Verrader #162"
By: Gordon Birkoff, Bad Guy, [NPC]
Craig Witmore, Engineer, [RNPC]
Dr. Alyssa Caitlin Northrop, Intel Officer, [PST]
Captain Rogers, Bad Guy, [NPC]

Stardate: 58204.24 1318

Birkoff was frustrated. Things weren't going his way at all. He no longer felt like tormenting Alyssa. He summoned 4 security guards.

When they entered, he said, "we're taking this b*** to the brig. If she spits, kill her. I hate spitting." said Birkoff releasing the magnetic restraints

"Prick....," Alyssa muttered....rubbing her wrists a bit now that the binders were off. She looked at Birkoff, "You're going to get it, way or the're going to get what's coming to you."

The guards roughed up Alyssa and pushed her out into the hallway.

She whimpered a little as she hit the wall outside of the Aux Control Room. 'Damn guards...'

Before she could get to her feet herself....Northrop was yanked upwards by her two captors.....receiving a forearm in the back for her trouble. Alyssa grit her teeth, trying to stifle the cry of pain that tried to escape her.

By the time they got to the brig, she was covered in bruises.....whimpering as she hit the back wall. She heard the forcefield snap back into place as she slid to the deck plating. Laying there a few moments, she began trying to move again.....but could only manage to get herself turned so that her back was against the wall. Opening her eyes a bit, she saw Sam Carter and Craig Whitmore. She opened her mouth to speak..but no sound came out. Closing her mouth and hanging her head, she cleared her throat then looked back at them. "Pardon my abrupt and sudden entrance."

Her voice was cracked and hoarse sounding. It was evident that she'd been worked over quite a bit on the way down. When she tried to move again, all she was rewarded with was a sharp, stabbing pain. This time, a full out whimper did escape....and she fell back to the deck.

Rogers entered the brig and walked over to Johnson who was sitting at the master control station. "I need prisoners Witmore, and Smith. They need to repair the warp system." Rogers glared at Johnson.

"What are you looking at," said Johnson. He did not like or trust Rogers.

"You! I am waiting for my prisoners," Rogers snarled.

"Cells 2 and 7, Get them yourself."

Rogers turned around and entered the cell block. Stopping in font of cell 2

he said "Whitmore on your feet. You need to reinstall the anti-matter pods that were just jettisoned."

Craig, who was completely briefed by Sam, slowly looked up from his bunk where he was lying. " I have not intention to help you with that. You lost them, you do it yourself." he said.

Rogers fixes Whitmore with a menacing look. "You have a smart mouth. Perhaps you need to be educated on how things work around here." Rogers did not really have time for this but he gestured towards three of the prisoners who were acting as guards, motioning them over.

"Teach him some manners," he said.

"Yes Sir," they said in unison with a gleam in their eye.

Rogers reached out and grabbed one of them as they started to walk away and looked him in the eye. "Don't kill him and don't break anything. You understand."

"Yes sir."

The three prisoners entered the cell, roughly grabbed Whitmore and drug him from the cell into an unoccupied cell. There they began to beat and taunt him unrelentingly.

Rogers watched them in silence as his men worked Whitmore over. It was a painful thing to watch. Before the war Rogers would have thought this was barbaric and beneath him but after almost 10 years of war Rogers was willing to do whatever it took to rid the universe of the Maquis. When he decided that Whitmore had been through enough he stepped into the cell and put a stop to the beating.

"Now, *mister* Whitmore, you can see I am not a patient man. Get on your feet and get to work."

"Ok ok, I'm getting up. Geez." Craig said, wiping the blood from his split lip. Reluctantly Craig stepped in front of the cell, looking at Rodgers. "And how do you suppose to think i m going to get the pods installed. I have no tools what so ever."

"All the tools you will need are waiting for you." Rogers paused. "These men," she said gesturing to the prisoners who had just beat him, "Will be supervising you and Crewman Smith in re-installing the pods. I will warn you now. I will tolerate no more problems from you."

Craig wisely kept his mouth shut. There were other ways to create problems, after all he was an engineer. Protecting his busted ribs he walked towards holding cell 2 where Smith was waiting.

"Craig, that was stupid man, Smith whispered. "You want to end up dead."

"Hey, at least I tried," Craig responded. Besides...........

"Shut up," said Rogers. Turning to the guards, "Get them to work."