Shakedown #156"
By: Charles Atwood, Chief Intelligence Officer, [PST]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.01 1800

58203.01 1800

After Hunter had left sickbay, teilani went to her office, to check what the status of the analyses was. It still was not finished, so she had to be patient.

While she was sitting down she felt again a strong headache popping up. She started thinking about her nightmare, flashes of it appeared before her eyes. Not again she thought.

Charles was walking from his office to Miranda's He was already late for his appointment with Mellissa so he was in a hurry, Suddenly felt a very big gap in his telepathic shield, so big that it activate his powers. He decided to locate the source of that cry for help and he started to go to sickbay and as he entered the doctor's office, he found Ensign Teilane Dane the new medical officer showing marks of despair, He looked at her and said

"Hello Ensign how can I be of assistance I know you are in a lot of pain...Sorry Lt. Jg Charles Atwood, Intelligence Officer", said Charles.

"Hello Lieutenant, nice to meet you but what do you mean, I only have a headache, there is nothing wrong with me", she responded a little annoyed. However, Teilani could not prevent her hands from shaking.

"Look Ensign I'm 100% Empathic and I just felt a loud cry for help so big that bypassed my shields and activate my gifts...besides I'm also the Intelligence Officer for this ship so I have access to some information that's not at everyone's disposal so you don't have to pretend with me", said Charles trying not to sound so rude.

"I do apologies lieutenant; it has been a hectic day. I appreciate you help. However, I do not know if you can help me. Have you ever had the feeling that you were in a crowd and yet felt so alone", Answered Thelani with a smile.

Teilani paused for a second. Then she continued, "it is not only that lieutenant. It is also Ensign Favor, I have the feeling that she does not like me. I tried to be nice to her, I even invited her to Miranda' s just to get acquinted. Although I outrank her it certainly not my intention to take over her patient. We are a team, at least I think we are. Silvio would not have survived if it was not for her".

Teilani stopped, "excuse me Lieutenant, you have not come here to listen to the problems of sickbay"

"Have you any idea how you can help me, the flashed back are getting worse Teilani asked softly. Shouldn't it be better if I made some appointments with the ships counsellor on this".

"Well of course I got some, but the first part of the solution Ens. is exactly that...I mean being able to listen all your problems without the pressure of being the counselor of the ship. I'm not saying that you shouldn't take those sessions by all means do it but I am here to help and as Intelligence Officer I'll also need to debrief you in that matter, but one thing at the time, please tell me how frequent are the flashbacks?", Said Charles

"They re-appear more often now, to be honest it started just before the attack on KittyHawk. it always begins with a headache, the images are getting more vivid. It is as if I have forgotten something to do",Teilani responded.

"You know, about the attack, the more I think of it, the more I have this funny idea that they were helped from the inside", she continued.

"I have'nt been in combat too often but the way the attack was organized it was as if they knew we were there and where they needed to strike. Where there any indications that this might have been the case?", she asked Charles

"I'm afraid that for the moment all the intel concerning the KittyHawk's attack is classified, but I'm working around the clock to develop that mystery...For now let's focus on your problems we'll have time to debrief you later ok?", was his answer.

"Of course", Teilani responded. "What do you have in mind.?"

"Well, I'm here to listen but i got one or 2 meditation tecniques that might help you...The best one is the Fear lethany it goes like this 'Fear is my enemy I would let it pass through me and over me and after it does nothing will remain just me'", said Charles adopting a meditating atitude.

Well I will try this, so I need to start repeating this each time I feel a headache comming up. Like a mantra???

"Yup, Pretty much I want you to have meditating sessions regularly with me once a week so we can start the cleaning process", said charles with a smile.

"Thanks Luitenant, I will let you know if it works or not. Also just let me know when you have time for the debriefing.

"Don't Worry Ens I will", he said as he was leaving

After Charles had left Teilani sat back in her chair, glad that someone was able to help her trying to stay focused.

Her little gathering with Charles had taken about 1 hr and it was finally time to retire. With a last look at her two patients and some last instructions for the nightnurse Teilani went back to her quarters.