It is Logical "
By: Jonathan Wright, Executive Officer, [PC]
Sarik, Chief Science Officer, [PST]

Stardate: 58202.25 1115

=USS Zion - CSO's Office= Sarik walked with his gear down the corridor, he had just entered the Zion and was going straight to his new office. There were some preparations to make before they could get started. He entered the Science labs. They were larger then he had expected them. Perhaps his calculations weren't right, or the specs on the PADD were wrong. It must be latter he thought. He entered his office. It was large for a science Officer, he knew that he would spend most of his days here, and such an office was welcome. He sat down and unpacked his gear. It was most logical to install everything as soon as possible so he could get to work immediately. He downloaded the files he brought along from his own research on Vulcan, and installed some more programs he was using with his research. Then he checked the computer to see if it was suitable enough for him. He figured that he wanted some adjustments, but just as he started to make a plan for it the door chime rang.

"You may enter." He was not surprised that he saw someone new. As he stood up he looked at the officer.

Wright entered Sarik's office and stood before the Vulcan. He held up his hand in the traditional Vulcan gesture and said "Peace and long life Sarik"

"Live long and prosper." Returned Sarik. He gestured that he could come in and sit down.

"I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I am Commander John Wright." Said Wright.

"I read the reports, you seem a qualified officer for that position. It is good to meet you. "

"I see you are getting settled into your office. I trust that you have everything you need?"

"My needs are sufficiently satisfied. I believe I will make some adjustments to the computer system already as well as a general check up of everything around."

"We will be starting our initial shakedown cruise in a few days. I would like you to put together a plan to thoroughly test all of the ships sensors and scientific equipment." Said Wright.

"That will be most fortunate, i will check all equipment and run some diagnostics."

"If you run into an issues or need any resources from me. Please to not hesitate to bring them to my attention." Said Wright

"Thank you, your help is appreciated but I think I have everything under control. However there is one issue I would like to discuss at this moment."

"Go ahead Lieutenant."

"I am curious about my staff, when will they arrive, this science lab requires some personal to operate efficiently."

John picked up a PADD from Sarik's desk and pulled up the duty roster for the science department and handed the PADD to Sarik. "You will find the names and history of all the science staff assigned to the Zion on this list. You will notice there are varying levels of experience in the list." Wright paused, "I will trust you to put the right people in the right positions. I would also hope that you would place the less experienced staff in positions where they might develop their skills and expand their knowledge."

"Very well, I will look into the various applicants that have been provided by you and the captain. I will notify you shortly who I find suitable for this science lab."

"I will leave you to your work." Wright said.

"Thank you, commander Wright." Sarik nodded to Wright and he sat down behind his computer to start working on the changes he had in mind.