A Tail of Troubles"
By: M'Ressha Mikaht, Fighter Pilot , [RNPC]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.27 1840

As they entered the Messhall Blitzer took a deep breath. There were people eating all around. During battles the food was usually prepared without the replicators. Blitzer suspected they actually liked to do it that way, but all the same, the food smelled good. There was a small line in front of the serving area.

He looked over at Dane, "Ladies First,"

Teilani smiled. "Why thank you. Carefully she managed to elbow her way forwards. "Hey Jack, whats on the menu?

"We have some great chili Doc, with nacho pretzels." he replied.

"Ok 1 bowl of chili then. What will you have?" Teilani asked turning back at Blitzer.

"That sounds good, I'll have the same." He picked up his bowl and followed the Doctor to a table. "I bet things were a bit hectic in Sickbay." he said trying to make small talk.

"Oh yes they were, I will be so glad when this is all over, it seems that the only thing my crew and I have been doin' is stitching people up, sanitizing the biobeds and equipments and administer medicine.

Blitzer swirled his spoon in his chili as his nostrils took in the smell of the food, then he took a bite. His smile stated how good it was.

"I even smell like sickbay," Teilani said with a grin as she took a spoonful of chili. " Oh.... my this tastes so good!!"

"It is good," said Blitzer scooping another bite. "I was surprised the battle ended so soon. I thought it would drag out much longer," said Blitzer taking yet another bite of food.

Teilani nodded. "Well I am glad for it. Sickbay was getting crowded. But I guess we had them heavily outnumbered. The Zion is a strong ship." She took a small sip of some water.

"...yeah, it is a strong ship, and I don't think the Federation builds theirs as sturdy as we do," he continued. "...and when Tango fleet arrived, they turned tail and run."

Teilani nodded. "Yea we were lucky to have some help on our side. Where you always a pilot?"

"Yes Ma'am. My father and my Grandfater were fighter pilots to. My Grandfather fought in the Great Khzinti war.

"Not many Caitans are in the Maqui, don't you miss your clan?"

"Hmm... not really. You know there are those of us who are really grounded in their heritage and religious beliefs, but as for me," he said leaning back, "I'm just another guy...." Suddenly Blitzer squeaked loudly. "...another guy with a tail."

Blitzer turned and said with his teeth clenched, "excuse me." A young ensign turned and looked down and said, "I'm sorry, I stepped on your...."

"It's ok." replied Blitzer interrupting him.

His ears folded forward and he looked terribly embarrassed. "I-I am sorry..I..."

"Don't be," Teilani said softly. "It's alright I bet it happens a lot of the time. You want me to take a look at it?"

"It does hurt," he mumbled.

Teilani smiled softly. Poor guy getting his tail stepped on everytime.

Blitzer used his nail to pierce a small piece of meat left on the bottom of his chili bowl and put it in his mouth.

Teilani had put her bowl to the side and took her tricorder from her overcoat. " Give me your tail and let me look at it."

"Right here?" protested Blitzer standing up.

Instinctively Teilani sensed the discomfort in Blitzer. " No we can do it back in sickbay."

"Then I guess I could see how Nova was doing."

Suddenly Blitzer's combadge chirped. "Report to the flight deck right away." His eyes widened, "Excuse me doctor, I've enjoyed sharing a meal with you."

"Me too Blitzer, " Teilani said. Blitzer darted out the door.

Blitzer entered sickbay and was greeted by Doctor Dane,

"Welcome back, she said with a smile.

"Looks like you have to make sure to my tail is working after all." said Blitz with a slight grin as he handed her a PADD. "Seems I'm off on a recon mission and need need to get medical certification because of the anticipated length of the flight,"he said then stood at attention.

Teilani looked at the PADD, I see." she responded. "Well your here anyway so lets get on with it." She gestured towards the examination room.

Blitzer responded to her cue and walked toward the examination room.

"So, tell me, do you have any prior medical issues I should be aware off?"

"I'm healthly as a winthar, uhmm...horse. " he bragged.

Teilani grinned and took her tricorder and began to scan Blitzer, slowly she rotated the handscanner along his head, upper torso. "You have something metallic in your pockets or so?"

"Oh," he said pulling out a small round object, its just a good luck charm my sister gave me.

She adjusted some of the readings and smiled. "Well so far so good, now let me look at your tail."

"Okay." he said compliantly.

Teilani bent through her knees a little and took Blitzers tail in her hand, she scanned it and carefully feeling all vertribrais, "Ah does this hurt?"

Blitzer winced a little, "Its a little tender."

"Sorry about that, it is a little bit brused where ensign Platter stood on it, but there is no serious damage. It will subside in the next few days."

"It usually does." he said with a toothy smirk.

For some reason Teilani blushed and she pushed her hair back behind her ear. "If it hurts too much I can give you something for it but I rather let the body heal itself."

"Thanks Doctor."

Teilani loaded her tricorder readings in her medical database and compared it with the last time Blitzer had had his physical. "Besides the brusing your in good health. Try to increase your calcium intake and you are as fit as a fiddle."

Blitzer slid off the bio bed. "How is Nova doing?"

Teilani turned towards mainsick bay and checked the injured female pilot. "Come and see for yourself. She is doing alright. I guess tomorrow or the day after she can be released for here."

Blitzer looked at the PADD. "Well, I better get going Doctor, thanks again for sharing a meal with me," he said with a heartfelt grin.

He turned and waved at the doctor as he headed out the door.