's Quarters=

Charles Woke up with Mellissa by his side...he thought about their wedding and decided to doit so he woke her up to ask her about the subject.

"Honey are you awake?", He said in a low voice

"Yes, I am", she answered "What is it Charles?"

"Well I think that It's time to set a new date for our wedding...what do you think?", he said

"Mmm...The last time we tried I almost died and half of the crew was injured or killed including the CO...But I want to doit too", she said smiling

"Well then it's decided... How about a month from now?...and Full betazoid traditions I presume?", Said Charles with a smile in his face.

"Of Course Why dont you ask the Captain?", She said.

"I will after my Shift is over ... Now I got to get up cause it starts in 30 Minutes", was his answer.

He got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower... after that he put on his uniform and exit his quarters leaving Melissa Sleeping peacefully.

=Moments Later, Intelligence Office=

Charles Arrived to his Office and begun the process of decoding any strange signals from Lt Lindsey's Pod and found nothing strange yet (So far so good) he decided to go to the bridge and use the Zion's Sensors to configure the ODN network to fit the patern of the pod. He entered the bridge and the night shift was still on and was saluted by an ensign who said.

"Good morning Sir Ensign Wert...Do You want to take command?", Said the Young Man

"No Ensign Carry On Please I got Something to do In the Engineering Station", Answered Charles with a smile.

"Aye Sir", said and sit back on the command chair.

Charles Moved to Engineering Station and begun to made a test program to show the captain to request cleareance for the modifications that neded to be done for the process to work. He also detected a minor power failure in the left deflector of the cloak system, he decided to inform the captain later and made a mental note to remind him of doing it.

Shakedown #132"
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Riaan, Operations Manager, [PST]
Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 0800

58203.01 0800 ==Riaan"s Quarter's==

After a good night sleep Riaan decided to drop by sickbay and get a follow-up with the medical supplies to see how many were on hand. According to the database it just listed what was there.

Medical Equipment:

Anabolic Protoplasers 100 Bandages 100 Cardiostimulators 100 Hyposprays 100 Medical Tricorders 100 Nanosurgeons 100 Neuralstimulators 100 Neurolinks 100 Osteotractors 100 Physician's Medikit 100 Laser scalpels 100 Monomolecular blades 250 Nanotech scalpels 250 Stasis Field Generator 100 Bio Beds 8 Surgical Support Frames 8 Alpha Wave Inducer 8 Autosuture 500 Bioregenerative Field 8 Cortical Stimulators 100 Exoscalpel 100 Microtome 100 Motor Assist Bands 100 Neural Transducer 100 Neural Stimulators 100 Physiostimulators 100 Plasma Infusion Unit 100 Protodynoplasers 100 Psychotricorders 100 Somnetic Inducers 100 Sonic Separators 100


Anesthezine 250 Benjisidrine 250 Chloromydride 250 Cordrazine 250 Corophizine 250 Crediline 250 Delactovine 250 Dexalin 250 Dylamadon 250 Formazine 250 Genericillin 250 Hypercoagulin 250 Hyronalyn 250 Inaprovaline 250 Kayolane 250 Leporazine 250 Lexorin 250 Melorazine 250 Memory Blockers 250 Memory-Beta 250 Metrazine 250 Morathial 250 Morphazine 250 Mylar II 250 Purge 250 Rage 250 Rexlin 250 Shaker 250 Stokaline 250 Suspend 250 Tricordrazine 500 Tri-Ox Compound 1000 Tryptophan-Lysine distillates 100 Vertrazin 250

Riaan picked up her PADD that had all the data stored on it and headed off to sickbay.

Riaan entered the turbo lift and the doors closed behind her she told the computer deck 8. A few seconds later the turbo lift stopped and Riaan exited the turbo lift and she proceeded towards sickbay.


A few minutes later she enters sickbay and no sooner had she entered the ship's counselor had spotted her and came over to her.

"Good morning, Ensign", Zoie stated. "How are you?"

Riaan thought to herself great now I will never get out of here. She was hoping that Ensign Patia Zoie wasn't going to keep her here for a while she still had things that she wanted to get done before reporting to duty at 1600. She was hoping to have this information verified in order to submit to the captain. She then thought that maybe Zoie could verify the list of medical supplies that were listed in the database for her.

I am fine Ensign Zoie and how are you today?

"Very well, thank you", replied Zoie.

I was wondering if you would mind verifying this list of medical supplies we have on hand that was in the database. I have been asked by the Captain for a complete listing of supplies onboard to make sure we have enough and the database don't state how many of what we have are on hand, as Ensign Riaan handed the PADD to Ensign Zoie.

"The listing looks complete for the required supplies, but I don't see the quantities. That can be verified through the computer at the doctor's workstation. We also need to set up our appointment times. When you have a moment, please let me know your duty schedule. We can work your appointments around that schedule, rather than interfering. If would prefer evening times, that can also be arranged," Zoie smiled.

Riaan was hoping that dreaded question wouldn't arise and was hoping that Zoie had forgotten as she thought to herself.

Evenings are fine replied Riaan to Ensign Zoie. Riaan tried to keep it very professional by addressing Ensign Zoie properly by using rank and last name.

"Have a good day, Ensign," Zoie said to Riaan. She continued on to sickbay, feeling she was needed there. Zoie noted Riaan's attitude seemed much more positive this meeting. She looked forward to starting the sessions since she felt they would be a smoother process than she initially anticipated.

Riaan headed over to the doctor's workstation. Excuse me Ensign Teilani Dane how are you? I am Ensign Riaan Operation's Officer.

Nice to meet you Ensign Riaan, I am doing fine, considering what has happened replied Teilani

I was wondering do you have some spare time I need to ask if you can please verify this list of medical supplies listed in our database and how much of each on hand as Riaan handed Ensign Dane the PADD. According to the database it just lists what we have but not how much.

Of course no problem, I will get right on it. I will let you know once I have finished.

I greatly appreciate it thank you very much replied Riaan to Teilani

After I was wondering can you please setup some appointments with the ships counselor at night and to please inform her afterwards when I am to see her. She has asked that I please meet with her on weekly bases. Thank you very much, replied Riaan as she looked at Ensign Teilani Dane.

I hope you are all right Teilani replied, I will make some appointments for you.

I am fine it is just I needed to discuss some personal issues with the Counselor nothing serious though.

Teilani download the information into the PADD Riaan had given her and she was going to check if she could make some appointments with the ships' Counselor for ensign Riaan. Teilani called up ensign Riaan's work schedule and began planning the appointments. According to Riaan the best time was evenings.

According to the schedule every week Thursday: 19.00 hrs was the best time. Only she needed to confirm this with the counselor.

Teilani tapped her comm badge, Ensign Dane to Ensign Zoie

"Hello counselor I have scheduled a weekly appointment for you and Ensign Riaan to meet on Thursday at 19.00 hrs. Can you confirm if this is ok with you?"

"Hello, Doctor. This time will be fine. I have it noted and will looked forward to meeting with Ensign Riaan."

After she had received confirmation, Teilani tapped her comm badge again, Ensign Dane to Ensign Riaan

Ensign Riaan here how I can I help you Ensign Dane?

Ensign I have scheduled a weekly appointment for you with the counselor. It will be on Thursday 19.00 hrs. Furthermore I have finished checking the medical supplies, you can pick them up when you're done.

I am on my way thank you very much for verification of medical supplies onboard, Riaan out.

A few minutes' later Riaan enters sickbay and heads over to Ensign Dane's workstation to retrieve the data she had for her.

Hope this isn't a bad time I won't keep you long I just need to pick up the information from you as she handed her PADD to Ensign Dane in order to upload to her PADD. I greatly appreciate the quick response the captain will be glad to have this report.

I really do not mind Ensign, it is always nice when people visit sickbay, even if they are not sick, it will also allow me to get familiarized with the ships computer as well as the supplies in sickbay, Teilani replied.

