Shakedown #119"
By: Miranda, Lounge Manager, [RNPC]
Teilani Dane, Chief Medical Officer, [PC]

Stardate: 58203.02 0115

58203.02 0115

Doctor Teilani’s quarters

Crouched back on her heels, Teilani could feel the cold seeping into her bones thru the skin on her bare feet. She remained still, her arms wrapped around her knees, eyes closed. The wind whipped past her, dragging her hair behind her in a long sable sweep. It caught in the shell of her ears, ringing, forcing her to twitch every so often.

Teilani tried desperately to remain calm, humming some nameless tune over and over in her mind. Don't think, don't look, don't see, don't know....her became her world until something brushed against her foot causing the fear to race thru her system like lightening. "No," she whispered, "no."

She heard the sounds despite the winds howling and cringed. was coming. They were here. Run, her mind told Her body remained frozen in the crouch, unable to move. She swallowed, panic rising until she couldn't stand it....her mantra gone on the winds.

As she opened her eyes, the first thing she glimpsed were the bloodied fingers that had fallen across her toes. Her gasp of breath brought her head up and the body the fingers belonged to appeared in front of her. Eviscerated, entrails spread over the next body, she vomited. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she forced herself to look further.

Another body and another...the dim light of the darkened sky...smoke,broken equipment.. In the hallways, as far as she could see, only bodies....dead. She remained in the only square foot that was not occupied by someone dead. Some mangled remnant of humanity. The only square foot not drenched in blood and gore.

Knuckles to her lips, she murmured apologies as she put her toes forward, inwardly shrinking away from the task ahead of her. The softness and warmth of the nearest body against her foot made her vomit once more. Nothing but bile, her stomach empty.

One step forward and the scream that ripped from her.... HELP ME, HELP ME PLEASE!!!

What Teilani did not know was that her unconscious mind had reached out to every empath on board...

Charles was sleeping when he heard the telepathic cry of Teilani so he decided to answer with the only thing he thought will calm him "Fear is my enemy I would let it pass throug me and over me and after it does nothing shall remain just me", remember Teilani remember he said telepathicly

The ripping scream had woken Teilani herself.

==Counselor’s quarters==

Zoei jolted awake. For the fifth time tonight, someone else’s subconscious intruded into her dreams. The nightmares of the survivors of the Kittyhawk seemed to be intensifying. It was time to begin the group sessions. Hopefully, the crew would be receptive and be able to begin working through the issues surrounding the arrival on board the Zion.

“Computer,” Zoei sleepily called. “Computer, message for Counselor Zoei’s calendar. Please add contact Doctor Teilani for 0800. Notation: Discuss nightmares and ways to cope. Computer, send message.”

Zoei laid back down. Since the images from the doctor were fading, she was going to attempt to get a little more rest before duty called.

==Teilani’s quarters==

"A nightmare, ....a nightmare." Teilani closed her eyes and swallowed at the images that re-inserted themselves into her memory. She could feel the bile rise and barely made it to the bath.

As she was trying to her self steady again, she felt a slight shiver go through the ship. Hm she thought there seems to be something wrong with the engines. Perhaps we need an oil check.

As she was going back to bed she tossed and turned but could not get back to sleep. This is ridiculous she said out loud, Well lets see if there is someone at the lounge I could do with a light snack.

She put on her uniform and with a last look in the mirror, it looked like she was hit by a train, Teilani went out the door. Taking the turbolift to the lounge she saw a couple of new faces - ones he hadn't yet met since her arrival less than a few days ago.


It did not take long before she reached Minanda’s. There was hardly anyone there besides the proprietor of Miranda's Hello, I do not believe we have met yet, Teilani said to Miranda whiles sticking out her hand.

"Hello doctor." Minada began. She could tell that the doctor was stressed. "I manage the ship's lounge. I thought I would take a little break. Care to join me?”

I love to, I have not been able to sleep so I thought it was a good idea to get myself familiarized with the ship and its crew." Teilani responded.

“Can I get you anything?” asked Miranda.

“I would love a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup and a glass of water." She replied.

“You have a seat and I will get that for you.” Said Miranda as she walked over to the replicator. Moments later Miranda returned with a large bowl soup and a glass of water for the doctor. She also had a galss for her self. After serving Teilani’s food Miranda sat down .

"Sorry if I was rambling on about my nightmares, tell me, how did you get here. I am born on Mars, and you?"

"I am El-Aurian.” She replied, looking at the Ensign. "You look a little stressed."

Teilani nodded, “True, ever since I have been rescued from the Kittyhawk I have these awful nightmares. It is as if I have forgotten something. I see images of dead people etc” Teilani spent a few minutes telling Miranda about her dreams. She paused, “Look Miranda, sorry that I am troubling you with this but I needed to get this out of the open.”

“It is no trouble at all. As most people know listening is one of the things El-Aurian’s do best.” Replied Miranda. “Tell me, have you spoken to anyone about these dreams that you have been having?”

I did speak to Lieutenant Atwood about it, and he told me to make an appointment with the ships counselor.

I had the opportunity to meet the ships counselor. She struck me as a rather insightful youg woman.” Said Miranda.

I know I have already met but I am afraid that she just considers me as a nut case. Teilani gniffeld.

“I doubt that.” Said Miranda, “That is not how counselors usually work.” She paused, “How are you settling in to your new job on this ship?”

“You know it is amazing there is so much to do and this is a big ship but yet I feel so alone. I tried to bury myself in my work but that does not seem to work. This is getting even worse when a certain member of the medical staff give you the feeling that you are unwanted. She is probably afraid that I will take over her patient, and this is not true, we should work together as a team.”

It was the first time Teilani had outspoken her thoughts about Ensign Favor, and she was glad that she had found somebody who just listened.

“I tried to be nice to her Teilani continued but she will not allow herself to get to know me and visa versa. I even invited her to meet me her but no response.”

Miranda looked thoughtfully at the new doctor. She could see much pain in her eyes, too much pain for someone so young. “I have not had the chance to meet Ensign Favor, however, I have read her rather interesting MWR Memos. Perhaps she justneeds some time to get used to you. Sometimes time has a way of resolving problems.”

You are maybe right, I'll just leave her be. Teilani took a sip of her soup, the warmth of it felt good. We'll just see what time brings Teilani replied.

“Gee look at the time, I have been taking up so much off your time.” Teilani said regretfully as she stood up. “Lets just see if I can get some shut eye. Thanks for the soup Miranda and for a free ear.”

“Anytime doctor. I am right here.” Said Miranda.