Sidelines "
By: Bart "Burner" Reed, Fighter pilot , [RNPC]
M'Ressha Mikaht, Fighter Pilot, [RNPC]
Krystal, Hologram, [RNPC]
Maxine Lucinda Tapert, Computer Specialist, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.29 1331

"'Ere now..." Max straightened and looked over at Blitz as she grinned. "Looks like the battle's on."

Blitzer's eyes grew wide as he engaged the Runabout, "Full reverse," he announced. A moment later he looked at Max, "we're 1500 kilometers from the Galor, detonate the mine."

"Oh, my pleasure," Max's grin widened as she followed Blitzer's instructions.

"Fire in the Hole!!!" Krystal announced with a display of glittering pixie dust.

A flash of white light followed by a crescendo of plasma sparks exploded in front of them. A moment later the runabout shuttered as it was hit be a subspace concussion wave.

Ahead of them a cardassian ship sputtered into view as their cloaking device failed.

"Sheilds at maximum," instructed Blitzer.

"M'on it," Max nodded.

"Shields at 100%!" called out the Pixie.

Blitzer charged the ship as he armed the forward micro-torpedo launchers and charged the forward phaser banks.

All around them there were explosions and streaks of energy beams discharging.

He fired everything at the burning hole in the cardassian ship where the deflector array normally was.

"I'm detecting a secondary explosion on the Cardassian ship," Maxine announced.

"Go back to Cloak," said Blitzer.

"Cloak at 100%."

They watched as a section of the Cardassian ship exploded out. Its lights went out and it began to list.

"Oooh.. Good shot. I'm reading that all its systems are burned out, including life support," Max told him. "Ohh.. and 'ere comes the Calvary. The Marine ATP an' escort wing are inbound."

Blitzer watched on the scanner as the Yamato launched a fighter wing to counter the attack.

Several cardassian fighters joined in the fray. Blitzer's eyes watched the scanners as the fighters engaged the enemy. "It's Burner!" he said pointing to a blip.

Blitzer opened the fighter comm channel and put it on the main speaker.

"Billings, take it easy," he heard Burner say, "Get back in formation you are drifting off."

"Sorry, sir," came the reply, "Look, here come the cardiassians." The young pilot sounded scared.

"Stick with the transports! That is an order," Burner told him, "Beta Squadron will help us, you job is to get these Marines to Pacifica."

"Y-yes sir, came the nervous reply, "Here comes Nova and her crew. The young pilot shouted into his comm link. Sounds of explosions could be heard as the battle progressed.

Conversation between the pilots was almost non-existent as the battle went on until Burner broke the silence, "OK boys here come a few that got around Beta we can take them. Let's go get em. Billings stick with me."

Blitzer watched helplessly as they struggled against overwhelming odds.

Only four fighters guarded the four transports as they raced on to the surface, Burner leading the way. But nine Federation fighters spotted the convoy and broke off to intercept them.

Blitzer looked at Max, "We have to help them!"

Maxine and Krystal both nodded. "Let's do it then!"

"Shields up!" said Blitzer.

"Shields at 100%!" both Max and the Pixie hologram called out.

Blitzer gunned the runnabout forward into full impulse. The inertial dampening fields lagged from the quick action. "Hang on Burner!" yelled Blitzer, "We're coming."

By the time they arrived at the perimeter of the fighting, The Federation had destroyed 3 of Burner's wingmen, while Burner's wing had destroyed 5 of theirs.

Burner was in trouble, a Federation pilot, a good one, was all over him. He was using all the skill he had to avoid the Federation ace's attack.

From out of no where came Blitzer. He open fired on the Federation ship which was zeroing in on Burner. Its thrusters ignited and the ship dissolved into a ball of plasma fire.

"Whoo!" exclaimed Blitzer.

"KAPOW!!! Take THAT!" Krystal cheered and clapped.

"Now that was impressive," Max commented, wide-eyed. "Let's do it again," she grinned over at him.

"Blitz," exclaimed Burner in awe as he brought his fighter around and headed back towards the Marine convoy.

Blitzer opened the Comlink, "Hey Burner!"

"What the hell are you flying that for," laughed Burner, "You giving tours of war torn Pacifica?"

Blitzer's tail curled as he laughed, Burner always cracked up him. "Just sitting on the sidelines waiting for the show to start, I guess I just couldn't stand not shootin' things."

"Thanks pal," said Burner as he pulled back into line with the transport ships. They began their decent to the planet. These transports were going to make it. Burner took count of the men he had left, it had been a costly mission.