Well if you will please excuse me I have some business to attend to as Riaan extended her hand to shake Teilani's hand as a gesture of thank you for her assistance.

Teilani hesitated for just a second, but then also extended her hand and the two of them shook hands. Maybe Teilani thought, maybe I have found a friend on board.

Riaan headed off to start creating the report before reporting to duty she didn't have much time but enough she was hoping to submit to the Captain when she arrived on the bridge.

Shakedown #143"
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 0800

58203.01 0800

==Counselor’s office==

Patia arrived in her office early for the day. She had no actual appointments on her calendar, other than the meeting with the MWR officer at 1700. There had been an uneasy feeling settling by her heart since she had left Miranda’s the evening before. Patia knew it had to do with Ensign Favor. Something happened here last night, something that wasn’t at all what she had expected. Fortunately, she felt resolution would be happening soon. On occasion, Patia felt it would be far easier if she could turn her empathetic side off for awhile. She would never want to lose her abilities, but the constant influx of information about other people was tiring at times.

Patia paused at the replicator. “Computer, Coffee, black, extra hot.” The replicator sounded and Patia picked up her steaming mug of coffee. She gingerly carried it to her desk. She chuckled softly as she set it down. When she had requested extra hot, she hadn’t expected scalding. Funny how things work so much better on a brand new ship than they had on the old, decrepit transport ship, she smiled to herself.

“Computer, pull personnel files on Giuseppe Silvio and Teilani Dane,” Patia requested. Due to the issues they faced on board the Kittyhawk, she would need to be visiting with them as they prepared to actively join the Zion. Hopefully, they would only need a cursory meeting and would be ready to begin their duties. Scrolling through the current medical reports on Silvio, Patia shook her head slowly. Unless he was a stronger man than any she had ever met before, they would be meeting more than one time. She had a strong suspicion, he wouldn’t readily agree to this, though.

Patia reached for her mug, tentatively touching the cup. It had cooled, marginally, but enough that she could safely touch it. She wrapped both hands around the mug, drawing in its warmth through her palms. The horror the Kittyhawk had experienced chilled her thoroughly. This afternoon, she would put together her action plan. At some point, she may need to approach the Captain with it. She had very limited exposure to the Captain and how he ran his ship. Now might be the time to see how much latitude he would give her.

She glanced at her chronometer. As she looked up, she felt a knot closing in, deep within her chest. It was so tight, it was actually painful. Someone was waiting outside her office door.

Shakedown #153"
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Favor, Medic / Morale Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58203.01 0900

58203.01 0900 Counselor’s office

The door whooshed open, sounding softly on the carpeted floor. Zoei, hand on her chest, was standing just inside the door. Ensign Favor paced just outside. Her head jerked up, as though startled from deep thought when the door opened.

“Come in, Ensign,” Zoei invited, stepping back from the doorway. Her hand dropped away from her chest, but nervously smoothed the material of her uniform along her forearm. She noticed the moisture on her palms, and rubbed her hand more vigorously against her sleeve.

As Favor stepped across the threshold of her office, Zoei gestured toward the cozy chairs on the side of the room. This was bound to be a hot coffee conversation, she could feel it already. She trailed Favor, pausing at the replicator. “Coffee, black, hot.”

“Ensign, would you like anything?” Zoei asked.

"What I would like is not something you can get from a replicator, Counselor," Favor replied.

Zoei walked to her favorite chair, breathing in the scent of the special blend. She settled into her chair, facing Favor. Her coffee cup cradled in her palms, she leaned forward, ready for the conversation that was about to begin.

"I was just working on my latest MWR memo. Maybe you got it. It dredged up a sour memory for me," Favor said. "See, I bought this used holo-book, and this beeping beep ripped me off."

She lifted her hair and shook it out, and collapsed back into the soft cushions, weary from her days in Sick Bay. "It's a long story, never mind," she said, making shooing motions with her hands. "But speaking of sour memories...."

There was a pause in the conversation. Zoei leaned further in and said, “Yes?”

"I'm sorry about the other day. It's your perfume. My mother wore that perfume, and I haven't thought of her in a long time, and then I came in here, and smelled the air in here..." Favor shrugged. "It was as if she was right here in the room with me."

“My mother wore that perfume as well. When I went back to Betazid for my continued education, she gave me my first bottle of it. Believe it or not,” Zoei said with a chuckle, “I had a horrible time leaving my mother behind and going, all alone, to my home world so very far away from all that was familiar to me. Mother said to me, ‘Every time you wear this, know I am with you. You are not all alone in this universe.’ It also got her off the hook with birthday gifts, now she just sends me another bottle,” Zoei winked.

"I know you can't possibly understand what it's like to lose someone you love. Well, you seem like you have your act together, like nothing ever bothers you."

“I don’t know a single person who hasn’t lost some one or something that was important to them. Some are just better at keeping their emotions in check than others,” Zoei replied.

"Listening to you talk, Counselor, is like looking in a mirror. You don't show me anything that I don't already know. You only reflect what's already here. I feel your empathy, and I appreciate that, but you have all your walls up, and I can feel that too. Why is that?"

“Ensign, my job is to be a mirror. My job is to focus on the crew of this ship and their needs, not my own. Also, because of my job, it isn’t easy to make friends. You, yourself, were not comfortable going to Miranda’s with me for supper last night. That is fine, I understand that, but you are not the only person who doesn’t want the counselor around them during off hours. Being from Betazid makes it that much worse since most of the time, people think I am striving to read their most personal thoughts. And, Ensign, for the record, you are not the only person who has lost someone on this ship. Do you know anything about Betazid relationships?”

"I don't think I'm the only person who ever lost a loved one," Favor said, taken aback. "I'm just saying, I don't think you're playing fair. You can read my mind. I can't read yours. I tell you what you already know, but you tell me nothing. That's what I'm saying. That's all. And no, I don’t know anything about Betazid relationships."

“Favor, when a Betazid is a child, they are bonded with their future mate. We don’t go through the dating, “getting to know you” process that is so prevalent in other cultures. My mate was genetically bonded to me when I was 5. Since I was on Earth and he was on Betazid, we became something of pen pals. Obviously, it was not easy for us to get together for play dates with that distance. It was normal childhood correspondence. A half page of writing, mostly about inconsequential things, twice a month was how we kept in touch. One day, instead of a letter from him, there was a missive from his parents. A tragic accident, a week of life support, and his young life was snuffed out, like he had never existed.”

“Ensign, people from Betazid are not supposed to develop their empathetic abilities until they are well into their teens. When Betazid people display those abilities early, it is often a sign of other, underlying issues they will have as they grow up. It is not something to be proud of, in my culture. My mother has been in constant denial of my precociousness from the first sign. The first sign, for me, was the day I burst into tears and told my mother my genetic bond was broken. She looked at me like I had lost my mind. She told me to hush and I wasn’t to ever say that again. Ten days later, the missive from his parents arrived. The only way to cope was to become a mirror. Since I wasn’t supposed to be able to feel any of this anyway, I wasn’t allowed to discuss it. Believe me when I say this, Ensign, I know what it is like to lose someone.” Zoei collapsed back into her chair, shocked that she had allowed herself to get so emotionally involved in any conversation. Thankfully, it hadn’t been during a session, but she was going to have to work on her control. This could never happen again. The crew would never be able to show her any respect if she continually spouted off like a possessed person.

"Speaking of losing people, it doesn't look like Bird's going to die after all. I really thought he would," Favor said.

Grasping at the change of subject, Zoei asked, “Bird?”

"Bird, you know who Bird is. You want me to say it? OK fine, whatever! Is this some kind of little mind game they taught you in Psychology 101? Bird is Silvio, and he's my patient. And frankly that's the only reason I care about him." Favor sniffed.

Content to allow someone else the emotional outpouring for awhile, Zoei continued to question Favor. “Why is that the only reason you care for him?”

"Why? What is this, twenty questions? Because he's a smelly, greasy human, which isn't politically correct to say these days, but it's the truth. They all look alike to me, Counselor. How the hell can you tell them apart?"

