A Cinderella Tale "
By: Bart "Burner" Reed, FIghter Pilot , [RNPC]

Stardate: 58207.09 1600

The hatch of the Bajoran shuttle opened slowly and a small ramp extended.

"We made it," announced Blitzer.

"Of course we made it," said Burner standing up from the pilot's chair. "Did you have any doubt?"

"I was a little worried about the fuel," Max admitted.

Burner shrugged it off, "In the hands of another pilot that might have been a problem," he said.

"It's a good thing I was with you two then," Maxie smiled at both the pilots as she stood and adjusted her clothing, tugging slightly on the hem of her skirt.

Blitzer tapped the com panel on his console, "Security, we're requesting an escort, shuttlebay 27 please."

Blitzer unfastened his safety restraints and got up, giving Max a brief hug. "Thanks for coming along," he said.

"'ey, Kitty.." she hugged him back and rubbed her cheek against his whiskers. "Thanks for the adventure," she grinned up at him.

Burner watched the two of them and rolled his eyes. He looked at the Ferengi and was almost sure he rolled his eyes too. "What are we going to do with him?" asked Burner.

The Ferengi turned his head sharply to see around the bulkhead at what was happening.

Unbinding the Ferengi, Blitzer nodded for him to stand up. "We're here."

The Ferengi stood, "Where are we?"

"Qul Tuq," responded Blitzer acting a little more professional toward the castaway.

Mok blinked, "Qul Tuq? Wh-what are we doing here?"

"We're Maquis," said Blitzer.

"Mah..." the Ferengi blinked, "You guys were on a secret mission weren't you?"

Maxine slipped her personal computer into her pack and looked over at the Ferengi. "Well... We're Maquis," she echoed Blitzer's words as if that explained everything, neither confirming or denying that they were on a secret mission and letting the Ferengi jump to his own conclusions.

The Ferengi was captivated by the possibility of what Max had suggested. Blitzer tugged gently on his arm, urging him along. They walked out the shuttle door and down the ramp. Two Security guards were approaching the shuttle from across the bay. "These men will debrief you," said Blitzer, "wait here."

Blitzer met the guards and explained to them quietly what had happened. "Just don't let him follow us," Blitzer said.

The security officers smirked a little and agreed.

Blitzer turned and motioned for Mok. With a hurried little Ferengi gait he approached the officers, "I'm ready for my debriefing," he said.

The big Cait smiled and winked as they escorted him away.

Max and Burner were walking in his direction, when Burner got closer Blitzer put his arm around Burner's shoulder, "Say, buddy..." said Blitzer, "I hope you have a few credits stashed some where, the little lady bailed you out," he said, gesturing with his eyebrows.

"Actually, we *both* bailed y'out," Max added and wrapped an arm about Burner's waist and then grinned over at Blitzer when she gave it a squeeze, acting for all the world like they were all three great pals.

Burner stopped walking, "Gee," he began, "ain't this a tender moment. I don't know what I did to deserve such wonderful friends." He paused for a moment, inspecting his boots, "How much?" he asked without looking at them.

"Fifty-one bars of latnium," said Blitzer shaking his head sympathetically.

Burner started walking again, "Thanks guys, I will find it somewhere." Burner turned around and faced them, "I'm going to get cleaned up. I assume there is a briefing on this new project you were talking about?"

"Yeah," said Blitzer, "we'll let Harry know we're back," he said beaming as he thought about the Pegasus. "I can't wait to show it to you."

"Which reminds me..." Max held up a finger but before she could finish, Krystal popped into view with her hands on her hips and her foot tapping mid-air as she looked from Max to Blitzer and back, including Burner in her *look*.

Buner flashed the pixie a smile and a quick wink.

"It's about *time* you got back!" She announced like she hadn't been with them at all.

Maxine quirked a brow at her. "Did you correlate your copies?" she asked her.

"Affirmative. Your dragon has been following Harry around like a lost puppy," Krystal informed them.

Blitzer smiled, "You should probably go check on it. We'll meet up later."

"'Her',' she corrected. "And roight, I better do that," Maxine agreed and waved to both the pilots. "Catch you two later," she smiled at them and then hurried off with Krystal trailing pixie dust behind her and talking a mile a minute.

"Later," said Burner. Turning to Blitzer he said, "Let me know when the briefing is. I'll be there ready to go."

===Bajoran Shuttle===

One of the young cadets assigned to shuttle maintenance detail laid out the cargo net when his eyes spotted something which didn't belong on the shuttle. He held it up for the other cadets to see.

"Is this what I think it is?"

One of the other cadets beamed with a face splitting grin. "Sure looks like it."

Another turned his head and went back to work, "I guess they get all the fun."

The other cadet nodded, "Hey, you gonna turn that in?"

"Nah," said the cadet fancying his find, "I think I'll try to return it to its rightful owner."

"Like Cinderella's story?" said one of the cadets with a laugh.

"Cinder what?"