Introductions and Memories "
By: Ian Hunter, Commanding Officer, [PC]
Pierre D'Aubigne, Flight Control Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58208.05 1030

Pierre left ensign Forrester with the intention of going to see medical for his physical, but something made him go to the turbolifts. He stepped in and asked for the bridge.

He wanted to see his office, the helm of the ship, the very aspect that brings him innumerable joy. The turbolift came to a stop and he stepped onto the bridge. He noticed the man in the captain seat and his logic dictated that this indeed may actually be the captain.

He approached him and stood sharply to attention. "Lieutenant Pierre D'Aubigne reporting for duty sir."

Hunter looked up, he recognized the face as well as the name. He regarded the young officer for a moment, "you are early, I wasn't expecting to see you until after 1500."

"I couldn't resist sir, I needed to see what she looked like." He looked around the bridge.

"Very well, at ease Lieutenant."

Pierre relaxed, but still remained a air of respect.

"Well then, since you are here," said Hunter standing, "let's continue this conversation in my ready room."

He nodded at the tactical officer to take the bridge.

As the door of the ready room closed, Hunter turned, setting the padd down on the desk.

"Mr. Pierre D'Aubigne, 32 years old, born in France, piloted the USS Apache into Maquis territory," he said with a slight smile as he gestured for him to have a seat.

"That was quite the hair raising experience sir, one that I would redo in an instant." he said as he took the offered seat.

"It must have been. Please," he replied, "indulge me with the circumstances." "Our captain made the decision, the Federation no longer stood on the principles on which it was founded, so we took off. However, two ships, The Freedom and the Zulu intercepted us. When they learned what our intentions were, well, let's just say that when two Federation ships are attacking you for being a traitor and you get one of your Nacelles knocked out..."

***** Stardate: 57312

"Left Nacelle has just been destroyed sir! We're out of Warp!" Pierre screamed out.

"Dammit Frenchie, what the hell are you doing?" The captain jumped.

"Well, I'm sailing this boat sir." He replied nonchalantly.

"Getting us killed more like it."

"Well, Horatio had his leg blown off didn't he?" Pierre defended himself. "And look what happened to him."

The Captain glared at his pilot.

"Sir, the Zulu's coming around for a second run." The strategic officer announced.

The captain looked down at the floor coming up with a plan. "We can't hold out much longer."

"Brace for impact!" The strategic officer shouted as a photon torpedo headed their way.

Pierre banked as much as he could and the torpedo hit the remains of the left nacelle making the Apache more sluggish.

"Dammit engineering! What can you do for us?" The captain asked.

The strategic officer looked up, "How about we use the high energy photon torpedoes on the ships? You know those new experimental ones we got stocked with?"

"How do you propose to do that?" The captain asked.

"We focus our attention on the Freedom and get in close to her."

The captain looked to Pierre. "Well, can you do that?"

"Do the French like garlic, cheese and wine?" Pierre responded.

"Well get on with it." With that the Strategic officer left the bridge.

Pierre took controls. "Come mademoiselle Apache, you know you want to." He took the Apache in wide arc and brought it around to face the freedom. He instantly pushed the impulse power to full and went straight for the Freedom. As he approached, he reversed thrusters port side. His heart went into his throat, he hoped it would work. It took a while, but eventually, the Apache obeyed and the tail spun around bringing the Apache parallel to the Freedom.

Instantly, the Zulu backed off from using torpedoes for fear of hitting the Freedom. The battle raged now between the Freedom and Apache as the shot off at each other at point blank range. The shields held out for a while but then started to fail.

"Sir, torpedoes are ready." They all heard the Strategic officers voice over the comms.

"Lock onto the Freedom. Pierre, NOW!" The captain cried and immediately Pierre hit all stop. The ship came to a rest as the first of the torpedoes were launched and hit smack into Freedom's hull. Another round was fired this time knocking out the ship completely.

Pierre immediately hit the ship into full impulse power. They had taken care of the Freedom and all that Pierre could do was get the Apache into Maquis territory. The ship didn't obey. "Come on, don't die on me now." Pierre pleaded.

The ship again obeyed as the engineer manage to get some power rerouted. The weapons officer locked onto the Zulu and fired a shot.

***** "We manage to cripple the Zulu. Later, we got into Maquis territory and discovered that we had actually very little of thos torpedos. Captain was visibly relieved.

Hunter nodded and leaned forward, "Good story," he said with a nod, "so... You've received your orientation material from Lieutenant Forrester and you are ready to start?"

"Most definitely sir. However I still need to get to sickbay for my medical and then Bob's your aunty, I mean uncle."

"That's all I have for you," said Hunter gesturing with his palms up, "do you have any questions?"

"None whatsoever sir."

Hunter stood up, "Very well. There is a security briefing at 0745 tomorrow on the observation deck. Dismissed."