Zoei smiled, “Practice, Favor, practice. Tell me, why do you call him Bird?”

"Why do I call him Bird? Because he looked like a little broken bird when he came in." Favor, examined her fingernails, and picked some invisible lint off her trouser leg. "He was truly a bucket of guts, as we used to say back in Medic School. I actually felt sorry for him, he was hurting so bad. A bucket of guts held together in a sack of shredded skin. Sorry if I'm grossing you out, Counselor," she added.

“It would take more than that to gross me out, Ensign. Is that what you are hoping for, to shock me with your description of your patient? And, frankly, I don’t believe you when you say you hate all humans.”

"Ok, maybe you're right." Favor looked sheepish. "I don't hate humans, but they're not my favorite species. One of the BEEPS made a promise to my mother, and never kept it, and the death of her hope is what killed her, I think."

“Death of hope killed your mother?” Zoei asked for clarification.

"Yes, did you know that that's actually a cause of death on Risa? Well, of course you didn't. But it is. We're an emotional people, and emotional people who have no reason to hope, die off quickly. Despair is toxic to Risans."

”Do you know who the human is that broke this promise to your mother?”

“I didn't really know him," Favor said stiffly. "But if I ever see his ugly face again, I'm going to bash it with a brick. He killed my mother as surely as if he'd shot her with his phaser."

“Your anger is understandable, Ensign. There is a Betazid out there I have similar feelings for as well. The care you have given Bird certainly shows you do not hold your anger at one human against the entire race, though.”

Favor stood, “That is all I wanted to discuss with you this morning. I will be here at 1700 for our follow up on the MWR programs we discussed last night.” She strode toward the door, anxious to leave the counselor’s office.

Zoei rose from her chair. “I will see you this afternoon, Ensign.”

The door slid closed behind Favor, and Zoei collapsed back in her chair. She leaned her head against the cushions, propped her feet on the coffee table and willed herself to put images of a crushed little boy from her mind.

Shakedown #144"
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 0955

58203.01 0955

Counselor’s office

Patia sat up slowly. Five minutes had passed since Ensign Favor had left her office. They had been the longest five minutes of her recent memory. Her feet felt like lead weights as she shifted them from the coffee table to the floor. Shakily, Patia stood. She stumbled, brushing against the coffee table. Her mug, half filled with cold coffee, tipped over and rolled to the edge of the table. The pool of coffee left in its wake had the fogged, stale appearance of drinks better left alone the next time. Patia clumsily grabbed a handful of tissues and sopped up the mess. As she put the used tissues in the waste receptacle, her shaking increased. This is why she avoided getting emotionally entangled in anything. As long as it was someone else’s emotions she was fine, but reach her innermost self, and it just wasn’t an easy task putting herself back together.

Patia returned to her desk. Her PADD was still sitting out, ready for the next bit of work to be completed. She eased into her chair and took several deep breaths. She was more under control than she had been right after the Ensign left, but she wasn’t ready to return to her tasks yet.

“Computer, begin correspondence, addressed to Liesa Zoei, Betazid.

Dear Mother,

I was thinking of you today. If you can imagine this, I, Patia Zoei, lost control today. I knew you would have a hard time believing it. Someone was in my office, not in session, but stopping by. She told me I was like a mirror and I have walls up so I share nothing with other people. After the emotional stress of this week, that was just too much. I actually told her about Lucio. In twelve years of schooling and four years of service, I have mentioned this to no one, not one single person. You are the one that started it, too. She stopped to tell me she recognized the scent I wear. It is the same one her mother wore.

Anyway, life is settling in here. We are out on a test drive of the USS Zion, so to speak. We are due back at Qul Tuq before too long. The crew will take a little R & R. It will be awhile before I will be able to take an extended leave and come home.

Please give my love to Daddy and Michelio.

All my love,


Patia reviewed the letter to her mother. What was her purpose in sending this letter? Would it really make her feel better? Now that she thought of it, she was feeling better already. A different letter, a different day would be in everyone’s best interest. Someday she was sure she would understand the significance of it, but for some reason, her mother was almost touchier about Lucio than she was.

“Computer, erase correspondence,” Zoei stated.

She picked up her PADD. There was a memo to send to the Captain and an appointment with the Doctor she saw. The day was busier than she had anticipated this morning when she came in. Time to get back to work.

Shakedown #130"
By: Charles Atwood, Chief Intelligence Officer, [PST]
Jeff Westfall, Tactical Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58203.01 1000

58203.01 1000

=Uss Zion, Bridge=

Charles was still in the Engineering station when he saw ensign westfall...he looked at him and said "Ensign I need some help here with the Odn Sensors... can you come here plz?"

"Certainly, Sir", Replied Jeff.

As Jeff took the second chair he started speaking "Ok, Jeff I need you to remodulate the cloak field in 1.23 oms and the generator 1.59 oms if you please"

"Done, Sir. I'm showing zero variation on the new calibration", Westfall replied.

"Good, now i need you to calibrate the aiming device to detect this firm", he handled him a pad with the frequence...he said "Here, use this data to recalibrate the aiming device of the left port phaser array"

That is new intelligence, I thought they had stopped developing the frequency interlock mechanism when they stopped using frequency harmonics as a base reference point. I'm no engineer, Sir, but that would make it extremely difficult to detect. The recalibration of the port phaser array is complete. Targeting has been re-synched with the threat analysis algorythm, Sir". Westfall replied, "I'd like to go over the theory for that, Sir, it's a variation I should have worked up for future application. We could provide a surprise or three of our own".

"Of Course ensign i'll take a look of that and i need to thank you for your help and I want to ask you if you got some time later cause i need to test this simulation on the holodeck before I present the solution to The captain and i think you could be of some asistance...So What do you think are you in?", said Charles

"I can ask the Captain for leave to absent myself from the bridge at your convenience, Sir. My next shift at Tactical ends at 19:00. I'd need about ten minutes to file reports and logs, and then another five to get a cup of coffee on the way to the holodeck. If you like I've been working on an interface between the HoloSimulator and the Library Archives using some recordings of data from the live logs to provide real-time responses on the holodeck 'Bridge'", stated Jeff.

"That would be perfect Ensign "I'lI see you at 19:30 then on holodeck 3", said charles while he ordered the computer to transfer the data to the Intelligence network and to seal the records of this simulation with a "Computer seal all the records of the last operations on the engineering station...Authorization 66265 gamma alpha" he turned to Jeff and said "And remember all the procedures that happened here are classified", said Charles

"Acknowledged, Sir," Jeff replied, I'll see you on Holodeck 3 at 19:00". He made a note on his PADD, so as not to forget.

Charles Stood up and left the bridge he neded to made some adjustments before the meeting with Ensign Westfall so he left the bridge with an "I'll see you there and thanks aggain"

"You're welcome, Lt. Atwood. It's a pleasure anytime. Are you available for dinner afterwards, Lt.?", asked Jeff

"Of course please notify Mellissa for me... How about dinner at 21:00 after the holotest?", replied Charles

"I'll meet you both in the Mess Hall for English roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, gravy, mashed potatos, carrots and horseradish. I'll set the replicator for trifle or carrot pudding for dessert. It's a recipe selection my mother found on something called a 'Hard Disk' from 21st Century Earth. She was setting up a display for a seminar, and got it working again", said Jeff.

"Ok Ensign I'll see you there then", he turned and left the bridge

End Game -- Part I "
By: Jeff Westfall, Tactical Officer, [PST]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Riaan, Operations Manager, [PST]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 1100

58203.01 1100


"We've arrived at the waypoint captain." said the helmsman. "Drop out of warp and take us in full impulse," replied the Captain. "Westfall, red alert."

"Aye, aye, Captain Red Alert has been sounded ship-wide, all department heads report ready, containment, damage control teams, and medic staff report at full preparedness.

Long range sensors are operating at maximum efficiency, shields are at maximum modulation, no foreign energy signatures detected, and all weapon systems are loaded and standing by to fire on your order".

