Zion Cometh #17"
By: Patia Zoei, Chief Counselor, [PC]

Stardate: 58202.25 2345

=Qul Tuq Station=

Patia paced slowly in front of the observation deck, looking out at her new assignment.

As she gazed at the ship, she felt waves of emotions emanating from its crew. There was the raw edge of fear of the unknown coming from the new recruits. Intermingled with the fear was enthusiasm, pride and, in some instances, a euphoria of sorts. Frightening to her was a dark shadow that seemed to cross the ship. She couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from, other than it was from the crew already on board. She shivered slightly as she turned away from the view.

"Well, Patia," she said to herself, "this is what you have trained for all these years. All of the education and the initial duty station on the transporter have brought you to your lifelong goal. As of today, you are a counselor for a sovereign class star ship. Michelio is so proud of you, now you need to trust in your own abilities. You have the background, you have the knowledge, and you have the skills, believe in your ability to use them."

She turned back to the observation deck, tapped her communicator, "Zoie to Zion, one to beam up."