Maxine Explores "
By: Miranda, Lounge Manager, [RNPC]
Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]
Maxine Lucinda Tapert, Computer Specialist, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.17 2000

The door whooshed closed behind Maxine and she looked both ways down the corridor, chewing thoughtfully on the small chip in her mouth. She consulted her PADD and headed off. The ODN/EPS Main Trunks were on this level and she was going to get a peek at the ODN. And when she finally found them, she stood in awe and just stared for the longest time.

Her eyes became unfocused and she ceased seeing what it looked like. Instead, she was seeing what it *was*. She was seeing the entire computer network and it was reflected in the depths of her eyes. She reached out and touched it, letting out a deep sigh as she felt the data moving through the fiber-optics. Some day... Some day she was going to discover a way to become part of that... Some day...

She was still rather "binary-eyed" when she stepped into Miranda's and looked around to get her bearings before moving up to the bar and perching on a stool.

"So, now you know who the mystery woman in my life is," said Silvio to Miranda as he put his glass down.

"Yes, and I am truly sorry for being so mean to you about it," she said filling his glass again. Turning her head she noticed Maxine sitting down at the bar.

"It's all water under the Bridge Miranda," he said also noticing Max sit down.

Mirnada walked over to Maxine, "Hi, can I get you something?"

Maxine blinked the binary from her eyes and actually managed to focus on Silvio and Miranda. After another second of accessing her protocol parameters, she even smiled a greeting at both of them before turning her attention to the other woman and her question.

"'Ello there, I'm Maxine Tapert. Just call me Max," she told her. "Could I bother you for a menu, ma'am? I'd like to see what you 'ave."

Miranda smiled and reached under the bar. She came back with a PADD and set it down in front of Maxine, "Pleased to meet you Max, I am Miranda, and the fellow over there who looks like he is walking on air is Silvio."

"Thank you ma'am. It's a pleasure." Max smiled and took the PADD, looking over to where Miranda indicated.

"Hello Max, did you just come on board," asked Silvio.

Silvio... Silvio... Giuseppe... Engineering Chief... Lieutenant Junior Grade... "Oh, yes sir. Just this morning," Max slipped from the chair and gave him an informal salute cause they were in Miranda's and all and she was in off duty coveralls. "Ensign, sir. Computers," she smiled. "I was going to come see you," she announced.

"Take it easy Max," said Silvio with a smile, "Miranda's is the one place on the ship where rank means nothing. It is a place to relax and have fun." He flashed Miranda a grin, "Miranda is the only one with Rank in here."

Miranda chuckled.

"A'roight, sir," Max's smile turned to a grin at Miranda's chuckle.

Silvio knew of no new additions to his staff. Why would she be coming to see him. "What were you coming to see me about?"

"About a project of mine, sir," Max gathered the PADD Miranda gave her and went to sit by Silvo. "I'm in need of some very small holo emitters." She reached into her pocket and pulled out one of the larger ones she used in her room and offered it to him. "Like this.. Only small enough to put three on my body. Like jewelry or hair clips..."

Silvio looked at the device, "Interesting, what would you need to have holo-emiters on your person for," he asked.

"For my AI program, sir," Max explained. "These are the ones I 'ave in my room. Roight now she's confined there. I want to be able to take 'er with me."

"Uh-oh, you are about to talk shop," said Mirnada with a smile. "Give me a holler if you need anyting."

"Your AI program is a hologram?"

"Yes, sir," Max nodded. "She's not very big..." she indicated about five inches tall with her hands.

Silvio found this holographic sidekick an interesting idea, however, he doubted that the Captain would allow it. "Well, first I think you will need to get the captain's permission to install your program. Once that is done you can talk to one of my Engineers. Craig Witmore. He is very good at tinkering with things."

"Roight. I can do that, sir. Usually I just keep 'er confined to my personal computer and PADD," she told him. "But I'll requisition the Captain."

Silvio smiled, "I hope the captain says you can go ahead with it, it sounds like an interesting project." Silvio held up his glass for Mirnada to bring him another.

"She's my link to the internal workings of computers, sir," Max smiled. "I 'aven't figured out a way to get myself in yet," she explained.

Silvio thought this a strange comment but said nothing.

Miranda returned with another drink for Silvio. Looking at Max she said, "Can I get anything for you?"

"Oh, some root beer, if you 'ave it, ma'am," Max asked and looked back to Silvio. "That usually leaves people speechless because they think I'm nuts," she smiled.

"One root beer, coming right up," sang Miranda as she left to get the drink.

Silvio smiled at her and sipped his drink. "So, where are you from?"

"New Zealand, sir," she smiled. Not the least bothered that people think she's nuts.

"I have never been to New Zealand," said Silvio.

"It's beautiful country if you take the time to see it. And it 'as some *amazing* places to climb," Max told him, clearly excited about it.

Miranda placed a root beer in front of Max.

"Thank you, ma'am," the young computer wiz smiled up at the other woman.

"Well, those prisoners should be out of our hair now," said Silvio. "I am glad they are gone."

"Yes, they did cause a lot of damage," agreed Miranda, "I'm ready to get away from here."

"Amen," said Silvio.

"When are we scheduled to leave?" Max asked curiously.

"As soon as the captain gets back from Rura Penthe I would guess. He and the doctor went down there for something." Silvio would not imagine what would possibly make a person want to go down there. He finished his drink and stood up. "Well, I am off to bed, good luck with your project and nice to meet you Max."

"G'night, sir," Max hastily stood up, but managed to refrain from saluting. "And thank you. I'll get right on it."

"See ya later Miranda," he said to the woman behind the bar.

"Later Silvio," she said.

"It's it all like... Frozen down there, isn't it?" she asked Miranda after Silvio left, and was back to lightly chewing on the small chip she had in her mouth.

"Indeed it is,"said Miranda looking at the strange young lady, "If you are hungry I can get you some food, you do not need to eat isolinnear chips."