"There does appear to be a high metallic ore content in the asteroid field, Captain, I'll try to filter out natural versus manufactured alloys to discriminate composition, like another ship cloaked".

The Captain studied the asteroid field on his monitor it was roughly concave shaped, Millions of kilometers across. It made a perfect backdrop for a confrontation.

"Ensign Riaan, are you getting any sensor readings? Any ships in the area" asked Wright as we looked at the asteroid field on the main view screen.

Riaan looked at the captain and replied, Unable to tell yet, we are getting too much interference.

Hunter shifted nervously in his seat. It was a slow and tedious task, slowly working through the theater of operation.

At 1350h the Zion came to an all stop in front of a Maquis shuttle adrift in space. Analysis showed no lifesigns. An extensive scan showed 11 humanoid bodies where contained inside. With no evidence of the shuttle being booby trapped, the small type V shuttle was beamed to the construct deck.

Hunter and Wright met a security detachment there. With phasers drawn, Hunter signaled the security officer to open the rear shuttle door. As the door opened, the smell of death permeated the air.

Hunter covered his mouth and nose and entered the shuttle. Inside, the bodies were neatly arranged. Some where badly mutilated. He looked at each body he stepped over. He recognized them as his senior officers. Sam Mitchell, tactical chief; Rosa Dennison Flight Chief; Doug Peterson, Ops Chief, Rakia Ramarachaka, Asst chief engineer; Helen King, yeoman; T'lan, senior security officer, he stopped looking, he had no doubts they where all here. Everyone who survived the attack on the USS Hood now lay dead in this shuttle. Everyone except for him, Silvio and Sarik.

A technician from engineering quietly hooked up external power support to the shuttle. As minimal systems came online They noticed as indicator flashing. Hunter looked at Wright. "Its another message." He said.

Wright walked to the console and activated the message. The now familiar sneering face of Jenkins appeared on the console.

"Hello again Ian. I bet you thought I would be waiting to kill you here didn't you?" asked Jenkins. "We will get to that eventually, however, now all I want to do is hurt you Ian. These fine people are dead for one reason and one reason only Captain Hunter. Your arrogant pride Ian. You lead these fine people away from the Federation. It is your fault they are dead. They paid the ultimate price for your sins Ian. Live with that." The image of Jenkins faded from the screen.

Wright watched the Captain. He could see that he was struggling. Wright waited for a moment to see how the captain would respond. "Captain?" said Wright.

There was no response...

Wright was really concerned, this was a bad situation. An young crew on an untested ship with no senior staff. Wright decided to cut his losses. He tapped his comm badge. "Wright to Bridge. Signal Lindsey's runabout. Get her back on board as soon as possible. When she is aboard re-engage the cloak and get us away from here at maximum warp."

Wright again tried to get the Captain to exit the shuttle. With no success.

=From what he has seen so far the Captain was a good man. No one deserved this kind of punishment. Jenkins had dealt from the bottom of the deck with this.

Hunter dropped into the shuttle pilot seat, "I'm okay." he said. Hunter struggled to maintain profession composure. He wanted to thrash the shuttle and chase Jenkins down.

Finally Wright called down to sickbay and requested a team to care for those lost on the shuttle.

Hunter watched as medics arrived and began transporting them.

When the last had been remove, Hunter stood up, "Okay Number One, I'll be on the bridge, lets get this mess cleaned up."

Hunter stepped off the shuttle and headed towards the door.

Said the Spider to the Fly. "
By: Trikat, Cardassian Gul, [NPC]
Jenkins, Evil Bad Guy, [NPC]

Stardate: 58203.01 1110

58203.01 1110

=Cardassian Ship Slithss=

Jenkins watched as his scheme played out before him. The USS Zion decloaked and took on the shuttle. He imaged the rage and frustration the Ian Hunter must be feeling right now. He relished in the grief he had caused his former protege. This was only the beginning he thought. Everything was going as he had planned. There would be no stopping him.

The Cardassian standing next to him growled. "We should kill them now Jenkins. They are weak and vulnerable." he demanded.

Jenkins sighed with annoyance. The Cardassians were so impatient. "All it good time Gul Trikat, but first he must suffer. I intend to break him." He said as he watched as a runabout pulled into the Zion. "Everything is going according to my plan."

"Bah!" snorted the Cardassian, "Your foolish games are going to get us killed."

Jenkins raised his voice slightly, "Do I need to remind you about our deal. "Cardassia gets cloaking technology and I get the use of your ship for my purposes."

"If you would share your plans with us perhaps we could help you." suggested the Cardassian.

"I require the services of your ship and crew. I need no other help." said Jenkins quickly.

The two of them watched as another shuttle entered the Zion;s shuttle bay. The Zion then cloaked and left. Trikat has no idea why Jenkins was so interested in this Captain Hunter. He seemed like just another Human to Trikat. Still, whatever, prize that Jenkins saw must be a good one. Trikat decided to play along further with this fools errand and see where this game would end.

"There! You see, everything according to my plan." Said Jenkins as he patted the cardassian on the shoulder. "You will see Trikat. Everything will be glorious."

Shakedown #120"
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 1300

58203.01 1300 Counselor's office

Ensign Zoei glanced at her chronometer. It was time for her meeting with the new ship's doctor. This would be a cursory examination with the anticipated result being the release of the doctor to full active duty. The doctor's ability to get through this incident has been reported as nothingshort of miraculous. She had to be practically detained by the Captain to keep her from reporting directly to duty from her sick bed.

The door chimed. The door slid open and the doctor entered the office.

"Hello, Doctor Dane. I am Ensign Patia Zoei, ship's counselor. If you will follow me, we can get started." Zoei led the doctor to the sitting area and gestured toward a chair. She settled into her seat, tucking one foot beneath.

Nice to meet you counsellor, Teilani responded and walked to the chair Patia had pointed out.

"Doctor, as you know, this meeting is just to get together, review your experiences on board the Kittyhawk and verify you are ready to return to

active duty," Zoie began. "Can you tell me a little about what happened to you during the attack?"

Teilani suddenly went white as a sheet, ""Forgive me counsellor but I do not wish to speak about it, we got attacked, lives were lost that's it." Teilani felt the sting of tears and did not wipe them away, she had seen many people die but when she thought of the crew on board the USS kitty hawk she could not understand why these deaths could affect her so..

"How do you feel about the attack you witnessed?" continued Zoei.

"How do I feel, you want to know how I feel"!, Teilaini said with an outburst, I am furious, angry, there was no reason for this attack, there was no warning, when we got boarded some crewmembers were taken prisoner, Heaven knows what they will do to them. They raided the ship, killing everyone in their way.They have to pay for what they have done!!! Teilani was so angry that it took her all effort to remain seated.

"Do you feel any hesitation about returning to active duty?" asked Zoei.

The sooner I can return to active duty the better Counsellor, Teilani replied with a smile, it will be better if I can put my mind to something, instead of ...... Well you know what I mean. So when can I start?

"You are free to return to active duty anytime. If you are in need of any assistance during your tour of duty on the Zion, please do not hesitate to contact me. It would be my pleasure to assist you in any way necessary. We will be establishing some support groups to assist people through this trying time on board ship. It is not a sign of weakness if you choose to join us; actually I encourage you to take part. I understand your reluctance to speak about what you have gone through, however, at some point; you will need to address what happened. If you do not choose to address it yourself, it has the potential to address you in the future" Ensign Zoei smiled at the doctor.

I very much appreciate this counsellor and I will surely be calling on you, Teilani replied.

"Thank you for stopping by, Doctor Dane. A report will be filed with the Captain. A copy will be available for your review in your personnel file. Good luck with your return to active duty."

Teilane rose, and walked to the door. Glad that she could leave, she always found these meetings a little uncomfortable.

Zoei escorted Dane to the door. The panels swooshed open and the doctor

stepped through to the hallway. Zoei nodded and smiled to Doctor Dane as the doors slid closed.

