Home on the Range "
By: Miranda, Lounge Manager, [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58205.12 0600

==Holosuite 7==

When Miranda woke up, she found a message from Wright telling her what costume she should wear for their next holodeck adventure. She wore denim blue jeans, a light blue work shirt with a leather vest, leather gloves, boots with metal spurs, leather chaps, and a white cowboy hat. To finish her costume, she strapped on a leather gun belt, complete with two six shooters; also attached tot he belt was a bull whip.

Miranda regarded herself in a mirror. She had to admit she was already starting to like this holostory. He shouldered a heave jacket and made her way to the holosuite.

Commander Wright was waiting for her; he was dreaded similar to her except his leather vest, boots, as well as his hat were black. Unlike Miranda he wore only one six shooter. On his injured hand he wore a nasty looking hook. "Howdy Ma'am," he said as he tipped his hat.

"Howdy cowboy," she replied with a smile.

Together the entered the holosuit. Just inside the found themselves standing next to two horses. Wrights horse was a large black stallion, Miranda's was a roan mare. Each horse was saddled and ready for the road. Next to Wright hors sat a large shaggy dog.

"What is the plan," asked Miranda as she looked around. They were standing on a path worn though the prairie by countless wagons and horses. All around them were the buzzing of insects and the chirping of birds. Off in the distance was a ranch. Miranda was amazed at the level of detail that was in this program.

Wright handed Miranda a piece of paper. "We are off to find a man named Dawson about a job."

Miranda read the flyer. It was an advertisement for cowboys to help take a heard to market. Miranda made note of the word cowboy, however she did not point out the flaw in Wright's plan.

Together they mounted their horses. "Come on Jake," called Wright to the dog, as the rode down the path towards the ranch ahead. The dog obediently followed.

As they arrived at the ranch a hired hand stopped them, "Mornin', " he said giving Miranda a good look. "What kin I do fer yea," he drawled.

"We're looking for a man named Dawson," said Wirght.

The man cackled and pointed to a man sitting on the front porch of the ranch house, "That'd be him over yonder, sittin on the porch." He laughed again as they rode away toward the house.

Wright and Miranda rode on past several men making preparations. A large chuck wagon was being loaded for the journey. All of the men stopped and watched them as they rode past. Miranda had the distinct feeling that she was being valued like a prized steer. When they reached the house the dismounted and approached Dawson.

"Mornin' stranger," he said, he too eyed Miranda closely.

"Hello," said Wright, "My name is Wright and this is my sister Miranda." Wright gestured toward Miranda with his hooked hand. "We heard that you had some work to be done."

Dawson laughed, "I'm not sure I have much work for a one armed man and a woman."

"I can take care of myself," said Miranda in a very serious tone.

"We have been riding trails since we was young," drawled Wright. "We will get the job done."

Dawson scratched his beard, "I reckon that I am short handed, but if either of you slows us down we will leave you behind." Dawson looked at Miranda again. "Come with me, I'll introduce you to some of the boys." Dawson let them over to a group of men.

"Listen up boys," he began, "we got us some new help this year. The man with the hook is Wright and the little lady is his sister Miss Miranda." Several oaf them men whistled and one even shouted a marriage proposal.

"This here is Tex," said Dawson pointing to a rough looking cowboy with blonde hair. "And this is Jimmy," he pointed at a young red head. "Over on the wagon is Cookie, he will be cookin' your meals."

"What does a woman know about man's work," said a very young kid.

"Ah," said Dawson, "That would be Billy, he is my son. This is his first trip." Dawson scowled at his son, "Mind your manners boy!"

Dawson shouted, "We leave in ten minutes, let's saddle up."

Everyone returned to their work.