Bajor: Goodbye "
By: Clarice, Orphan , [RNPC]
Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Giuseppe Silvio, Chief Engineer, [RNPC]
Lyrr , Orphan , [NPC]
Margaret Rose MacAlister , Marine CO, [RNPC]

Stardate: 58207.21 1600

==Bajor - Kalkyra, Rakantha Province==

Wright picked up his bag and left the clinic office. He walked through the hospital section. He had not gotten the restful vacation that he had hoped for, but oddly enough he felt better than he had in years.

"Are you leaving Doc?"

Wright turned and looked at Lyrr who was still recovering in the clinic. "I'm afraid so," said Wright. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm feeling better. The Maquis doctors that have been here tell me that I should be able to get out of here soon."

"And what are your plans then?" asked Wright, "I hope this gang business is over."

Lyrr looked away for a moment, "Those days are behind me," he said. "I've been adopted."

"Really," said Wright, a bit surprised.

"Yeah, remember Jess, the person who's house we, accidentally, burned down?" Lyrr smiled happily. "They are going to adopt me."

"Well, congratulations Lyrr," said Wright.

"Of course, the first thing I have to do is help him rebuild his house," said Lyrr sheepishly.

"I thought the Major's Marines offered to help him with that," asked Wright.

"They did," replied Lyrr, "but Jess declined. Told them it was my job. Can you believe that?"

Wright laughed, "Yes I can. It will be good for you."

"You have a strange idea of what 'good' is Doctor," said Lyrr.

"Maybe so," said Wright. "You take care Lyrr. Stay out of trouble." Wright shook Lyrr's hand and then left the clinic.

Once outside Wright stopped to watch as several of Madge's marines and some of the local people put the finishing touches on an addition to the clinic. Before she left, Sister Moira had suggested turning the clinic into an orphanage. Several of Lyrr's former gang members and the Marines had worked together to build a dormitory onto the clinic.

Wright hung his bag over his shoulder and walked over to where Madge was talking to a young Bajoran and waited for her to finish her conversation.

Madge was instantly aware of Wright's presence and made a slight gesture that let him know she was. She smiled warmly at the young Bajoran and nodded. "Aye laddie, when ye finish school," Madge assured him as she scribbled something on a small piece of paper she held and handed it to him. "Study hard and keep yer grades up," she added, smiling as the beaming boy took the paper and saluted her smartly before leaving.

"It's looking pretty good," observed Wright.

"Aye, 'tis a fine structure," Madge nodded as her blue gaze assessed the building. "The wee bairns will have a nice warm place ta live," she observed. "What about ye, doctor?" she motioned to the bag over his shoulder.

"I've been recalled to QulTuq," explained Wright. "It's time for me to go."

"Ach. Well, it had ta happen sooner or later," Madge smiled at him. "It was being my pleasure ta meet ye, doctor."

"Thank you for all your help Mac," said Wright. "This would have turned out a lot differently without you."

Madge snorted softly and shook her head a bit. "I was glad ta be of help, but I think ye'd have found a way ta manage without me, doctor," she tipped her head to eye him a bit. "I think there is more ta ye that meets the eye," she added, still only knowing him as a medical doctor and only having a vague suspicion of what he was really capable of.

"Perhaps we'll meet again before I'm reassigned. The boys and I will be going back to QulTuq as soon as they're finished. My free time is almost up. 'Tis back ta work for me," she told him.

"I sure hope so," he said extending his hand to shake hers. "Take care Mac."

"And ye do the same, Doctor," Madge smiled as she took his hand and shook it. "What's tae become of the lass now?"

Wright sighed. He did not have an easy answer for that questions. "I am going to try to see if I can find help for her through Maquis channels," he said. "Sister Moira is also going to see if she can find her a family. She really needs a family."

"Aye, that she does," Madge agreed. "I'll keep my eyes and ears opened too. Ye never know what I may hear," she smiled. "The lass deserves tae have someone tae love her."

"Have you see Clarice lately?" asked Wright. He did not want to leave without saying goodbye.

"No, I haven't," she frowned. "I was looking for her myself."

"Thank you," said Wright, "maybe I'll run into her on my way out."

With a wave, Wright continued on toward the base camp. After they had restored communications, Wright and Madge had contacted both the Maquis and Bajoran authorities and now the whole place was buzzing with activity. They were jointly studying the nanophage facility as well as the designer weapon. Whole teams of medical and science personnel had descended upon this quiet little village. As a result, they had set up a base camp just on the outskirts.

Wright had spent most of the last two weeks in this camp debriefing with the Maqui and Bajoran authorities. Toward the end he was not sure if it was better before they came or after. It seemed that the Bajoran government was unhappy about finding a hidden Cardassian base but it you asked Wright they should have been embarrassed by the poor situation these people were in to begin with.

Wright passed a security checkpoint and entered the base camp. He made his way to the shuttle landing zone. Wright paused to look around. After a few moments he spotted what he was looking for. Lieutenant Silvio stood near two of the Zion's shuttles.

Wright made his way toward him but was cut off by Clarice, who he was surprised to see suddenly standing in front of him. "Hello," said Wright. The two of them continued walking toward the shuttle. "I was wondering where you were."

"I sneaked into the base to say goodbye," admitted Clarice.

Wright shook his head and smiled, "You are a sneaky one. I shutter to think about what you could do on a starship with all its places to hide."

"I've spent my life finding places to hide. I'm very good at it," she said. The two of them reach Silvio.

"Hello Commander," said Silvio. "Your chariot awaits." Silvio smiled and gestured towards his shuttle.

"Hello Silvio," said Wright. "This is..." Wright paused in the middle of his introduction.

"I'm Clarice," said the young girl holding her hand out for Silvio to shake.

"Hello Clarice," replied Silvio shaking her hand. "I am Silvio."

"What is our status," asked Wright.

"Alvarez is waiting for return cargo," he said pointing toward the second shuttle. "I'm ready to go when you are."

"Very good," said Wright. "Fire her up. I'll join you in a moment."

"Yes Sir," said Silvio. "Nice to meet you," said Silvio to Clarice before he retreated into the shuttle.

"Here," said Clarice, shoving a small round disk into his hand. "The sister and Barl helped me get this made for you.

Wright studied the disk and then thumbed its activation switch. A small holographic image of Clarice now stood in the palm of his hand smiling at him. "Thank you very much," said Wright.

"Maybe you will come back for a visit more often now," said Clarice.

Wright nodded. "The sister and I are going to keep looking for a good home for you," said Wright. "I promise."

Clarice suddenly hugged Wright. "You better get going," she said.

Wright said his goodbyes and boarded the shuttle. Clarice watched at the shuttle doors closed. "I've already found someone to be my father," she said with tears filling her eyes.