Teilani headed back to sickbay. Finally back to work.

Shakedown #104"
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 1350

58203.01 1350

Counselor’s office

Patia’s head snapped up. The movement had been so swift, her neck actually ached. Placing her hand over the back of her neck, she gently rubbed as she assessed her emotions. She was having visions. She saw the Captain, Ensign Riaan, and Commander Wright. They were in a shuttle. Death clung to them. Her stomach knotted as she watched the Captain. His pain was palpable. It was so strong; his pain was becoming her pain. This was one of those times were it definitely was not in her interest to be an empath.

Patia pushed away from her desk. She rose quickly, hand pressed to her stomach. She could smell the distinctive scent of death. It was almost as if it clung to her as well as those in her vision. There was no doubt about this in her mind, she was needed on the bridge, now!

Her anxiety level rising, Patia called,”Computer, open door.” In the time it took for the door to slide open, she had sprinted from her desk to the doorway. She grabbed the edge of the doorframe, looking up and down the corridor. It would do no one any good for her to arrive on the bridge resembling a madwoman. She took several slow deep breaths. Patia heard them rushing in her ears. Her heartbeat slowed to a more normal rate. One more deep breath and she would be ready to go, she thought. She would arrive on the bridge calm and collected, ever the professional. She straightened her shoulders and drew in the final deep breath through her nose. The pungent smell of death was back. Pushing away from the doorframe, Patia dashed down the corridor toward the bridge.

Shakedown #107"
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 1400

58203.01 1400 =SICKBAY=

Hunter walked into sickbay and went over to the bio bed where Silvio was. He was still in a chemically induced coma.

He turned and looked around for on duty medical staff. He spotted the new doctor, familiarizing herself with the Sovereign class ship's sick bay. He was captivated for several minutes by her beautiful appearance.

Hunter cleared his throat and proceeded to the doctor. "Doctor," said Hunter, how are you doing?"

Teilani startled as she was deeply concentrated at her console. Good morning Captain, Teilani said with a smile, I am doing fine. Glad that I can get back to work. (Not a bad looking man Teilani thought wonder what he does afterhours).

Hunter nodded, "Well, I won't keep you long Doctor," he said with a smile. "How is Silvio doing?" asked Hunter.

Teilani walked over to the bio bed where silvio lied and check his stats, I think he's finally improving, she said he was in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber this morning for a couple of hours, and I think that shaved several days off of his recovery time. He should be ready to come out of his coma any moment now." I must say that ensign Favor did a good job initially.

I hope you dont mind my asking captain but do we know anything more about the attack.

The USS Kittyhawk was to arrive at Qul Tuq with 16 of our senior officers. It was intercepted by a cardassian battlecruiser apparently under the leadership of a Federation Captain. You were ambushed. Silvo and I served on the USS Hood together...He's a good man," said Hunter returning his gaze to the doctor. "Take good care of him." "I see, well I will keep you posted if Silvio's condition changes. I'll let you know when he is awake so that you can visit him," said Dane.

Hunter nodded, "That would be appreciated. And again, welcome aboard." Hunter smiled at Dane and then turned and left Sickbay.

Shakedown #80"
By: Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]
Favor, Medic / Morale Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58203.01 1700

58203.01 1700

Giuseppe Silvio drifted in his own personal version of heaven. He thought it very tempting to just give up and stay here, floating forever in bliss. He fought that temptation; he fought it because every so often he would get a glimpse of people watching him as if waiting for him to do something. Silvio tried to reach out to them be they were so far away.

More often than anyone else he noticed the strange angel with the broken wing watching him. It was the image of her that fueled his desire to leave this place. Silvio was convinced that she was his guardian and wanted badly to know why her wing was broken. She did not speak to him anymore. She just watched.

Favor gazed at Bird, her eyes like two bullet holes. Pink crescent of a smile, head shaven of any adornment. She'd chopped her hair off, shaved herself bald after her last visit to the counselor. "So you won't feel like the only bald egg when you wake up, Birdie-bird," she murmered. She touched the dried clots of blood on the side of his head. Already he sprouted stubble. "Like a downy fey-chick," Favor said, and smiled, as she thought of the seabirds that nested in the craggy slopes that dropped down to the Tieran Sea.

Suddenly, Silvio felt a strange discord. He was no longer floating, he was falling and the feeling of utter bliss was slowly fading. Something was dreadfully wrong he thought. The angel with the broken wind faded too. He had to stay with her! Focusing all his attention on her he tried with all his might to shout to her and reach out to her.

“NO!”, shouted Silvio as he sat up on the bio bed and grasped the arms of a startled Ensign Favor as she was tending to his wounds. Silvio looked around sickbay slowly realizing where he was. He still felt the strange discord. Turning his head he looked at the startled Medic.

Favor only looked startled. Nothing surprised her any more. She pried Silvio's fingers off her arm. "Welcome back to the land of the living, buddy," she said. Silvio gripped harder; not surprising, considering the muscle had rebuilt itself, it wasn't atrophied at all. She winced. "Bird, have you ever picked up broken teeth with crushed fingers before? You better let go unless you want to find out what that feels like."

Silvio relaxed his grip but did not let go. He was looking at the angel with a broken wing, except he was real and had no wings. What was it that she called him he thought, Bird?? He was confuesd. "Sorry Doctor." he said, letting go of her. "I was having a dream I guess."

"No dream, Birdie-bird," Favor said. She placed one hand on his forehead. "You've been in a Chem-coma for the past few days. Stay put for a second. I'm not a doctor, " she added.

Favor retrieved the spray nozzled and washed Silvio's head. "Gad, would you look at this crust?" She didn't say it aloud, but Silvio frankly smelled foul. The dried clots of blood on his head melted under the water. The wounds had healed; the crushed skull melded back together. All that remained was this old crust of blood.

"You're going to be just fine," she said. Even though she privately thought that nobody could care for the patient as she did. Even if she was planning to quit the Sick Bay for good, put in for a transfer, leave the whole damn thing behind. Yes, he'd be just find. She sighed.

Silvio could still feel an odd dicord. Something was not right but he could not put his finger on what was wrong. "Why do you have a broken wing?" he asked her.

Favor smiled. Where had this one been? Some wild place, she was sure. Some chemical planet. Maybe his childhood vision of Paradise, hence the angel reference. "I don't have a broken wing," she said. "I have a bald head. I shaved it. Because, frankly Silvio, you looked pretty sorry once I zapped your hair off, and I took pity on you, and zapped mine, too. So you wouldn't be the only one."

Silvio instinctivly ran his had over the top of his head. It was true all of his hear was gone. Then he remembered the Cardassians. He figured that most of his hair had been burned off by them anyway.

Silvio tried to sit up and immediately wished he had not. He was still very sore. He lay back down. He could still feel the strange dicord. What was wrong? Silvio help himself really still. Then he knew. "Do you feel that?" he asked.

"I don't feel anything. I'm not the one who's been drugged up for the last few days." Favor turned back to the task at hand. This was typical for patients just coming out of a coma, this oddly surreal feeling of being and not-being, all at the same time. What had he meant by the broken wing? Word association lessons came to mind--broken wing=immobility=vulnerability to predators. Hmmm.

She glanced at the patient. He looked about to cry.

"The vibration. It is the warp engines, there is something wrong. They are going to fail." he said as he relaxed his body, "It's too late to do anything about it now." Silvio turned his attention back to his Angel, She says she did not have a broken wing but he could see it. Oh well, at least he wasn't dead. Silvio went back to sleep. This time, there were not mists or dreams of angels.

Ensign Favor entered a message to the Doctor and the Captain notifying then that Silvio was awake.

Shakedown #73"
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]
Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]
Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 1730

58203.01 1730

==Science lab==

Teilani was in the science lab, trying to find out what the cause was of Ltd. Wilkes neuro degeneration. Despite her initial operation and advanced treatment, there seemed to be no further improvement. The must be a reason why Silvio healed faster then Wilkes. Both had similar injuries and treatment started almost simultaneously.

Computer: - display blood analyses on patients Wilkes and Silvio.

Teilani did not see anything out of the ordinary but that did not say much. It could be something on a cellular level.

Computer: - run a level 1 diagnostic at cellular level on both Wilkes and Silvio’s bloodwork. Breakdown diagnostic in the following sequences: viruses, anti-reagens, nanites, any other anomalies.

- This analysis takes 3 hours to complete, the computer responded.

Fine, thought Teilani, this will allow me to freshen up before going to Miranda’s.

Teilani left the science lab and headed for her quarters. She was nearly there when she got the funny feeling that someone was watching her. A strange itchy feeling in the back of her neck, she turned around but there was no-one there.

Teilani shook her head, maybe she was exaggerating, blaming it on the hectic day she had had. She entered her quarters, and suddenly noticed that the interior was dull, empty. She made a mental note to herself that once they were docked at Qul she had to get some accessories to brighten up her room.

Whilst she was freshing up she heard the chime of her computer:

“Incoming message from sickbay”

“Teilani walked over to her desk, “-computer display message:-

The message came from Ensign Favor, reporting that Lieutenant Silvio had waken up. Now finally some good news, Teilani said out loud.. She quickly left her quarters and headed back to sickbay.


Teilani quietly entered sickbay, where she found both patients under the care of one of the nurses. She picked up a medical tricorder and walked over to the bio bed where Silivo lied. She scanned him from head to toe, trying not to wake him.

Silvio woke and tried to sit up but tought better of that idea. He was still quite sore. "Hello Doctor."

My apologies Lieutenant, I did not want to wake you. I am doctor Dane, how do you feel?

"Like I've been tortured by three Cardassians." he said with no emotion what so ever.

Teilani’s piercing green eyes looked straight into Silvio’s. “Follow my finger, she said, as she was moving her finger in front of his eyes.” Wriggle your right foot, your other right foot, Leiutenant, she said with a smile as Silvio moved his left one.

Silvio grunted at her and moved both legs.

You’re going to be fine, all you need is now is rest. Go back to sleep. Doctor’s orders.

Silvio rolled over and prompty went back to sleep.

Teilani turned to her console and made some notes into his medical chart as Captain Hunter entered sickbay.

Hello Captain, Teilani said, brushing away her hear from her face. You also have received the message that Silvio has woken up?

Hunter nodded, looking past Teilani toward's Silvio's bed.

His wounds are still healing. All he needs to do is rest. It will not be long before he can report for duty.

"That's good news" said Hunter. "We could really use him down in Engineering right now."

By the way, Captain, now you are here anyway, would you mind sitting down on that bio-bed. Teilani, pointed towards an empty bed. I would like to check your vital signs, I promise I will not hurt you. It will only take minute.

"Is that an order Doctor?" said Hunter wryly.

Teilani started laughing, It sure is Captain, I don’t get a chance too often, to order around a starship captain. Please…

With more protest worthy of starship captain, Hunter begrudgingly obliged the doctor's coaxing and laid down on the bio bed.

Teilani scanned Hunter. Well she said your dopamine levels are quit high, are you experiencing any headaches??, nausea??

Hunter shook his head, "no... just a little tired. I haven't slept much."

I see she said, Teilani started to prepare a hypospray consisting of some extra vitamins and 5 cc of acethylcoline this would allow the chemical imbalance correct itself.

Hunter sat up. He looked at Teilani. He imagined the lost and pain she had suffered as well. "A memorial service is being planned for those who we recovered from the Kittyhawk."

The smile disappeared from Teilani’s face, she looked up to Hunter, I really appreciate that Captain, she said softly.

With a nod of the head. He wanted to convey his sympathies for her losses too, but couldn't find the right things to say. Hunter stood up, rubbing the warm sensation left by the hypospray.

"You are doing good Doctor," said Hunter.

Thank you Captain, she said.

with a terse smile, Hunter replied, "carry on."

Hunter walked towards the door, turning and looking back before he left Sickbay.

Shakedown #148"
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]
Favor, Medic / Morale Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58203.01 1800

58203.01 1800

Counselor’s office

Favor strode into the Counselor's office, bald and beaming. "I cut my hair, do you like it?" she asked.

“Well, Hello, Ensign Favor.” Zoei’s eyebrows went up as she took in the sight of the crewmember in front of her. Ensign Favor hadn’t merely cut her hair. She had shaved it completely bald. Not a stray hair could be seen. As a matter of fact, there was a reflection glowing, almost halo like, from the subdued lighting in the counselor’s office. “It is quite striking. What made you decide to choose that look?”

"Oh, you know." She ran a hand over her gleaming noggin. "Because I have compassion." Her eyes twinkled.

"I learned not to quietly judge people, Counselor. Did you know this? Did you know that I learned it from you?"

“No, Ensign, I did not know you learned this from me. When did you learn that?” Zoei was puzzled by the Ensign’s revelation.

"I learned that the moment I learned your mate was dead." Favor ducked her head, and stared at the floor.

Favor said quietly.

"Ah, so you did listen to me this morning. I wasn't sure, you seemed distinctly uncomfortable with the conversation," Zoei shifted in her chair, just as uncomfortable as she had perceived Favor to be that morning. She had hoped this topic would not come back up this afternoon. It had been bad enough this morning, the way she had so unprofessionally rambled.

Favor noticed the pinched look on the Counselor’s face, the tiredness…she drooped. Yes, that was it. The counselor looked droopy. "Loss doesn't scare me, but friendship does," she replied. "You know, Counselor, connectivity, and commonality breed friendship." Favor shrugged. The smell of the Counselor's perfume, her own assumptions---wrong, as it turned out. Dead mates, dead mothers. She sighed.

“That is an interesting thought, Ensign,” Zoei replied. “I have always, since I was a small child, equated friendship with loss. I am not fond of friendship myself, because I do not want to risk that type of loss. Friendship is a huge investment of time and energy, all to be thrown away like yesterday’s waste.

They tiptoed around this giant chessboard, and Favor imagined a giant trap, laden with bait ---friendship—waiting to spring. It could snap your neck if you let it, or break your heart.

"I'm not late, am I?" Favor asked, (as though to start the conversation over)

"No, right on time,” Zoei replied.

"Silvio just woke up! Isn't that fabulous?"

"That is fabulous news!” Zoei smiled broadly at the excitement in Favor’s voice, "But Silvio? Why not Bird?"

"Silvio woke up, and I didn't want him to feel alone. Alone in his baldness," she said, and laughed. "Human men prize their hair like no other."

Zoei chuckled, "That is very true, they certainly do. Considering your past feelings towards humans, I am surprised you would be willing to extend yourself to the point of baldness, but I am very happy to see you connecting with him. Not all humans are horrible creatures, are they? Or do you think this will change as he heals?"

Favor threw up her hands. "I have no idea, Counselor, and I no longer care. I can't go around letting past bitterness dictate my actions," she said. Her head felt so light. "Do you know, he needs to be understood, and that's the greatest human need, to be understood. Did you know this? Well, of course you did, you learned it probably at birth." She steepled her fingers.

Zoei settled more deeply in her chair, shifting so she was sitting on her foot. "I do understand this, and I think more than humans look for understanding. I think that is a basic need for many people from many cultures"

"Yes, I think you need to be understood, too, Counselor." Favor couldn't believe her own gall.

"You are correct, Ensign," Zoei replied She was shaken to the core. Never had anyone looked so deeply at the counselor or her behavior.

Favor couldn't believe the Counselor's answer.

"No man is an island, and all that," she replied. Her smile twitched.

Zoei's smile twitched as well. "Do you read many Earth classics?"

Favor's heart leaped. "I read everything, Cookie," she said lightly. "Didn't you get my last memo? Don't you want to borrow one of those holobook disks?"

"Toots, I did read your memo. I was surprised you have dealt with Earth in the past. I think, despite your dislike of humans, you want to understand what makes them work. And, now that you mention it, I would like to borrow one. Did anyone request Klingons Start A Prison Riot" yet?”

The Counselor shot a sly look at Favor's face, and Favor lifted her eyes to the Counselor's, and they both giggled, and suddenly--just like that---they were friends. It was infectious. Favor laughed so hard that she popped a button on her uniform, and that got them going all over again. "As a matter of fact, no one has. I thought Riaan might want it, but then I thought it might give her some ideas," she gasped.

Zoei laughed. "I think you might want to be careful who you hand that holobook over to when it is requested." Zoei winked at Favor, fighting the giggles. She hadn't laughed like this since she was a tiny child.

"Counselor, I don't think I can last in Sick Bay." God, it felt good to say that!

"Since we are not in session, Ensign, you might be more comfortable calling me Patia." Zoei offered the use of her given name for the first time since she had been with the Maquis. Inwardly, she cringed, fearing rejection of this overture. "Why not, Ensign?"

Favor smiled. "Since we are not in session, Patia, I believe I will take you up on that offer. Please, call me Favor."

Hearing Favor's response, Zoei breathed a silent sign of relief. She leaned forward in her chair, silently encouraging Favor to continue her story.

"I can't last in Sick Bay, Patia, because I despise this new doctor." There. She'd said something else. Truth pressed agains the floodgates. You know a Risan can't lie. You know this?" She was sure the Counselor did.

Zoei nodded. "And?" she encouraged Ensign Favor to continue her tale.

"Well, I can't lie. I can't stand this doctor. She acts like she's doing me a big favor by just showing up, and she tried to take over Bird, and I didn't like that."

"How would she take over Bird, Favor," Zoei asked.

Favor fumbled for the right words. "She...she tried to take him over." Oh, this wasn't right. She sounded like a petulant child! "He was mine and she tried to take him over and she..."

"His treatment?"

"His treatment, yes, but she didn't really care about him the way I did. She wouldn't have shaved her head for his sake, in fact she flips her hair around and I already found a piece of it laying on some sterilized equipment and I had to start all over again." Favor sniffed in disgust. "He was just another piece of warm meat to her, if you ask me."

"Favor, she is settling into her new duties. I know it is hard, but please remember she was on board the Kittyhawk. The Zion is all new to her. Have you had a staff meeting to work out responsibilities yet?"

"Well, I know, but he was MY patient. I am the one who has been tending him, not her. And she just walks right in here like she owns the place, and takes over MY PATIENT! And no to the staff meeting. I can't even stand to look at her face. I don't want her in my surgery, and I don't want her in my life, frankly."

Zoei was taken aback with the vehemence in Favor's voice. Possessive had not been a characteristic she would have assigned to Ensign Favor, or jealousy for that matter, but there was something here, very evidently here.

"The problem, you see, is that she outranks me. Therefore, it's now become HER surgery. And I don't want to work in HER surgery. I'd sooner turn tricks back on Risa than work under that woman." Favor examined her nails. "I mean it, Patia." She liked the way the sound of the Counselor's name rolled off her tongue. Patia. There was a Risan word, Patios, that meant harmony. So similar. How ironic it all was!

"I can tell you mean it, Favor," Zoei answered with a smile. "I am curious, though, if you have a plan to deal with the situation. The doctor will not be leaving, and you don't want to be miserable working with her."

"Well, I think I'm going to ask for a position as a full-time Morale officer. I think that's the only way," she said. "I'll help her out when she needs it. God forbid, if we get busy with more damaged people,” she said, and shivered.

"Do you realize full time Morale officers are not commonplace throughout the fleet? You may not be able to transfer to another ship in the same position you would hold here. I am not trying to discourage you, I just want to ensure you understand the implications of your decision."

Favor imagined the doctor leaving. Maybe she'd request orders somewhere else. Maybe she'd be declared mentally unfit for duty. Hmmm. "Patia, I don't suppose you'd consider...." she left the sentance unfinished, knowing that Patia would lift the thread of her thoughts, weave them in with her own.

Zoei chuckled again. With a wink, she replied, "I don't suppose I would consider that, Ensign, although I can understand why you would want that.”

Favor blushed. "Well, if they make me stay in Sick Bay, I think I'm going to have a big problem," she said. The thought made her so unhappy. I wouldn't want to transfer to another ship," she said.

"No reason to be embarrassed, Favor, it is a normal reaction to the stress of your situation. I like to remove some of my stressors as well.” Zoei smiled at Favor.

"What a sanitized way to say it.". Favor said, disapproval evident in her tone.

"Why wouldn't you want to transfer some day?" Zoei asked

"Patia, do you think I'm interested in promotion? Because, I'm not. I don't give a keloa's behind for promotion. I don't give two modos for promotion. I really don't! I'd rather work on MWR things."

"Favor, I understand that. When your request works its way up the chain of command, and it will since it is essentially a new position, it will need to be documented that you understand the possible limitations and implications of the position. You would rather focus more on morale issues at this time, though, correct?"

"Patia, a limitation is nothing but a horizon, and a horizon is nothing more than the boundary of your sight." She smiled. Didn't Patia know this already? She was sure she did. "I would feel much more restricted, stuck in Sick Bay with someone that I dislike, if for no other reason than she's in charge now, and I'm not," Favor said bluntly. There was simply no other way to put it. The Doctor had done nothing to her. Truth be told, Favor couldn't find any real fault with her medical expertise, nor her treatment of the patients.

"I think it is good that you can recognize your feelings on this, Favor. You will be happier, and the crew will be happier, in the long run because of your decision."

"Mainly, I'll be happier," Favor said. "And it's all about me, Counselor."

"Absolutely, you'll be happier. For you, it should be all about you and what will work best for you during your tour of duty," Zoei answered.

Favor was taken aback. For once, someone didn't chide her for selfish thoughts. For once, someone didn't tell her to always think of others. "Patia, when is it all about you?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" Zoei asked. “Do you mean when is it all about me, personally?"

Walls are up. Mirrors are up. It's all reflection. Favor could sense it so well, she almost thought she was empathic for a moment. "It's hard to work in a reflection when I'm not narcisscisstic, Patia," she said tartly. "It's fun for a while, but then it just gets old."

Zoei shifted again, this time placing both feet on the floor. The turn of the conversation is not what she had expected.

"Ensign, for myself, it is all about me after hours, when I am in my quarters. Outside of my quarters, it is all about what needs to be done for the betterment of this ship and its crew." Zoei was tense. It was one thing to be the counselor. It was another to be on the other side of the couch, so to speak. The tension was only evidenced by the slow tapping of the fingers of her right hand on the arm of the chair.

Favor sighed. The Counselor had reverted to calling her by her rank.

"Patia, I shouldn't have to explain to you what a friendship is," she said. She was tired that her eyes stung. She'd been working hard in Sickbay all day.

“Ensign, you don’t have to explain to me what a friendship is,” Zoei replied. Her posture was in a defensive position. Her nerves screamed for her to run, to escape from this conversation. This is why she didn’t get close to people. “I know what a friendship is, but maybe the trouble we are having today stems from the fact we both know what friendship is, but neither of us are accustomed to having friends.” Zoei breathed in slowly, steadying herself for Favor’s response. The scent of gardenias floated up to her, calming her further.

Favor tapped her fingers againsther knees. "You're right, Counselor," she admitted. "I've always been the class clown. The class clown, everyone loves her but she really has no friends." She sighed. "Maybe you and I can change that."

She stood up. "I've got to go," she said. "I've got to get another MWR memo out. It looks like we're in for a hard ride here, and I need to do what I can to keep up crew morale."

“Favor, I think it is best if we postpone the meeting regarding coordinating Morale events and group sessions until after a decision is made regarding your position on the ship. If you do choose a full time MWR position, and it is granted, we should be able to do more in depth coordination,” Zoei smiled at Ensign Favor. “Also, I am going to the holodeck tonight. You asked early about “All about me time”, and I wasn’t exactly upfront. As well as in my quarters, I also use holodeck time to work on my own pursuits. I have a holodeck reserved for tonight at 2000. If you would like to join me, tonight, I am going bobbing in the Pacific Ocean. It is something I used to do as a very small child while my father was the ambassador to Earth”

"Bobbing!" shrieked Favor, clasping her hands for joy. "Oh my GOD! I LOVE BOBBING!" She thought she'd try it in her birthday suit this time. Bobbing on the holodeck with Patia, could there be anything more fun than that? Favor didn't think so.

The door slid quietly closed behind Ensign Favor. This meeting hadn’t been nearly as hard as she had envisioned it would be.

Shakedown #156"
By: Charles Atwood, Chief Intelligence Officer, [PST]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 1800

58203.01 1800

After Hunter had left sickbay, teilani went to her office, to check what the status of the analyses was. It still was not finished, so she had to be patient.

While she was sitting down she felt again a strong headache popping up. She started thinking about her nightmare, flashes of it appeared before her eyes. Not again she thought.

Charles was walking from his office to Miranda's He was already late for his appointment with Mellissa so he was in a hurry, Suddenly felt a very big gap in his telepathic shield, so big that it activate his powers. He decided to locate the source of that cry for help and he started to go to sickbay and as he entered the doctor's office, he found Ensign Teilane Dane the new medical officer showing marks of despair, He looked at her and said

"Hello Ensign how can I be of assistance I know you are in a lot of pain...Sorry Lt. Jg Charles Atwood, Intelligence Officer", said Charles.

"Hello Lieutenant, nice to meet you but what do you mean, I only have a headache, there is nothing wrong with me", she responded a little annoyed. However, Teilani could not prevent her hands from shaking.

"Look Ensign I'm 100% Empathic and I just felt a loud cry for help so big that bypassed my shields and activate my gifts...besides I'm also the Intelligence Officer for this ship so I have access to some information that's not at everyone's disposal so you don't have to pretend with me", said Charles trying not to sound so rude.

"I do apologies lieutenant; it has been a hectic day. I appreciate you help. However, I do not know if you can help me. Have you ever had the feeling that you were in a crowd and yet felt so alone", Answered Thelani with a smile.

Teilani paused for a second. Then she continued, "it is not only that lieutenant. It is also Ensign Favor, I have the feeling that she does not like me. I tried to be nice to her, I even invited her to Miranda' s just to get acquinted. Although I outrank her it certainly not my intention to take over her patient. We are a team, at least I think we are. Silvio would not have survived if it was not for her".

Teilani stopped, "excuse me Lieutenant, you have not come here to listen to the problems of sickbay"

"Have you any idea how you can help me, the flashed back are getting worse Teilani asked softly. Shouldn't it be better if I made some appointments with the ships counsellor on this".

"Well of course I got some, but the first part of the solution Ens. is exactly that...I mean being able to listen all your problems without the pressure of being the counselor of the ship. I'm not saying that you shouldn't take those sessions by all means do it but I am here to help and as Intelligence Officer I'll also need to debrief you in that matter, but one thing at the time, please tell me how frequent are the flashbacks?", Said Charles

"They re-appear more often now, to be honest it started just before the attack on KittyHawk. it always begins with a headache, the images are getting more vivid. It is as if I have forgotten something to do",Teilani responded.

"You know, about the attack, the more I think of it, the more I have this funny idea that they were helped from the inside", she continued.

"I have'nt been in combat too often but the way the attack was organized it was as if they knew we were there and where they needed to strike. Where there any indications that this might have been the case?", she asked Charles

"I'm afraid that for the moment all the intel concerning the KittyHawk's attack is classified, but I'm working around the clock to develop that mystery...For now let's focus on your problems we'll have time to debrief you later ok?", was his answer.

"Of course", Teilani responded. "What do you have in mind.?"

"Well, I'm here to listen but i got one or 2 meditation tecniques that might help you...The best one is the Fear lethany it goes like this 'Fear is my enemy I would let it pass through me and over me and after it does nothing will remain just me'", said Charles adopting a meditating atitude.

Well I will try this, so I need to start repeating this each time I feel a headache comming up. Like a mantra???

"Yup, Pretty much I want you to have meditating sessions regularly with me once a week so we can start the cleaning process", said charles with a smile.

"Thanks Luitenant, I will let you know if it works or not. Also just let me know when you have time for the debriefing.

"Don't Worry Ens I will", he said as he was leaving

After Charles had left Teilani sat back in her chair, glad that someone was able to help her trying to stay focused.

Her little gathering with Charles had taken about 1 hr and it was finally time to retire. With a last look at her two patients and some last instructions for the nightnurse Teilani went back to her quarters.

Shakedown #118"
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 1900

58203.01 1900

As all the bodies were transported to sickbay, Teilani had the hard task of performing the autopsy in order to determine the causes of death. Not an easy job as some of them were badly mutilated.

At least the workload did not give her time to think about her own perils on board the Kittyhawk. As she was working on the first body, her emotions began racing, she felt the anger well up inside her, violently she hit one of the consoles, and she pushed herself away from it. “Come on girl, she spoke to herself, don’t let your emotions get the upper hand”.

She felt a small slimmer of hate pertrude inside her head, these damn Cardassians.!

“Computer activate EMH “ As the EMH appeared Teilani ordered him to began the autopsy on the next victim, this would allow her to save time and although she was not font of a hologram, it gave her some body to talk too.

It did not take them too long before all the victims were assessed and the causes of death duly filed in a report for the XO and Captain. It was up to him to let the families know about the loss of their loved ones, not an easy task.

Shakedown #151"
By: Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 2135

58203.01 2135 =Sickbay=

After she had filed her report on the murdered crewmembers Teilani looked at her two patients, Wilkes and Silvio. Both were still on the road to recovery. So she had some time to relax.

Teilani walked over to the replicator: “1 raktajino, double sweet””

She loved this drink and felt the warm liquid through out her body. She took her tea to her desk and sat down to evaluate the medical files. I might be a good idea to give the crew a medical evaluation, especially during a time of crisis. Although the medical database had some papers about stress disorder, thorough research was never done. After she finished her tea she sat back in her chair and it did not take long before her eyes fell close. A small nap to get rid of her headache.

Help me….! Teilani ran, calling for help, something chasing her. Her movements were slowed by liquid. Something thick. The deck below her seemed to shift with the characteristic lag of artificial gravity. Voices called out to her.

This is the USS Kittyhawk, we are under attack ……. Need help.

Someone was in trouble. Teilani had to run faster. Always had to run faster. Faster. Never enough time. A young ensign looked at her, she could not make out his face, where was his face? It was not right. Teilani turned her back. Left sickbay. Into the bowels of the ship. Running. Always running. Reconnecting neuro pathways. Using unconventional methods to cure patients. Changing the rules.

The command from the bridge: All personnel abandon ship.

And then….. And then….. And then what …..

Nothing made sense. The man in the strange uniform. Starfleet, Maqui, Teilani could not make out. Falling. Falling. The ground swirling up and the sudden pressure on her body as ……. Help me!!.

Teilani’s eyes flew open, and it took her a while before she realized where she was. Her hart was racing and her breathing was shallow and fast.

She sat up straight and let her head fall in her hands. What a nightmare, she though “I need to ……. ……. “ tears ran down her face. Perhaps the counsellor was right, maybe she had started too early.

Teilani brushed away the tears on her face and run her hands trough her hear. She needed to get her emotions under control but it was difficult, especially after the recent events. Maybe, she thought, maybe I can try to use some Vulcan meditation.

Computer check database for Vulcan meditation. It did not take long before several articles were displayed. Teilani quickly looked trough them, and concluded that it was only possible to learn this type of meditation was with the help of an actual Vulcan.

Teilani made a note in her PADD to contact the only Vulcan aboard the Zion, however knowing that Vulcans are difficult she better discuss this with the ships counsellor too.

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